
Reborn in F.R.I.E.N.D.S

A young boy died and was granted a second chance at life, to be reincarnated into any world of his choice. So he choose the world which put a smile on his face, the one that taught him the true value of love and friendship. join our OC as he gets reborn into FRIENDS and how he will build and interact with his favorite characters. disclaimer I don't own any characters from the friends TV series except from my OC. patreon link patreon.com/AdamsWorld504

Adams2004 · TV
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23 Chs

The One with the Pregnancy

One Week Later


Ross: "no it's good, it is good, it's just that, doesn't she seem a little angry?"

Ross and a woman, named Marsha were taking a look at one of their latest collection, something of the cave men period, a man and a woman sculp.

Marsha: "well, she has issues"

Ross: "does she?"

Marsha: "of course, he's out there banging other women over the head with a club while she sits at home trying to get the mastodon smell off the carpet"

Ross raised an eyebrow at her and wondered if she has any problem with her husband recently.

Ross: "Marsha, see, these are cave people, okay, they have issues like 'gee, that glacier's getting kind of close' see?"

Marsha: "speaking of issues, isn't that your ex - wife?"

Marsha said when she spotted carol outside.

Ross turned to look if Carol was truly outside like Marsha just said and to his surprise, she was really there.

Ross: "no, no"

Marsha: "Carol hi"

Ross: "okay, yes, yes it is. How about I catch up with you in the ice age"

Ross said to Marsha while waving at Carol. After Marsha left, he told Carol to come in.

Ross who was nervous about meeting his ex - wife mistakenly removed one of the male statue's arm.

Carol came in and saw Ross picking the arm and they both looked at each other before saying Hi and hugged which scared Carol a little due to the fact that the arm which Ross picked was in her face when they hugged.

Ross dropped the arm and looked and Carol.

Ross: "you look great, I, umm, I hate that"

Carol: "sorry. Thanks, you look great too"

Ross: "well, you know, in here, anyone who ... stands ... erect ...."

Ross awkwardly said as he made reference to their current location.

Ross: "so, what's new? Still a ...?"

Carol: "a lesbian?"

Carol nodded to Ross's question.

Ross: "well, you never know. So how's umm...? How's the family?"

Carol: "ugh, Marty's still paranoid, oh, and.."

Ross who was now curious as to why Carol was even here in the first place decided to cut to the chase and ask her.

Ross: "Carol, why are you here, Carol?"

Carol was a little silent for a moment as what she was about to say will change the lives of not only Ross, but her's and her lover.

Carol: "sigh, I'm pregnant"

Ross: "pregnant"

When Ross heard her, he assumed the same pose as the male statue which Carol found weird.


Adam: "yes, but I want the rights on all of these characters, Thor, Hulk, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Namor, Fantastic Fours, Iron Man, Black Widow and other characters sold off to Sony, New line Cinema, Universal and Lionsgate before we purchase Marvel company and make Stan Lee, the CEO of the company once bought. Also, I want you to also purchase the DC Entertainment from Warner Brothers, I want everything to be sorted out before the end of this month and their HQ will be in the new building, so when you have purchased it, come over to Manhattan and arrange the necessaries on the floors for the company, as for the remaining equipment I gave you to give to SMART's Electronics, send someone to check if they are ready"

Adam was on a phone with his secretary as he gave her a list of what she was going to do this month.

"Yes, boss"

A female voice said from the other side of the phone.

Adam: "good, after this, I will give you a break, you deserve it"

"Thank you, Boss"

Adam: "no problem, I await good news from you"

Adam said as he disconnected the call and put his phone in his pocket and walked to the main contractor for his two project.

He was currently at one of the construction site, so he walked towards a man who was giving out a set of orders to the workers.

Adam: "hey, I can see, you are doing a great job, good work"

The main contractor looked back and saw Adam, his current boss, he immediately greeted him.

MC (Main Contractor): "thanks, I always do the best of what my employers want, especially you, Mr. Geller"

Adam: "I see, you are almost done with the building"

MC: "yes, we are just waiting for your people to do their technology stuffs and Viola, we proceed with the finishing touch"

Adam nodded as he envisioned the new building which he took inspiration from Tony Stark, from the Avengers, the first movie, but he made some extra things to spice it up.

Adam: "they will be here tomorrow. Now for the other building, how is things there"

MC: "umm, we demolished it just last week, and due to everything being ready, we have already through with the foundation"

Adam: "you are really good, I am glad I met someone like you, you are very effective, you will go far with that attitude, keep it up"

Adam said as he took a few glance at the building before he left.

Central Perk Coffee House

The gangs all gathered at their usual spots as they talked about Monica's parent during their visit.

Joey: "your folks are really that bad, huh"

Ross: "well, you know, these people are props, they know what they are doing, they take their time, they get. The. Job. Done"

Monica: "boy, I know, they say you can't change your parents, Boy, if you could, I'd want yours"

Ross went to kiss his sister's forehead before he went to the bathroom.

As soon as he went to ease himself, Adam came in.

Adam: "even at a time like this, you kids are all here, you all have nothing better to do"

Adam said as the coffee house was devoid of people and they are the only ones in it.

Monica: "yeah, got my day ruined"

Adam: "what happened, Judy?"

Monica: "you don't even need anyone to tell you that, did they?"

Chandler: "oh, that's not all, apparently, a certain lesbian is pregnant"

Adam: "WHAT, Carol is pregnant? Are you serious?"

Chandler: "could I be anymore serious"

Adam laughedast the thought of Carol's pregnancy as he remembered Ross's reaction in the scene, he wish he was their to see it personally.

Adam: "so, where is he right now?"

Phoebe: "bathroom"

It didn't take long for Ross to return and saw Adam smiling at him.

Ross: "you know"

Adam: "of course I know, you are going to be a father, congratulation. So what did she say?"

Ross: "she said I can be as involved as I want"

Adam: "so what's your decision, because, anything you do, you are still going to be a father and I will have to tell you this, don't even think of letting that kid grow up without a father"

Ross: "I know, that's why I would be going to that Sonogram thing with them tomorrow"

Adam: "count me in"

Adam decided to join Ross, because tomorrow will be where he was going to put those two lesbian lovers in their place.

Rachel: "you are weirdly interested in this pregnancy issue more than Ross"

Adam: "you don't understand, this is a new Geller, we are talking about, so of course, I would be interested"

Adam said to Rachel before he turned back to Ross.

Adam: "but man, I have to say, it just like everything is all about you lately, first your divorce, now, your ex - wife is pregnant, your life is pretty interesting"

Phoebe: "oh, don't forget about Rachel, she left a man at the alter"

Rachel: "real funny, Phoebe"

They all smiled at that before Gunther came to chase them out of the coffee house.

Author's Note

Next chapter tomorrow

Suggest Roles suitable for Joey to play