
Chapter 2

Huh? Where am I?

I look around and its pitch is dark. I hear a voice though. It's distant but I could make out the words.

"But sir! He's dangerous! How can he be out of our supervision?"

The voice is coming closer to me.

"He's not going to be outside our supervision, but do you remember the last time we didn't let a tenth grade see his parents?"

"...Incident 5A?"

"Exactly, 29 dead, 93 injured, and 4 higher-ups lost their positions. She was 2 weeks old. These monsters are highly intelligent and powerful, and until they grow up, they can not under any circumstances lose their parents."

The voices are right above me, they stop talking.

Click, brrrrrr

Light splits the darkness and my eyes close by reflex.

My eyes slowly open and I stare into the eyes of a grisly old man, he's dressed in a white uniform and his ear is studded with 4 metal stars. There's also a silver bar running across his face over his left eye.

"Ah! Guh"

I make some noises involuntary and he starts to laugh

"Great! Brave little boy, we have here!"

He reaches down and picks me up, I can feel his calloused hands.

"Jones! Hurry up and take him to his parents"

A young man with a sharp face comes towards me and takes me from the old man. He has sharp features and short light brown hair. There are three small brown dots right over his right eyebrow.

"Yes Sir"

He carries me down several milk-white corridors before we reach a large waiting area.

A giant dome with clear glass, I can see a metal landscape with large towering buildings.


I cry out as I see the outside world.

This world is beautiful. It's like how everyone would think the future would be like. Clear skies with people bustling about. There are no flying cars but the vehicles down there are nothing like the cars from 2020. This world is nothing like the one I'm used to.

"Madam, here is your child. I believe you were told the circumstances and conditions for raising Collin?"

My trance is broken as I am handed to my mother. As soon as I'm in her embrace, a wave of tranquility rushes into me. My anxiety and doubt wash away as I embrace this new world as my mother embraces me.

"Yes, of course"

I look at Jones and his eyes flash with something unknown. This man, is hesitant to let me go. Go home to my parents, my family.

Anger fills my head and my eyes narrow, this man should be eliminated.

"Wahhhh!" I start to cry

My mother starts to coddle me and I calm down

"Very well, you may leave."

What just happened? What happened to my anger? Why was I angry? He was just doing his job, but I wanted to kill him for it.

My body isn't normal, besides the fact that my body has obvious differences from other people. I think there are also hidden changes.

My mother walks to a platform and we start dropping down. I stare outside and I notice the walls, Humongous white walls. Past the walls is forest, pure forest, no man-made anything. Just pure nature.

We reach the end bottom and I see my father waiting for us in a futuristic-looking car. He walks towards and hugs both me and my mother.

"I was so worried for you and little Collin"

He lets go and kisses my mother on the cheek.

"Leon, I was going to walk out of there with my child one way or another."

She hugs me tighter

"I can't lose another one."

Her eyes were filled with love, affection, and sadness. My father noticed the change in mood cheered to lighten things up

"Today! My son finally comes home!" He yells at the top of his lungs.

"Aaaaah!" My body involuntarily starts to cry and my mother coddles me again to calm me down.


She hits my father on the shoulder before they both start laughing. We start moving towards the car and get in.

"1457th St, District A, Building 26," My father says to a screen on the side of the car.

"Confirmed" A robotic voice rings out. The doors lock and we start moving.

As we move, I stare outside the window. I see markets, with vendors selling odd-looking produce. I see shops filled with minimalistic weapons and firearms. I see a giant skyscraper with people filling in and out of it. I see my new world.

We reach a large gate. My father types a few keys onto the panel on the side of the car and the gates open.

We drive past and I see my house. A large but simple home, made of metal and marble. There's a front yard with clean-cut grass and a fountain. The car drives to the front door and unlocks itself.


My father gets out and then helps me and my mother out of the car.

"Wow, The Crystallyn Organization went all out for us" My mother is in shock at the size and beauty of the property.

"They control everything, if they cant get the mayor to give us a new home and better jobs then I would be more worried."

We step inside and see marble floors and large glass windows.

""Oh my god"" Both are stunned and start to wander around.

They explore the whole house and find 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 3 empty rooms, 2 living rooms, a large basement, and a training room. There's also an extremely large backyard with a fence surrounding the entire property. My father particularly loves the wall of books in one of the living rooms.

"Evelyn, Look! That's a first edition copy of Mark Wrenglers Propulsion on Vehicles, that's the first recorded autopsy of a Crystallyn, and that one is..."

He is cut off before he could keep going

"Honey, we should get Collin set up in his room. He must be so tired from all this"

My father takes his hand off the wall of books and is slightly embarrassed from his rant. Only slightly.

"Of course"

They walk upstairs and set me in a crib by the window, I get a clear view of the sunset and above me is a plain ceiling.

I get set up in a crib and my parents leave the room. Changing my diapers and feeding me in the process.

I think the first thing I need to do is figure out where I am, and my apparent "superpowers".

My eyes close as I pass out from exhaustion.


Step Step Step

I wake up to the sounds of soft footsteps above me. There's someone on the roof, I look outside the window and I see that it's nighttime. The clear stars enrapture me but I tear my eyes away before I get too distracted.

The footsteps stop, whoever or whatever is up there is almost directly above me. The footsteps start again and walk away, I sigh in relief as the footsteps become more distant.

I look towards the window again and I see a man in a black robe standing inside my room. I can't make out the features but the person is tall and lanky.

The person starts walking over to my crib and reaches down to hold my hands. The hand is cold and callused, I can feel scars running all over his palms. I stare into his eyes and I see glowing red circles under his hairline, it barely lights up his face but I can tell it's a man.


The man dodges to the side as a green dagger shoots towards him.

It flies backward and another man in a white uniform steps out from the shadows, catching the dagger.

"So what group are you from? The church? One of the cults? or maybe the idiots who think they can sneak past me that easily?"

The uniformed man has a glowing green square on the center of his cheek and in his hands, he holds a dagger that is glowing green.

"I am a follower, I come for the chosen one. Do not hinder me or you shall face consequences"

He starts walking towards me again but a green dagger shoots towards him causing him to dodge again.

The man in black is now 4 meters away from me

"Oh! One of the cults, perfect! I have been waiting to test my blade on someone"

The man in white starts laughing in a sadistic manner. The black-robed man gets into a stance, preparing for battle.

"Woah! Introduce yourself will you? I'm-"


He's cut off as 3 more people in black crash through the window. They land 2 meters away from me.


I had to rewrite this chapter 3 times because i didnt know it doesnt auto save.

Wonkeycreators' thoughts