
Reborn in dragon ball

Imagine dying and then being granted 5 wishes. What would you do? Will in this story our main character wishes for the one and only thing he wished in his whole life. Being reincarnated in dragon ball. 1 chapter a day And every 10 reviews = 1 extra chapter. The only wish I can guarantee is 50 chapters of this story. Extra I'm a ’top class’ writer so expect so ’good’ writing. I'm not exaggerating my writing can even match the guy that made Romeo and Juliet. This novel will go done as THE national treasure in the history of mankind. Please point out if there are any mistakes in the description of this novel. Thanks Oh I forgot to say that you needed to interpret the extra part the opposite way.

L1_a · Otras
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26 Chs


The ki attack was an inch away from Tumi back and when the guys saw this his heart was felt with relief as this attack would most likely kill Tumi.

The ki attack came closer and closer to Tumi's body, the guy thought the ki had penetrated through Tumi's body but sadly for him the moment the attack came in contact with tumi, tumi disappeared from his position and reappeared being him.

While he appeared behind him, tumi used his left leg and did a devastating kick right towards the guy's head, which caused him to go flying to the right, he went away 40 meters before, suddenly he felt his body being hit by an even stronger force towards the ground.


The moment tumi kicked him he has appeared on the top of the body and kicked him down towards the ground with both of his legs.

The force that hit him caused the air to be pushed in a circle after that the attack hit him and sent him to the ground making a huge crater.

Tumi walked towards the other guy that had got up from the crater.

He looked at Tumi and said "you bastard" after he said that he charged towards tumi but before he could take anymore then 5 steps, Tumi appeared in front of him and grabbed him from his face, right above his mouth.

Tumi push the guy up making him seem like he was in a higher plane, but the moment they made eye contact for a second, tumi shot a ki blast from his hand.

The body fell on the floor as the part that Tumi was holding had disappeared and so he fell.

The guy had no head, he struggled for a second before dying, he looked like a fish out of water when his head was cut off.

The father of the leader of this group saw what was happening and immediately yelled out "stop this match, he's gonna kill my son".

He said that and immediately charges towards tumi to kill him so he couldn't harm his son.

He sent a ki blast towards tumi that had the backing of a person with a power level of, 70 million.

When tumi's father saw this, he immediately appeared in front of the ki blast and just deflected the attack like as if he was pushing a fly away.

"you dare attack my son" after he said that he appeared to the side the person and just threw a punch to his heart, the fist was mixed with ki, so it ignored the guy's outer body and went straight for the guy's.

The moment the ki came in contact with the heart, it made the hard explode.

The guy's heart exploded and he had no time to spread as he started to pour buckets of blood out of his mouth.

The guy started falling down towards the ground like a leave that just had let of a tree and was falling down.

Tumi's father disappeared and reappeared at where he was sitting.

Tumi saw what happened and just ignored what happened, he was still here to achieve his goal of torturing this guy.

Tumi looked at him and said, "guess from one wrong move so many stuff could happen to you but sadly this is not the end of the things that will happen to you".

Tumi said that and ran towards him and punched him in his stomach.

He let the guy feel the pain of the punch as he spat out blood out of his mouth.

He bled while screaming for a while before stopping as he felt a more terrifying lain coming from his stomach.

The pain that was coming from a hole in his stomach, the hole had appeared when the guy had stooped spitting out blood and tumi had open his fist making it become a palm.

Opening his gist he had fired a ki attack in a straight line that had caused the guy's stomach to be ripped in a perfect circle shape.

Tumi had ripped the guy's stomach causing the guy's nerve sending extremely painfully messages that made his brain hurt like as if it had just exploded.

Before he could digest that pain other sources of pain appeared on his body.

He felt it on his 2 arms and 2 legs.

The pain was caused by the fact that time had caught this guys arms and legs.

Which made him bleed and feel pain even more.

He couldn't handle the pain and passed out, he was delighted from this as this would mean that he would have to suffer this pain as he would die, while he is unconsciousness.

Sadly for him, tumi fed him a healing potion and healed all the wound him, which resulted in his brain to jolt awake.

He didn't know what happens but he felt stronger and there was no pain anymore but before he could enjoy the feeling of not being in pain, his body was cut in half, and soon he started to feel the pain even worse than what he had been feeling the previous moment.

He could die at any moment but the healing potion was showing its effect of constantly healing him but to bad for him, the healing was only making the last longer.

The guy started yelling from the pain, the audience were horrified at this site and were only thinking about of getting out of here but they didn't want to get out of here as their blood was boiling from such an exciting show.

Tumi waited for the guy to feel the pain for a bit more before he decided it was enough and so he killed him by erasing him completely with a ki blast.

Tumi look around the audience, wherever he went over, he saw the horrified and excited expression on the peoples face.

He looked for a bit more before finding the people he was looking for, he disappeared from where he was and appeared next to his parents and sibling.

Can you tell me how the ’fight’ scenes are?

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