
Reborn as the Villain

When a girl in 20th century falls from up the stairs she gets reborn as a character from a novel she had read long ago but the character she gets reborn as is not just any character but the main villainess, Alyssa who at the end of the novel meets her tragic end as death. She refuses it; her tragic fate. "I have already died once I am not gonna die again and that's for sure." With that thought on her mind and fate as her archenemy she continues but will she succeed? [Paused]

offical_alex · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Attack from the magical beast

I woke up early feeling tired. My body was hurting badly as I slept on the cold hard floor last night. I made my way into the washroom. I splashed my face with cold water. Here at the little palace you weren't given maids. So you would have to do everything yourself and would grow up to be 'independent'. I changed my clothes. I wore a creme coloured dress that reached my knees. I brushed my hair and left it open. I remembered I still had Demetrius's coat with me. I decided that I would wash it then give it to him tomorrow. I decided to get into work making the dorm look more like home.

I made my own bed and cleaned it up a bit. I wanted to do a lot more but it was already time for breakfast. I went down and made my way to the great dining hall with Kate and Scarlet.

When we got there, everybody was already there and breakfast had already started. We took plates and started getting the things we wanted to eat on our plates. I could feel Madam Eloise and Prince Nicottis's eyes on me. So did Kate. "Why are they staring at you like that?" Kate said grabbing a plate and putting a couple of chocolate filled croissants on her plate.

"Yeah something actually happened last night. I will tell you both later." I said.

When the breakfast was done me, Scarlet and Kate were just walking around the royal academy's forest. I felt stuffed to the brim after breakfast. "So, what exactly happened last night?" Kate asked. "Basically...." I said explaining. They both seemed pretty shocked. Kate started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I said. "So you both got caught, man. I can only imagine what Demetrius and Princess Emily must be thinking about you both. A guy and a girl alone in the middle of the night." Kate said.

I looked at Scarlet. "You're stupid no offense." She said with her cold blue eyes.

"What was I meant to do? Just shut the door on him?" I said.

"Yeah, that's what I would do. You could have avoided it all." She said.

"I know. I would do the same. You are a fool." Kate said agreeing.

"Well, I am feeling sick I am going to my dorm. See you both later." I said taking the left path in a hurry. I felt sick like I would vomit any minute. I shouldn't have over eaten so much.

"Wait-" Kate said something I wasn't able to hear as I ran away from them. I walked for what seemed like hours. I was pretty sure I was lost. I was deep inside the forest. I was scared as there were many wild animals inside the forest and it was getting late. It was morning when I went into the forest with Kate and Scarlet and now it was nearly evening. I was pretty sure I was going to die tonight. As night was approaching I went deeper and deeper into the forest trying to get out.

I saw a magical beast approaching. I was pretty sure now that I was now in the restricted part of the forest where scientists and wizards were allowed only as it had magical beasts that sprayed venom from their mouth and other magical creatures. It's size was five times as big as me. I ran to the side and luckily dodged it's attack.

I saw this guy dressed in casual clothes that looked very modern for the middle ages of even this fantasy world. He hit the beast with a sleeping arrow. The beast closed its eyes as it collapsed on the ground.

He made his way to me, probably to lecture me. He had his back turned to the beast and his attention was on me.

The beast hadn't completely fallen asleep and it launched one last attack. His mouth opened. I noticed it and something came over me. I pushed the guy to the side. The venom fell on my own back. I felt a burning sensation all across my body. The last thing I remembered was the guy holding me. "Hey, Don't die on me! You idiot."

I woke up feeling like somebody was beating me with a bat. I looked around me. The guy from before was standing there along with Prince Nicottis.

"How do you feel?" He asked, touching my forehead to feel my temperature. "Did I die?" I asked holding his warm hand.

Prince Nicottis sat beside me. "No. You're not dead." He said.

"Where am I?" I said trying to sit up. Nicottis helped me up.

"That doesn't matter. How are you feeling? Do you feel any discomfort anywhere?" The other guy asked.

"It hurts. My back, it hurts like hell. It feels like it's melting" I said. My voice was breaking down.

"I see..... Are you hungry? Do you want to eat anything?" He asked, concerned.

"No, I want water..." I said.

He poured me a glass of water and handed me the glass. "Here." He said.

"Kyle, is she going to be okay?" Nicottis asked him.

"Yeah. The scars may hurt for a while but she will be alright in a week's rest, Your Highness" He answered.

Prince Nicottis wore his jacket and walked towards the door. "Where are you going, Your Highness?" Kyle asked.

To which Prince Nicottis answered. "To inform Madam Eloise that Alyssa won't attend any classes for the first week."

"No, I...." That was all that came out of my sore throat. What I wanted to say was, 'No, I am fine. I can't possibly miss the first week, your Highness.' Prince Nicottis walked out without even hearing me out. I looked at Kyle and he looked at me in the eyes. For a few minutes we were both quiet but then Kyle pretended to cough and left the room saying. "You should rest now."

Kyle had this beautiful angelic look to him. His brown hair looked almost golden in the sunlight and his hazel eyes captivated your heart as you looked into them. He wore round glasses with a golden rim and his style in clothes was breathtaking.