
Reborn as the Villain

When a girl in 20th century falls from up the stairs she gets reborn as a character from a novel she had read long ago but the character she gets reborn as is not just any character but the main villainess, Alyssa who at the end of the novel meets her tragic end as death. She refuses it; her tragic fate. "I have already died once I am not gonna die again and that's for sure." With that thought on her mind and fate as her archenemy she continues but will she succeed? [Paused]

offical_alex · Fantasía
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14 Chs

First day

"Oh, you haven't?" He said. His cold fingers were outlining my lips. "Then why is it that you, my darling have been attending every single ball and party, yet I haven't been able to see you there." He was cornering me against the wall. He was so close that I could feel his hot breath on me.

"I-i am sorry, alright." I said. He smiled. "Well, that's all in the past. Heart must be waiting for you, darling. I'll see you again." He said finally walking away. "Oh and please don't even try to run away from me again. You'll know I'll always find you, darling." He said opening the door, going away. His voice sounded serious as he said the last sentence.

Henry came in with the speed of light. "You okay? Did he try to do anything funny to you?" Henry said worried. His hand on my shoulder. "Nothing, Let's just go to the dorm assigned to me." I said moving his hand away. "Okay." He said leading the way there.

The girl's dormitories were on the left side of the campus. In this Academy, everyone was treated equally except for the princes and princesses; they were addressed with their titles even by the teachers. You didn't have to address each other as my lady, young miss, your grace or anything like that (you'd still have to call the princes and princesses as Your Highness).

"Your dorm is on the third floor." He said, leaving me alone outside the building. "The entire floor?" I asked. "Mhmm, I can't go with you because guys are allowed to go into the girl's dormitories unless you are one of the school council members or you have a permit." He said leaving.

"Okay, take care." I said going up. The entire floor was beautifully decorated. It was fit for royalty. It had everything you could ever need and my stuff was already settled in. I jumped on the bed and laid down. There would be no classes for the first two days as students are supposed to use this time to explore the royal academy, get settled and make friends.

So I went down to check who lived on the first floor. I knocked on the door. A familiar face opened the door. "Kate?" I said going in. "Alyssa!" We both hugged each other. Over the years me and Kate had become actual best friends. I don't know if she was really important in the original novel or not.

"Come in." She said. I came inside and sat down on the couch. "Tea or coffee?" She asked.

"You know me. Neither. When did you get here?" I asked.

"Last night. You?" She asked.

"Just a couple of hours before. You won't believe it. I ran into Prince Nicottis." I said complaining.

"Oof, tell me. You have been avoiding home for seven years straight and he has been searching for you." She said laughing.

"He asked me why I was avoiding him? I said 'I was sorry'. He then told me to not try to run away anymore if I did he'd always find me. I wonder how he'll do it?" I said.

"You know he can actually do a lot. He gets away with anything. Anyways, wanna visit the girl on the second floor with me?" She asked.

"Sure." I said standing up. I wrapped my arm around Kate as we walked to the stairs. After we finished climbing the stairs, we knocked on the door and a beautiful girl opened the door.

"Umm.. You are?" She asked, looking at us. She looked very familiar to me. So I came forward and introduced myself. "I am Alyssa Rosewood and she's Katie Hermin. Our dorms are just above and below you. So I thought we both should come in and say hi." I said.

She opened the door wide. "Come in, I am Scarlet Loisel." Both of us went in. We both looked at each other as we immediately recognized the name "Loisel". It was one of the main families along with ours. No wonder she looked familiar we must've seen her at one of the winter balls held yearly.

"Sit down. Tea or perhaps coffee?" She asked.

"We don't like either." Kate said.

"Me too. Anyways did you notice something the twins above are from the 'Rosemerta' family?" She said. I didn't understand what she was trying to say.

"That's the last main family. What are they exactly trying to do putting it all in the same building?" Kate said.

"Exactly! What could it mean?" Scarlett said flipping her blonde hair.

"Maybe, It's just a coincidence." I said.

"Maybe. Do you perhaps want to be friends?" She asked nervously.

"Sure." I said.

"Same here. You can call me Kate." Kate said.

"I've got something for you two as a gift. Wait here, I'll be back in a second." She said leaving her chair.

I looked at Kate nervously. "Were we also supposed to bring gifts?" I asked her.

"Well, yes." She said.

"Oh well..." I sighed.

Scarlet came back holding two small boxes wrapped beautiful.

"Here." She said handing both of us one each. "Open them. I think you'll like them." She said smiling. I tore away the glittery wrapping paper. I then opened the box and took out a book with a dusty cover. i opened the book to see nothing but empty pages. Was this a diary?

"I l-lovee it." I tried hiding my disappointment and smiling but I couldn't.

"It's not what it seems.. I promise you. Its a info book." She said.

"Info book?? What's that?" I asked.

"Write someone you know's name on it." She said handing me a pen. I dipped the pen in ink and wrote Demetrius Rosewood. and handed her back the pen. Right below where i wrote Demetrius Rosewood, it showed;

'Demetrius Rosewood

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: Brown hair, Green eyes

Last met: Today, 16:23

Location: *************

Current action: Writing'

"As you see, if you write someone's name it shows their info." She said. I closed the book and held her hand.

"It's so cool. Thank you so much. How does it work?" I said.

"Your welcome. It uses a bit of magic. My brother, Kyle can do magic. I got him yo make a few things for me. You can go ahead and open yours Kate." She said smiling.

"Alright." Kate opened her gift. It was a huge packet of mints. Kate looked at Scarlet as if asking for a explanation.

"These are invisibility mints. If you take one you become invisible for half an hour." Scarlet explained.

"That'd be very useful. Thank you Scarlet." Kate said genuinely.

"So cool. How do you have such cool things?" I asked.

"My brother, Kyle. He is very good with magic."

"I wish I had a brother." Kate said.

"They are very annoying but also very helpful." Scarlet said.

"Yeah, that's exactly how Demetrius is." I said.

"Well, it's getting late. I gotta go"

"Same here." Kate said.

"Alright. I will see you tomorrow." Scarlett said following us out.

Me and Kate went to our respective dorms. I splashed my face with cold water and removed the little bit of make up I had on. I then changed into my night dress after taking off my uncomfortable dress. I tied my hair into a bun and was about to go to bed when I heard a knock on the door.