
Reborn in fire and steel

The stench of blood hung in the air. Screams of pain and anguish filled his ears, but not before the water could clog them. He gasped for any semblance of air as he sloshed around in the water. He felt as if he was dying, again. {Not my art, artist can tell me to take it down and I will} {Updates: Whenever I feel like it}

TheDerpieGod · Acción
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4 Chs

“Eyes cannot hide a woman’s love for a man.”

The void was back. But it was different, softer. And this time it felt thinner, like it could break anytime. Sounds kept leaking into this new darkness as well. Soft, gentle sounds like someone turning over in bed or whispering. The thin barrier of darkness allowed me to feel some things as well, such as someone patting my head. I knew it was happening but at the same time I didn't, maybe because the darkness was just thick enough to keep me oblivious. But it did not last long, the sounds got louder, the touches felt stronger and the darkness could not hold me, and for the second time in my life, I escaped the void.

With my eyes gently opening up like curtains, light streamed in and blinded me. My eyelids fluttered up and down, trying to let my eyes adjust. Once that little problem was fixed, I realized I was laying down on the ground, staring up at a white cloth roof, A.K.A, a tent. I tried to move my body around only for practically nothing to happen. At most, my hand moved around a bit. So the only other option was to shout for help despite my throat being dry as all hell and my chest hurting from just thinking about breathing. The result was a small groan.

I kept trying to move and scream for a while, making some progress. The small groan was downgraded into some grunting noises and my attempts to move were awarded little to nothing. Fortunately, my leg was back in action as it made the most noise as I swung it around. I was getting tired though, so I kept the movement to a minimum and focused on my voice. Which in turn only worsened, so I had to give up unless I wanted to be able to make no sound at all.

Then suddenly, I heard some rustling movements, the tent was opening. I clearly heard someone stepping in, I just couldn't see them as I was on my back. All I heard were sloshing sounds as if someone had a bucket of water. I then heard a small gasp.

"Arne, did you move?" Was all I heard before the person grabbed my leg. Realizing I had heard this voice before, I started to get excited. But with the memories of the voice also came memories, memories of the bodies. The feeling of sickness washed over me, and I let out a small wail. Before my voice could even finish coming out of my throat, she appeared, right in front of me. She stared right into my soul, just like before, except this time, I slowly blinked. Once she saw me do that, all I heard was a little yelp.

"Arne...You're awake?" I simply let out a guttural groan. She let another gasp before gripping my face, mounting me, then burying her face in my neck. All I heard were her muttering of 'Arne' as she tightly hugged me. I had no idea who this 'Arne' is or why she kept mistaking him for me, but with how hard she was gripping me, I practically had no choice but to moan in pain. Hearing this, she flew away from me, only to return to fuss over me.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you, my Krútt?" After calling me that weird pet name, she swiftly brought a bowl of water up to my lips. With her shoving the bowl in my mouth, the water forced its way down my throat. Coolness instantly spread throughout my body and my throat felt infinitely better. I chugged as much as my mouth would allow me, down to the last drop, before she withdrew the bowl away from me.

Feeling much better, I tried my hand in finally talking. Unfortunately, I still only produced strangling noises. With me making these concerning sounds, the woman once again began to fuss over me, telling me to stop trying to talk. After she calmed down, she began to press random parts of my body, then she would look at me to see my reaction.

Pretty much everywhere she pressed gave me intense agony. Every time I made a noise, she winced as if she could feel my pain. After she was done, she kept apologizing and proceeded to softly shower me with kisses on my face. I was completely confused at this sudden display of affection but couldn't do anything but let her continue.

Finally done with her nigh molestation of me, she looked at me lovingly, then she moved me around gently. She moved me further back on whatever I was laying on, then put something soft behind my head. After she finished adjusting me, she decided to lay down next to me, much to my dismay. She placed her head on my chest, which was still hurting, and crossed her legs with mine before she began humming.

It was pleasant, but I was still focusing on trying to move. The water seemed to have helped something if not my voice, as when I tried to move my hand, the entire arm shifted. The woman, seeing this, sprang up and began to encourage me to move. My entire body was still in complete suffering and it was hard to breathe, but I still struggled to move. After what seemed like 30 minutes, I could finally stand up, with help. I stumbled back onto the floor, which was pretty much just covered in wool blankets. My voice seemed to come back slowly as I could finally hum a bit. The woman looked ecstatic as she helped me sit down.

"Arne, let me go get Hakun, I'm sure he can help you. Don't worry ástin mín, you will be fine." She then hopped up and ran out of the tent. After she left, I was left to my thoughts. My mind struggled to accept everything that had happened to me, the memories didn't seem real. All the blood, the intestines. Everything overwhelmed me, I began to gasp for air as I recalled the blue pit. My chest panged in pain as I overexerted my lungs in an attempt to get air. Nothing seemed to come into my body and I was getting more and more lightheaded. My eyes darkened and just when I was about to return to the void again, someone hosted me up

"My sun?"

Also, that is not 'son' misspelled lol

TheDerpieGodcreators' thoughts