
Reborn? Give Her Earth

Series description: What if the path to immortality and ultimate power suddenly opened up before you? Would you take that road? What if just moments before it appeared your world, your everything, was suddenly lost? Would you still take it? Would you forget everything you lost and try to build a new life in this new world? Wei Yao took that road, but he ignored the new world and the many opportunities to build a new life. Instead of sparing anything new even a single glance, he held only the past in his heart and continuously searched to regain what he had lost. While others wished for power so that they could relish in it and live forever as a king above all, Wei Yao was different. He felt no joy in anything on this road. Even when he passed by those at the very end of this road and could get anything that existed, he disregarded it all. All to search for what he had lost. What only existed in his heart. That is, until he returned. To before the road began. To before he lost everything. To Her. Volume 1 Description: He came back. To her. To before he lost everything. Now he has the knowledge of treading the path of immortality before even starting. Now, he will protect her and give her everything, even the earth. For the rest of the novel's first volume, please support me in buying it on amazon or kindle. https://www.amazon.com/Reborn-Give-Her-Earth-Same-ebook/dp/B0BXPFBJWY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BSC15389KYNR&keywords=Reborn%3F+Give+Her+Earth&qid=1678278111&sprefix=reborn+give+her+earth%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-

NascentDude740 · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 Replace The Earth With Celestial

After going into his room and sitting on the bed he started thinking about his future plans.

I don't really have to worry about school. I got good grades in my past life and I still remember everything perfectly.

However school is not important right now. The only two reasons I should keep going and get good grades are to keep up appearances and mainly to make Liao Yun happy.

The most important thing at this moment is to regain my strength.

He got off the bed and went out to stand on the balcony.

Then he sat cross legged and focused his mind and senses.

Instantly his face sank.

Thin. Unbelievably thin! The spiritual qi of heaven and earth is currently so thin on this planet. This will greatly hinder my efforts to regain my strength.

I have to first enter the qi refinement realm and to do that I need to first decide on a suitable technique. In this life, I need to establish a much firmer cultivation foundation so as to not face the same problems I did in my past life. However, a good technique will slow me down especially with the scarcity of spiritual qi.

He continued to think about it going through all the qi refinement methods he knew and ultimately made a decision as he looked up at the moon and stars in the sky.

I will go with the celestial constellation qi refinement record. This will not only set a strong foundation but also allow me to draw energy from the sun, moon, and stars greatly supplementing the lacking spiritual qi. Its nature also allows for an easy switch to a wide range of cultivation techniques if I choose to do so in the future.

Not only that, this is definitely within the top ten of qi refinement techniques I know. These top ten are completely on par with each other. Each of them alloy for the establishment of unparalleled foundations and allow you to easily surpass those of the same realm.

With that decided, he focused his mind and senses.

His mind emptied for a moment before a scripture started repeating in his mind.

I am but a mortal. However, this mortal is ambitious enough to use the energy of the heavenly constellations themselves.

As he exhaled the atmosphere became serene and the stars in the sky seemed to brighten ever so slightly.

With the starlight as my guide and the moonlight as my own reflection, I journey to surpass.

He inhaled once more and he felt specks of moonlight and starlight enter his body along with the sparse qi in the environment.

As it traveled a circulation throughout his body, he felt his mind open up and become serene. At the same time his body felt light yet even tougher than before.

Ultimately the qi, moonlight, and starlight ended in his dantian within his abdomen.

There they gathered into an extremely tiny foggy mist with light randomly shining throughout and random dots of light flickering.

He continued reciting the scripture and breathing in and out.

His acupoints opened by his will as his body became a sponge for qi.

Still the qi was so thin and low quality that after it entered his dantian, the starlight and moonlight became active once more and exerted their power crushing that qi, purifying and strengthening it.

After this process the qi once more made a cycle around his body further strengthening it.

He continued cultivating for a whole two hours, but in the end the foggy mist didn't even cover a hundredth of his dantian. The qi within however did become much stronger and higher quality. Before it was just a dull gray fog, now it was much clearer, almost like white mist.

He let out a breath and stopped cultivating

As he examined his condition he sighed slightly.

My body's strength has increased slightly and I have become much more agile. The greatest benefit right now is how much clearer my mind has become. I can think much faster and my senses have become much sharper, especially to qi.

As he felt the size of the mist within his dantian though, his face dropped.

At this rate even if I cultivate using the qi of the sun, stars, and moon it will take a long time before I make any significant progress. I need to speed up my cultivation mainly through the use of some arrays but also with pills and other things.

In order to do any of this though, I need good materials. In order to get any materials, I need money. All I have saved up though is a few thousand yuan. How should I make more?

He sat there going through a few plans in his mind until he thought of Lin Zhong

Wait! Lin Zhong is part of a gang right? I'm sure no one would mind if I stole some money from gangs!

His eyes became sharp for a moment as he thought, even if a few go missing no one would mind especially if no one knows it's me.

With that thought he took out his phone but was stunned to see the several missed calls and texts from Lin Zhong asking if he was okay and saying he left his bag at school.

I forgot how good it felt to have a brother who truly cared for you. In this life not only will I rise and protect Liao Yun, but I must also help Lin Zhong rise.

After these thoughts he texted him, "I'm fine don't worry. How about we meet up at the park tomorrow at 4."

After that it only took a few moments before he got a response saying, agreeing

So he was waiting for me to respond this whole time, he thought while smiling.

After this he yawned before climbing into his bed and going to sleep. He did feel refreshed from cultivation but it still wasn't even close to the point where he didn't need to sleep.

He had zero dreams as the very concept of dreams was the mind wandering. He was in complete control of every aspect of himself.