
Reborn From Weakest To Strongest

Hi this is the author who wrote this i'm so sorry for my bad in English and everything because i'm new to writing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He is the Legendary Grandmaster of The Phoenix City and considered by his title he have been wrongly accused by his worst enemy Tian Zheng when he is in the matter of life and death he jumo off and explode himself and his cultivation manuak that they are trying to acquire. But when he woke up he found himself in a new body and the same name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is he gonna do now? Revenge? Read it and standby for more chapter's Good Byeeeeee And thank you in advance if you read it

MightyBeast14 · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Chapter 2 (Ling Qi)

Luo Tang started gathering the the herbs that he needed to cultivate,"I Need To Find Some Chinese Pharmacy Store's Around Here" He Said, When he is finding a store to buy the herbs he see some people gathering around so he come to see it too when he now found a good view to see who they gathering around he found an old man and a little girl, The girl is crying because his grandfather is dying so Luo Tang rushed and see the condition of the old man.

When he is now checking the pulse of the old man he found out that the old man has been practicing a cultivation manual that is incomplete.

"He's gonna die if i don't compress the qi of this old man" He murmured,"If i can help this old man can you buy me a few things?" He said to the girl, The girl look at Luo Tang and said "Please help my grandfather he's the only family i have uwaahhh" The little girld said while crying.

"Ok" He replied, When he is about to help the old man there's someone in the crowd said "Your Just Deceiving The Little Girl" The person said, Followed by "Yeah" Said by the crowd, Luo didn't mind them and started healing the old man.

10 Minutes passed by then the old man started gaining some consciousness and see the little girl crying and a youth standing besides him. He asked "What going on?" He asked, The little girl hug him then said "You where unconscious for almost half an hour" She said while wiping her tears.

"Then who helped me?" He asked again, The little girl pointed at Luo and said "The big brother over there", Luo said " I helped you because i can't just stand and see a little girl crying and i asked her to buy me few things if i can heal you".

"This old man is grateful to you benefactor anything you want we can afford it" The old man said while bowing to Luo, "Then let's go to the nearest store" He replied.

Luo didn't think that the old man is so rich that they have a car that is expensive enough to buy a mansion, "I think they called this Mercedes based on the memories of the owner of this body" He murmured while looking for a store to buy some herbs.

He then now found a place to buy some goods

"That's the place" He said to the old man, The old man stopped the driver. "Benefactor What do you plan to buy in here" Old man said while smiling

"Get me some paper and a pen to write" Luo replied. In the paper the list is:



And "Nettle"

"It's just a few things we can afford it anything else?" Old man said, "Nothing more but if i want to buy a few things in the future can i get it to you?" He replied, "You are my benefector so anything you want i will do my best to acquire it" Replied by the old man with a smile.

Luo wanted to create a pill so he can now start to cultivate, He bid farewell to the old man and little girl. When he is now back to his dorm he then now search to the memories of his past life of a physique cultivation method so that he is powerful even if he's level of cultivation is low.

He finds a method that is fair enough to handle in his current body The Asura Sutra it's a Physique Martial Skill that's is focusing in one's body through pain but if you succeed to cultivate this you are now powerful enough to rival a Ling Qi.

First he started to create a pill it's the purpose of the herbs he gathered, When it's now finish a loud bang coming from the pill when he finish creating it. The pill he created is a ling tier pill it's named Body strengthening pill because if you eat it can handle most of the pain of your body.

Before he start cultivating he thinks that a forest can help him be unnoticed by the people. When he eat the pill he created he started feeling better, He then now started to cultivate the Asura Sutra. He can now feel the pain of the asura suthra but it's being reduced by the pill.

Hours later he then now completed to cultivate the Asura Sutra, He notice that not only his body is a Ling Qi it's also his cultivation realm, "I didn't think that i just jump 2 stage's of cultivation Hahahaha i'm really still lucky even if i have been reborn" He shouted happily.