
Reborn in game of thrones as a dark lord

Justin_Swart · TV
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8 Chs

chapter 2 :Lets get to work.

(Hello everyone before I start just gonna say I am gonna keep the mc original name but want to change his name

And know girls that will be in the harem.

-Elia Martel

-Ashara Dane

And maybe Jana Tyrall

If you wish for anyone else or give suggestions leave it in the comments.)

(In an alleyway in Gullontown A 8 name day boy lay against the wall)

(Mc pow)

I grunted as I slowly woke up with my confusion I rubbed my eyes with my little hands and froze as I stared at my hands.

"Wait what, why are my hands so small?"

Then it struck me like lightning remembering what happened and what Afrul told me then I realized must be in my new body.

I slowly stood up on my shaky legs and went to a nearby window as I was walking I noticed how weak my body was and wondered why but I started slowly remembering

This body prevents the host was born a bastred his mother worked as a tavern waiter but one day some fancy lord came and fucked her making the child in die process that is me now.

The lord ran off back to his lands leaving the pregnant woman to die and when the child was born she died in the birth from blood loss.

From what I can see the body I have now grown up in the streets with torn rags that cover my body bruised from fights and a skeleton-like body due to lack of proper food.

As I come to the window and look at my reflection I see i young skinny boy with charcoal hair a rag that acts as a bandage covering my forehead and my piercing sliver-slited eyes.

"So it is real I am in Westeros now," I spoke with a statement.

"Ok let's look at what I got." I began looking around to find anything useful.

I had found a piece of sharp glass a few dirty rags along with rotten food a large piece of cloth in a nother alleyway next door and a stick with rocks and peppels.

Not the greatest of fines but I can make a few plans with this first.

I took the dirty rag and tied it under the piece of sharp glass to make a makeshift knife.

Then I grabbed the new glass knife and cut the cloth to make a few pieces first I made a makeshift bandana to hide my lower face and hair.

Then I garbed the stones and pebbles and placed them in a few different bundles for different weights.

Next, I tied the cloth around the stone and pebbles to inmate a coin bag.

It was nighttime time so there weren't many people in the streets I sat down resting my head against the wall and thought through everything until the sun came up.

Then I knew things that I thought were not possible but then I remembered Afrul's words about the info in my head.

That's when I realized these were the gifts he was talking about and fuck do I love them.

Because of them, my plans can go very smoothly tomorrow the first gift I see is some sort of shadow magic trick to make it to where I am near unnoticeable.

The second one was where I had a lot more stamina than a normal human should have.

Thirdly and lastly clear site it gives my eyes the ability to see through things and better sight as well as allows me to see farther away Luke a hawk.

But I can't see through thick or multiple things at once I have to focus on one thing.

Great now I have to wait for the sun to come up fond a busy street and pull off my plan as I grind.

(Mid-day of Gullatown where the sun is at its highest)

I looked around to find the busiest street and I found it a marketplace that is very crowded where many merchants civilians and fancy rich lords are but there a quite a few guards around as well.

"Right let's do this" I begin walking among the crowd using my gift to go unnoticed.

I spotted a merchant with a sack coin on his side and slowly but surely snack up and used my make-shift glass knife to cut the string holding the coins in place and replace it with a sack of pebbles.

I quickly moved off to get away before he noticed his coins were gone.

As I rounded a corner and hid the stolen coins under a loose brick that I cut out.

Before I started my plan I cut a few bricks loose from the house to create stashes to hide what I stole if I was caught they would not have proof I stole anything.

And so it went as a continue my plan targeting merchants and civilians alike.

I left the lords and Nobles alone for now because I don't want attention on me just yet but luckily the guards are lazy and corrupt.

So I made a lot of coins that day and stole a few pieces of bread and fruit from a merchant as he was busy with another person so now I have food.

While it began to become night once more I went around to my makeshift stashes to retrieve all that I stole.

I hid in a run-down house on the outskirts of the town where there was no one and counted my coins and boy was it a lot.

- 233 gold dragons

-646 silver dragons

- 1387 copper dragons

Yeah, I made a lot I even stole some clothes that were drying off to make myself proper for when I am going buy stuff so that people don't get suspicious.

I mean would you trust a dirty ragged boy with a lot of coins and not find it suspicious I know I wouldn't.

But I at least have a great start so far and I hope it keeps going like this because I need a lot of coins to make my planes I have work.

As I was thinking of future planes I made a net thief suit from all the clothes I stole I look like a proper thief now because it's just civilian clothes.

I mean it's just boring normal clothes have to blend in all and not stick out like a sour thumb after all.

But I'll keep this up and make a lot of coin then get proper and better gear before I start doing risky stuff.

But that is for the future and I am dead tired and drifted off to sleep and dreamed of all I want to do.

(Hope you guys enjoyed plz leave a comment on any ideas you guys might have or suggestions but you all have a nice day.)(Hello everyone before I start just gonna say I am gonna keep the mc original name but want to change his name

And know girls that will be in the harem.

-Elia Martel

-Ashara Dane

And maybe Jana Tyral

If you wish for anyone else or give suggestions leave it in the comments.)