
reborn of the immortal emperor

Reborn Immortal

Immortal Realm

Servant Shouting said

"Your highness!!!"

Xioa Zhen said

"What is it your to loud"

"we found a young woman in the forest and has a rare intuition!!"

Xiao zhan take interest in the young woman and said

"I'll go meet him lead the way"

"yes!! your highness this way"

Xiao zhen ask the young woman he said

"What your name"

the young woman said

"Yuri, Cai Yuri"

"What a beautiful name"

"Would you become my disciple Yuri"

And Yuri said

"Yes I will become your disciple, master"


"Your highness!!"

"What is it"

"Miss Yuri!!"

"Got kidnapped by toism sect!!"

"What did you say!!!"

"Where did those toism bastard took Yuri!!!"

"Toism sect master said he's waiting for you at the toism sect Sacred mountain

If you didn't show up he will kill miss Yuri"

Xiao zhen hurry up to the mountain and said

"Wait for me Yuri I will save you!"

Yuri shouting said

"Master!!! Saved me I'm scared! I do not want to die yet!!"

Xiao zhen shout

"Wait for me I'm coming wait a little bit!"

Xiao zhen coughing a blood

Xiao zhen got to the mountain and said

"Let Yuri go or I'll wipe all of you out!"

Someone take advantage of injured Xiao zhen


Xiao zhen shout

"Why did you betray me, Yuri!!!!"

"Sorry master but Hand over the immortal emperor scripture"

Xiao zhen shout while coughing a blood

"I won't let you have it!"

Three people arrive

"Sorry but we won't let you hurt him Xiao zhen And Hand the scripture over"

Xiao zhen got stab at stomach and Yuri said

"Hand it over master I will give you quick death"

Xiao zhen said while

'Panting' and Coughing

"I won't let you have it I will destroyed it"

Xiao zhen going to self destruct while shouting


Yuri said

"Stop him he's going to self destruct"

sfx"Boom! Rumble!

Light is to bright Xiao zhen self destruct and got betrayed by his disciple but suddenly he woke up in the train

Xiao zhen said'

"Where I… am…. Didn't I die because I self destruct…..?"

Xiao zhen look at the glass and young boy faced showed up and Xiao zhen got surprise and said

"This is when I'm student in my previous life!"

Xiao said murmuring and said

"So….I get….reborn in my 18"

Xiao zhen said while laughing

"Hahahaha! Wait for me my dear disciple the day when we meet again"

Xiao zhen Smirk

And woman who sit with his grandfather said

"Hey!!! what are laughing and staring at our painting do you want to die!"

His grandfather said

"Stop it! Sorry boy because my granddaughter has a bad tempered"

The old man said while curious

"What do you think about this painting"

Xiao zhen said while serious

"It's a fake"

Woman got angry and said

"You bastard diee!"

And the woman punch got bounce the old man said in her head

"Barrier petrification!! Only grandmaster can do this"

The old man said while sweating so much

"Sorry please forgive my granddaughter"

Woman say while serious and angry

"Grandpa stop it!!"

Old man say while angry

"Fool!! if I hadn't stop you, you die there! Apologize to him!"

Xiao zhen say in her head while smirking

"This old man is interesting"

Xiao zhen proved that the painting is fake

Xiao zhen teared the painting and get 5 pieces and different ink is used.

The old man is satisfied and said

"Give me the box and put this painting inside the box"

Xiao zhen staring at the box and feel the god seed in the box and said

"That box….."

Old man said

"do you like it here take it"

Xiao zhen express his gratitude and thank him and said

"As a compensation I will grant you a request"

Old man got happy and said

"Would you take my granddaughter as a disciple"

Daughter said while angry

"Grandpa I don't want to become his disciple"

Old man got angry and punch his granddaughter in head

Xiao zhen stared at woman and remember his disciple Yuri and got angry and said

"I don't take a disciple!"

Old man say "but sir you're the one said you will fulfill my request

Xiao zhen got headache and said

"I will take him as my student I don't take a disciple"

Old man is happy and say what his name

Xiao zhen said "Xiao wen and you

Xiao zhen uses his named when his 18

Old man said "xu lao and this girl is xu yunting"

Xiao zhen smiled and say "I see I will get off now see you again"

Chapter 1 end