
Reborn? Give Her Earth

Series description: What if the path to immortality and ultimate power suddenly opened up before you? Would you take that road? What if just moments before it appeared your world, your everything, was suddenly lost? Would you still take it? Would you forget everything you lost and try to build a new life in this new world? Wei Yao took that road, but he ignored the new world and the many opportunities to build a new life. Instead of sparing anything new even a single glance, he held only the past in his heart and continuously searched to regain what he had lost. While others wished for power so that they could relish in it and live forever as a king above all, Wei Yao was different. He felt no joy in anything on this road. Even when he passed by those at the very end of this road and could get anything that existed, he disregarded it all. All to search for what he had lost. What only existed in his heart. That is, until he returned. To before the road began. To before he lost everything. To Her. Volume 1 Description: He came back. To her. To before he lost everything. Now he has the knowledge of treading the path of immortality before even starting. Now, he will protect her and give her everything, even the earth. For the rest of the novel's first volume, please support me in buying it on amazon or kindle. https://www.amazon.com/Reborn-Give-Her-Earth-Same-ebook/dp/B0BXPFBJWY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BSC15389KYNR&keywords=Reborn%3F+Give+Her+Earth&qid=1678278111&sprefix=reborn+give+her+earth%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-

NascentDude740 · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 Trusted Men

After leaving the house it was already getting close to his agreed meeting with Lin Zhong so he went to their agreed meeting spot, the park.

Once he got there it was only 3:45

So, he found a bench to sit down and recover.

He sat cross legged and just let the sunlight and qi around him help him recover.

The bowl was quite deeply filled with burial qi and resentment. It took a lot out of me to seal it and also cleanse those two.

The sun in his dantian had even become slightly smaller.

But as he sat here recovering, the white qi fog grew and so did the sun within his abdomen.

Even just using my powers and recovering helps them improve slightly. It also helps me gain experience with these powers in this body. I need to get used to them again and build up a firm foundation.

He continued cultivating. He just stayed motionless on the bench with a box beside him. Many people walked by and gave him curious glances but no one bothered him.

It was only ten minutes after 4pm that Lin Zhong finally showed up.

He ran up panting and said, "Yao! Sorry I'm late. I got held up by some stuff."

Wei Yao didn't really mind and was actually a little happy to get to cultivate for a little longer so he just said, "No problem."

Lin Zhong handed over Wei Yao's backpack and asked, "What's in the box?"

Wei Yao just said, "I'll show you later," and put it inside his backpack.

"Okay then what did you want to do?"

He knew that Wei Yao didn't like to waste time as he spent most of his time studying.

He was right in his thoughts but Wei Yao no longer needed to study.

"I do have a reason for meeting up today. You know some people in a gang right?"

Lin Zhong was caught off guard and asked concernedly, "Yeah, but why? Are you in some trouble? Do you need help with something?"

"I am in no trouble. I just want to see them for some matters."

Since Wei Yao Yao didn't want to say anything Lin Zhong couldn't help but sigh and think, If anything goes wrong they still have to give me face.

He didn't ask anymore and just dialed a number on his phone.

"Shi Ke, where you at right now? I have a friend who wants to talk with you."

His face flashed a little surprise and so did Wei Yao's. His senses were increased with his cultivation allowing him to hear the man speaking on the phone.

"Oh that's quite the coincidence. We're close by. We'll come to you and be there in less than five."

With that he hung up the phone.

He then said, "Let's go. They're close by."

Wei Yao nodded and walked alongside him.

They only walked for around three minutes when they entered into a karaoke bar.

"They're in lounge three over here."

Lin Zhong led him to a door before entering inside first.

Wei Yao entered inside and when he saw those within, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Ha ha ha!"

That's why the voice was so familiar!

Lin Zhong was stunned and worried seeing We Yao suddenly break into laughter, especially here in front of these people.

The others inside the room had various reactions.

The two women inside were annoyed and one called out "Who is this schoolboy!?"

Besides the two women, there were three men in the room. They were precisely the same thugs Wei Yao stole money from earlier.

They were also annoyed to hear the laughter only to be petrified when they saw Wei Yao.

The bald man who he now knew as Shi Ke quickly yelled at the woman, "Shut up!" even going so far as to lightly slap her.

Then there was an awkward pause for a moment as the three men didn't know what to say, while the women were just scared and confused. Lin Zhong was also very confused as to why the vicious men he knew were acting so reserved.

Wei Yao stopped laughing after a few moments and finally said, "So it's you three. That makes things easier. Tell my brother Zhong what I did earlier before we talk about some other things."

Seeing that Wei Yao seemingly held no hostility and that this was truly all a coincidence, the three of them settled down.

Shi Ke nodded and proceeded to recount the events from earlier to Lin Zhong. Except, he left out the part about Wei Yao threatening them.

Lin Zhong was completely shocked looking at Wei Yao as if he was a ghost.

"When did you learn to fight?! How can you take down all three of them so easily?!"

He knew that Wei Yao had been bullied in the past and didn't stand up for himself because of his scrawny and weak body.

This change was much too drastic for him.

Wei Yao just nodded and said, "It's true. I'll explain things to you later. For now though I have matters to deal with with these three."

Lin Zhong nodded and decided to trust him despite his apparent changes. He was, after all, very close to Wei Yao and had noticed that even his mannerisms and way of speaking had changed somewhat. But he could tell that he was still his brother Wei Yao.

Wei Yao looked at the two women, causing Shi Ke to say: "You two can leave."

They quickly ran out of the room as if their lives depended on it. After all, they also heard the story.

After they were gone, Wei Yao started off, "How strong is the gang you are in?"

Shi Ke was caught off guard but quickly answered, "About seventy men strong. We are the fourth strongest gang in Jiuling city."

"Any firearms in the gang?"

Shi Ke thought for a moment before answering, "Not that I am aware of."

Well within my expectations. Shouldn't be too hard.

"How high up are you in the gang?"

At this point the man became slightly embarrassed and said, "I am actually one of the boss's most trusted men."