
Reborn: Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

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5 Chs

Lin Feng Xue’er

This time Xiao Qinyue was not surprised, as breaking through a major realm you'll gain a lottery ticket, he was excited to see what he will gain, but before he thought about seeing the description of his Martial Spirit.

Xiao Qinyue clicked on the Martial Spirit and a screen with his information appeared.

[Heavenly Ice-Fire Dragon]: A Martial Spirit that should not exist in the heaven and earth, possessing the ability to control a powerful Ice and Fire that is suitable for alchemy and forge, a prerequisite for learning all the skills of the Ice and fire attributes.

Looking at the description of his Martial Spirit, Xiao Qinyue was very excited, he thought that god did a great job. With this Martial Spirit he can be an alchemist even though he has ice element.

After his excitement ended, Xiao Qinyue thought about using his lottery tickets, and said. "System uses all lottery tickets!"

[Ding!! Using lottery tickets!]

[Congratulations! For the host gaining an "Alchemy Pack"]

[Congratulations! For the host gaining an "Human Servant Summon Ticket"]

[Congratulations! For the host gaining 5x an " Teleportation Talisman"]

Xiao Qinyue was excited that he gained an alchemy pack and a Human Servant Summon ticket, which he couldn't even resist and immediately said, "System open the Alchemy Pack!"

[Congratulations to the host for opening the Alchemy Pack!! ganing the following: Pills Knowledge, Medicinal Herbs Knowledge, Yin-Yang Fire, Nine Dragons Cauldron. Those items have been stored in the inventory.]

Xiao Qinyue was excited to see what he gained and immediately said,"System gives me the details of everything I won."

[Medicinal Herbs Knowledge]: knowledge about medicinal herbs. (Effect): causes a little pain when using.

[Pill Knwledge]: Knowledge about pill recipes, also helps to create new pills.(Effect): causes a little pain when using.

[Yin-Yang Fire]: A natural Human Flame, increases the quality, quantity of pills by 30%. (Note): can be upgraded

[Nine Dragons Cauldron]: A rank 4 cauldron forged by a mysterious blacksmith, with the blood of nine different dragons. (Effect): Increases the quality of the pills, allows better control over the temperature of the flames inside, moreaver it can strengthen the flame.

Xiao Qinyue was excited to see the descriptions of everything he gained , especially the human flame and a rank 4 cauldron. He never thought of winning a Human Flame, a Human Flame is not a flame condenses by a cultivator, it's a natural born Human Flame.

Xiao Qingyue raised his arm a black and white flame come from his palm, immediately the temperature of the room started to drop, it got so hot that his skin started to burn, without delay he took the flames out of his hand, as the flame disappeared the temperature returned to normal.

'What a strong flame, as expected from a Human Flame .' Thought Xiao Qinyue.

Xiao Qingyue laughed a little and said:"System, I want to learn everything."

[Ding!!congratulations to the host for learning the "Medicinal Herbs Knowledge"]

[Ding!!congratulations to the host for learning the "Pill Knowledge"]

Xiao Qinyue felt a sudden headache, as a amount of information about pills and medicinal herbs invaded his brain, the pain was so extreme that he had to grip his head hard with his hands and grit his teeth to avoid screaming. Thankfully, the pain didn't last that long once it finally stopped, Xiao Qinyue started to breathe heavily.

"Huff, huff that was intense."

"Well it's time to use the Human Servant Summon ticket! " Said Xiao Qinyue, excited to know what he's going to summon."System use the Human Servant Summon Ticket!!"

[Ding!! Using the Human Servant Summon tickets!]

Suddenly, a white fog covered the room, soon a shadow of a woman appeared. After a while, the fog disappeared a woman with black robes with stars stood in front of me, she had silk black hair, her face was round, her skin was white as snow, her attractive red eyes that seemed to shine in the dark, she has a arched eyebrows of raven black and cleopatra eyeslashes over her phoenix shaped eyes, her nose was small to match her half-moon cheekbones, her thin red lips that seemed to be sweeter than any candy. Her bosom has huge and ample, well proportioned that invited mens early to their graves.

Suddenly the beautiful woman opened her eyes, she looked around when she saw me, she immediately knelt before me.

A window appeared above the beautiful woman.


[Name]: Lin Feng Xue'er

[Age]: 15 (random)

[Cultivation]: Peak of Great Perfection Half-Step Martial Monarch(+)

[Body Cultivation ]: Superior Martial Saint Realm (+)

[Skills]: Sword Master, Formation Master (random)

[Martial Spirit]: Blue Phœnix

[Cultivation Techniques]: Phoenix Transformation (random)

[Talent]: Formation (random)



Xiao Qinyue was surprised to learn that Lin Feng Xue'er is the Master of Formation. She can help him a lot with his alchemy.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Xiao Qinyue said, "Please stand up, Em.... I'm Xiao Qinyue. It's pleasure to meet you Xue'er."

She stand-up but don't look at me in the eyes as the beautiful woman steped foward and days, "Your are my command, master."

"Wait, why do you call me a master? and how do you get here? "Asked Xiao Qinyue, confused.

Lin Feng Xue'er looked at me confused as she said, "Because you are my master and I'm your servant. I'm your loyal servant, please ask me anything you want."

When Xiao Qinyue heard that she could do anything he wanted, he started to imagine things until he became distracted, if a beautiful woman told you that, it's basically impossible to keep your mind away from these thoughts.

As Lin Feng Xue'er watched her master getting distracted, she called out him softly,"Master? Are you okay?"

Hearing Lin Feng Xue'er sweet voice with concern, Xiao Qinyue left his fertile imagination, and went completely red. Damm it! What was I thinking of?

Xiao Qinyue calmed down and said, "Right now I have nothing important for you to do, for now you will be my maid and in the shadows you will be my bodyguard."

"Yes, master!!"Said Lin Feng Xue'er with a smile that even gods coulnd't resist.

Xiao Qinyue saw her smile, was amazed by her beauty, but that only lasted for a moment, but he have to admit that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life.

"Xue'er we are going to the city to buy some herbs." Said Xiao Qinyue with joy, he can actually buy these herbs at the system store, but SP are for emergencies and if he spend on medicinal herbs he will not be able to avoid dangerous situations.

He was also excited to refine the pills, with his rank 4 cauldron, he also wanted to familiarize himself with alchemy and all the information about pills in his head.

There was a problem, if he had to face a long battle or refine a high-level pill, his insufficient Essence could be his fatal weakness. The only solution for this was to form an astral core, that way he would be able to store more Essence in his body.

Xiao Qinyue decided to go to Mohe city with Lin Feng Xue'er to buy medicinal herbs to refine medicinal pills.

Mohe City was one of eight main cities of Qizi Country within the Great Qin Nation, it could be only considered an ordinary, small city. The previous me and Big Brother Chen had come here more than once already, so he was familiar with the roads.

Upon leaving their home Xiao Qinyue and Lin Feng Xue'er, they went to the center of the Xiao Clan. In the center of Xiao Clan, there many disciples focused on practicing martial arts or talking to each other, as he and Lin Feng Xue'er passed, they attracted the gazes of all these people, causing them start chatting with each other.

"Look, Xiao Qinyue is here, and who's that beauty with him? I've never seen her here in the Xiao Clan or in the Mohe City? do you think it's his woman?"

"So beautiful, I think I'm in love."

"Do you think she will like a ugly guy like you, didn't see that she already with Xiao Qinyue? did you think you have a chance? "A disciple near sneered at the guy talking bullshit.

"So what if he has a handsome face, he will always be a trash that can't be cultivated." Added the disciple.

Lin Feng Xue'er started to get furious, as she heard these people speak bad of her master, Xiao Qinyue assured her that everything was alright, he dind't want her to expose herslef now, as people will discover that her cultivation realm.

But deep down Lin Feng Xue'er was happy with them confusing her as her master's woman , the same can be said to Xiao Qinyue who was smiling all this time.

As soon as Xiao Qinyue and Lin Feng Xue'er were about to leave, a group of disciples from the Xiao Clan approached them.

"Rubbish, wait for this Young Master!"

Xiao Qinyue stopped to look at the disciple told them to stop, he could see that disciple looking at Lin Feng Xue'er as if she were prey, well, it is inevitable because she is beautiful and it is difficult to contain herself, Xiao Qinyue saw that she was not comfortable with his gaze. Xiao Qinyue said in his mind that this person really got tired of living to look at his woman with that look in front of him, that he didn't know that he had unconsciously considered Lin Feng Xue'er as his woman.

That disciple was Xiao Lu, son of the outer elder in the Xiao clan. He had a bad reputation in the Xiao clan for bullying the weak disciples and my previous self was also one of his victims. Due to the fact that he was the son of a outer Elder, he would always go out with a light punishment, whenever the two definitely met there was some disagreement and Xiao Qinyue was always losing end.

"Wha do you want?, speak quickly, I don't have time to spend with likes of you." Xiao Qinyue said arrogantly, not caring about Xiao Lu's furious look.

One disciple was furious at the way Xiao Qinyue spoke to his boss and thought it would be a great opportunity to get Xiao Lu's favor, and he said. "Rubbish! How dare you talk to the young master like that? Do you want a beating?"

As he closes his fist and suddenly runs towards Xiao Qinyue's face and punches. The fist was quickly approaching the face of Xiao Qunyue, if it were your former self, I would definitely hit you. Xiao Qinyue smiled coldly as he gripped the approaching fist firmly, surprisingly surprising the Xiao Clan disciple.

He wanted to step back, but was unable to move even one inch, Xiao Qinyue held his fist tightly. Xiao Qinyue also wanted to test his current strength, and this is a good opportunity, a cold light shone in his eyes, ice started to come out of his hand and completely froze the Xiao clan disciple's hand.

The disciples of the Xiao Clan around are all frightened, as they have never seen such a scary martial technique, even Proufund's Grade martial technique would not have such an effect, as they feel the cold where they are, they looked at Xiao Qinyue in disbelief, as long as they know that Xiao Qinyue is unable to practice martial arts, so how can he use martial techniques on the ice.

Xiao Qinyue found out when he breaked through the Medial Martial Disciple Realm, he could convert his Essence into Ice and Fire, that's how he got the Ice element.

"Xiao Qinyue you dare to hurt my men! Are you tired of living?" Xiao Lu shouted out in fury.

Xiao Qingyue smiled indefferently," Xiao Lu, according to your logic, I cannot retaliate and can only allow you to hit me? a insignificant disciple with no name, dares to attack this Youn Master di you really think there is none one in the Xiao Clan that can deal with likes od you?"

Xiao Lu was stuned, this Xiao Qinyue character had really changed! In the past, when they meet, it would be routine to beat him up. Due to fact that this a shameful matter, Xiao Lu didn't bealive that Xiao Qinyue would report this to the clan. Xiao Lu was naturally not worried at all. Then why was Xiao Qinyue being so assertively today? However, he still a trash no matter if can cultivate now, Xiao Lu was smart, when he saw Xiao Qinyue using Ice element, he suspected that this trash somehow managed to cultivate, even if he started cultivating his realm, it cannot be higher than 6th or 8th Grade of Spirit Refinement Realm, it's impossible to cultivate to the peak of Spirit Refinement or Martial Disciple Realm. But Xiao Lu was destined to be disappointed, as he doens't know that Xiao Qinyue has a system and just a click that he can increase his cultivation.

Thinking of this point, Xiao Lu didn't bother about Xiao Qingyue's tant and smile coldly, "Third Young Master, are you in that much hure to die?"

Xiao Qingyue laughed loudly, "Are you an idiot, after speaking so much, you are still only able to say the same thing over and over again. I already Said that I don't have time to waste with you! "