
Reborn as the Villain

When a girl in 20th century falls from up the stairs she gets reborn as a character from a novel she had read long ago but the character she gets reborn as is not just any character but the main villainess, Alyssa who at the end of the novel meets her tragic end as death. She refuses it; her tragic fate. "I have already died once I am not gonna die again and that's for sure." With that thought on her mind and fate as her archenemy she continues but will she succeed? [Paused]

offical_alex · Fantasía
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14 Chs


I opened the doors to my surprise it was Prince Nicottis. A part of me wanted to shut the door in him. I pulled him inside the dorm and slammed the door behind him, afraid that someone would see him. "What are you doing here this late, Your Highness? I said angry with him. He smiled and caressed my cheek. "You look so cute, darling. Call me by my first name or call me love." He said ignoring my question.

I slapped his hand away from my face. "Well Nicottis, care to explain what you're doing here in the middle of this night? You aren't supposed to be here. What if somebody sees you here?"

"Ahh, I just wanted to see your pretty little face one more time before I went to bed." He said.

"You're creeping me out, you know." I heard knocking on the door once again. I immediately pushed Nicottis to the side and opened the door only a little bit so I could see who it was and they could see me as I didn't want whoever was outside the door to see the Prince in my room. What would they think? It was the last person I wanted to see, Madam Eloise.

"Madam Eloise, may I ask why you're here in the middle of the night? I was about to go sleep." I said nervously. I'd get into serious trouble if she saw Prince Nicottis here in the middle of the night.

"You were going to sleep with the lights on? Anyways, I wanted to give you your schedule." She said handing me a envelope. I opened it and saw my schedule. I smiled at her.

"Okay, thanks. Good night." I said as I was about to close the door shut but she put her hand between. "Wait! I heard you talking with someone. Who is in there? Let me come in" Madam Eloise said.

"No! I can't." I said trying to close the door but she was stronger with one move of her hand the door flew open and she saw Prince Nicottis standing not too far away from me.

"My office! You both!" She said walking out both of us followed her. The weather was cold. There were no students out luckily. If there were students there I'd die of embarrassment. I followed her straight into her office. She lit the lanterns.

"Florence, go get Demetrius Rosewood and Princess Amelia here." She said to a maid. "Of course." The maiden said quickly leaving.

There was this awkward silence between us all. I felt awkward standing in my night dress. The dress was kind of translucent with no sleeves. The dress only went up till my thighs. I was wearing shorts underneath that didn't even reach my knees. I felt extremely cold. "Can we sit down?" Prince Nicottis asked. "Heavens no!" She said sitting looking at us like we were some criminals.

The door opened, Princess Amelia (the older sister of Prince Nicottis) and Demetrius (my adopted older brother and my cousin) came in. Demetrius slammed the door shut as if with anger. He first looked at me but said nothing.

"Why were we called here?" Princess Amelia asked.

"Prince Nicottis, your brother was found in Alyssa's dormitory. She was trying to hide him from me. The rest they will tell you and me. Go on." Madam Eloise said in a furious voice.

I looked down at the floor. Both of us were quiet. Demetrius took off his long coat and covered me. "Lyss..." He whispered in my ear.

"Go on. Tell me what you were doing in a girl's dormitory, Nicottis!" Princess Amelia demanded.

"None of your damn business." Prince Nicottis said.

"None of my darn business. Your business is my business. We are siblings." Princess Emily argued.

"Lyss, tell me. What is it that you both were doing this late?" He asked.

"I promise we weren't doing anything suspicious. We were just talking." I said. All eyes were on me. It was clear nobody believed me.

"Friends don't talk in the middle of the night all alone especially when they are not the same gender." Princess Amelia said.

"How would you know? You don't have any friends." Prince Nicottis said.

"Nicottis, what sort of behavior is that? She is your older sister. You must respect her." I giggled at Nicottis's reply but quickly realized I messed up. Everyone's attention was brought to me once again.

"What is it that you find so funny? Please share it with all of us." Madam Eloise asked sarcastically.

"Nothing." I said looking down.

"Go on tell us the truth. If you don't both of your parents will be called here. They'd be disappointed in you both." Madam Eloise said. I looked at Prince Nicottis pleadingly.

"Fine. She didn't invite me. I came in. I wanted to talk to her before going to sleep. It's not her fault." Nicottis said.

"I wasn't expecting you to do such a thing. You were such a good boy in your first year." Madam Eloise said.

"What's wrong with me wanting to talk to her before going to sleep." He said. "Rosewood and Miss Rosewood go to your own dormitories. I expect next time this happens that you Miss Rosewood will inform me." She said. I felt relieved as I walked out.

Prince Nicottis also walked towards the door. "I didn't say you could leave!" Madam Eloise yelled "Do I look like I care?" He said leaving Amelia all alone in the room.

Demetrius walked the other way to the boys dormitories. "Wait, Demetrius. I am sorry!" I said chasing after him but he walked faster and ignored me and went on. Why was he mad at me? I didn't care why t all I know is that I need to make up with him again as he was one of the four main characters. I said as I started walking back to my own dormitory.

I walked to my own dorm. By the time I reached there I was already sleepy. So much that I fell asleep on the floor of my own dorm as I was too sleepy to walk to my bed.