
Chapter 39 Don't you know that?

"Hey, look who is back. I thought I would never see this big shot again in my life."

A sharp voice came from the door as soon as Camelia entered.

Camelia glanced at the person who was speaking. Nancy was sitting on the chair with her legs crossed. There was obvious sarcasm and disdain on her face.

Hearing that, the other two girls who were playing games immediately took off their headphones:

Linda said, "Who is this girl? Oh, it turns out to be the ugliest one in our dormitory. Now the average appearance of our dormitory is lowered again."

Paula said, "Not only the dormitory, but also the whole department of literature has been ruined by her! Apart from her, can you find anything uglier girl in our New York University?"


The three of them burst into laughter.

They would never be polite to this ugly monster! It would be better that she came back. They had a free worker to do all their work again!