
Chapter 1

"Sigh". Opening my eyes, I realize that I am still alive. Considering I still see the same ole plain coral designed white ceiling that's blinding to the eye.

I turn my head to the small little black fan that strains to turn let alone offer me any comfort in this suffocating place you could call a room.

I just sit and stare. Not bothering to pick up my phone. Just stare & wonder. "Why is my heart still beating?". "Do I wanna deal with the pain that today will bring?". " Is today even worth living?"...

Those thoughts haunt my mind but in order to prove that I am enough. That I can be something. That I am better. I fight those thoughts and put them to the side.

With the thoughts still roaming my eyes drift off to the green plant secured in a clear plastic bag, giving off a pleasant smell. Then I look at the Small black rectangular packet's scattered across the floor. Without a thought I remove the thin sheet of a cover & move slowly but graciously as though I've done this a million times already, off of my bed. One foot at a time, picking up a packet & moving my hand ever so slowly to the clear plastic bag with the pleasant green plant that rids me of all my troubles. My thoughts. My problems.

Moving to a simple brown desk with nothing occupying it but a lab top as black as night and a small silver tray with the letters "DND" etched in the Middle of it. I sit down on a black cushion chair that has rips, and stains that has been there for years but I pay no heed to them. Sitting down with a neutral expression written across my face, I sigh.

"Sigh". I stare at the small silver tray and without a thought i dump the fragrant plant onto the tray.

As though I forgot something I smack my lips and mutter, "Troublesome".

I quickly get out of my raggedy but comfy chair and take quick steps towards my black dresser grabbing a lengthy body towel, I quickly run towards the bathroom not too far from me and run water over it.

Although I don't mind the fragrant but strong smell of the plant. The same can't be said for neighbors. With that being said I quickly ring out the towel & take quick strides to the only exiting door in this "room". I bend down and put the damp towel

Underneath the door making sure the cracks were covered & safely secured. Looking up I take a quick glance at the grey tape hanging just above the door before grabbing it and with swift and organized movements i tape the remaining cracks left.

Turning around, I walk back to the worn down but comfy black chair with a unnoticeably happy expression, but as though god was playing tricks on me my phone rung.

I look at my bed with a neutral expression on my face but due to how still I was standing & the expression made upon my face that, I was not particularly happy with this disturbance . So I ignored it. Sitting down, I grab the packet that was left sitting on the silver tray I started to get ready to undo it until-...


—[inAudio-able iPhone ring tone]—

Although I stopped my movements the position my hand was and due to the laws of gravity, the two "Wraps"

[A/N: Idk if I can use the real name so I will just use a term I use]

slid out of the packets ever so slowly onto the tray.

Before the last ring, I pushed off the desk and let the chair slide over to my bed where my phone was. Looking at the caller I realized it was My girlfriend. The thoughts that ran through my head as I woke up suddenly vanished. It felt as though I was running on adrenaline how happy I was when seeing the caller...

Smiling I Pick up the phone ,

"Why didn't you answer the first time? What are you doing?"

Sighing, I stare at the phone for a while, warmly smiling before answering, but yet she beats me to it.


Sighing again, I decided to answer this time,

"Hey bae, I just woke up. Can you not?"

Finishing my sentence, before she could say or rant about anything, I asked her.

"Anyways, Wassup princess?"

Although I know she had many more questions, she reluctantly speaks,

"Are you doing anything today?"

Before I answered I contemplated on whether I had anything planned before answering....

"Umm, No, why?"

She quickly answered,

"I'll be over there in 30 minutes" before hanging up.

Staring at the phone once again I let it fall upon the bed before going back to my desk. I swiftly undo the two wraps before licking them together with a joyous smile plastered upon my face.