
Reborn As The Villain

I was walking to the convenience store and the next moment I knew, I was inside the villain's body!? What is going on!? This world is known as the world of Star Fantasy, a popular RPG that dominated the gaming charts. Tournaments were held all over the world to celebrate the success of this game. The top ten guilds were invited for every tournament to recruit new talent for their teams. Liam was part of the third strongest guild in Star Fantasy.  He suddenly woke up as the son of one of the strongest knights in the empire. Arnold von Berkley, who will become one of the greatest villains in the story. He must find out if there are more of him out there. Was he the only one summoned? If so, how can he avoid his inevitable death?  By eliminating his death flags! -- If you would like to hear about any updates regarding my current stories, join my discord: https://discord.gg/zAj9ddMpD4. Currently on HIATUS You can ask anything. I might take suggestions as well. Chapter releases are three full chapters per week. Parts of a chapter will be released a day after each other. Paypal for donations: https://paypal.me/Immortal1217

Immortal_17 · Fantasía
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304 Chs

Chapter 94: Skill Has Been Unlocked

I felt the power of the gods at my fingertips.

Power that knew no limits except being contained within a mortal body. Trapped and held back.

It was for a few seconds but I thought I could see an older version of myself looking back at me while the voices were inside my head.

No, it wasn't "me" exactly.

It was Arnold.

The Arnold who should've been one of the greatest villains during the later stages of the game.

During that time I could feel that he was like a god.

He was definitely more powerful than the Hero without his Holy Sword of Song and Light.

Was it because I had stepped beyond godhood within that moment that Aether was in my hands that I was able to see him?

His gaze held unfathomable power, his smirk was like a demon looking down on ants.

Was that the voice I heard?

Was that who I would've become if I had chosen to throw away my humanity which I held onto dearly?

It was tempting to hold such power but…

I knew that I didn't deserve that power.


I wanted to feel it again.

Being a god.

'Where am I?'

Darkness was all around me.

No, my vision was slowly returning. But I could see an unfamiliar place when I got my vision back.

'I can't move my arms.'

From what I could tell, it was a dark castle of significant size. Despite its vastness, it seemed empty. No, I could somehow feel multiple presences in the dark.

"How far has he gone?" A voice came out of me. It sounded familiar. It sounded like my own voice but more mature.

"—He's heading straight to the throne room, Your Excellency."

A man answered my question. My head suddenly turned.

Rein Rynald was standing there. He was a tall young man with a sharp chin and slanted red eyes. His black hair was neatly combed to one side. He wore a high class suit which gave him an air of noble elegance despite the fact that he lost his title long ago.

"Forgive me for asking but why did you send out everyone to fight the Hero knowing full well that they would die in combat against him?"


I could surmise where I was and what time period this was. Luke was already the leader of the Hero Party and he was coming to eliminate Arnold in his castle that stood atop the destroyed remains of the Theocracy and Holy Kingdom.

Arnold was a warlord in his late twenties, having destroyed countless places to extend his rule of power. The Empire, Fairy Province and Demihuman Kingdom had only remained because Luke and his comrades were standing in his way all this time.

The World Tree Forest which belonged to the Elves weren't a threat to him so he left them as is.

The Testaments vanished after the Pope and High Priests were killed. They had no obligation to protect the Theocracy anymore.

That was why Arnold decided to build his own nation above the ruins of the Holy Kingdom.

"Will you send everyone to their deaths?" Rein asked.

My field of vision was suddenly lifted. "I" stood up and began walking.

"All of you come out."

Immediately after he said that a gust of wind swept past me. Eleven people were suddenly in front of me in a blink of an eye.

All of them wore black cloaks so their faces couldn't be seen.

"You've given your lives to me. Didn't you?"

All of them nodded their heads.

"If I ordered you to lay down your lives to stall the Hero, would you do it?"

They nodded again.

"You have all become worthless to me after I gained this power that even the gods despise. Become useful to me once more by stalling Luke von Berkley."


All of them answered in unison before a powerful gust of wind blew against me. They left the room at astonishing speeds.

It wasn't even a minute later that I began feeling rumbling and saw flashes of light coming down the long dark hallway that extend past the door of this room.

The Hero was cutting down a person with each slash of his sword.

"You who is watching this world through the eyes of someone in the future," I suddenly heard another voice.

I thought it was Arnold for a second but I noticed that someone was standing in front of me. It was a woman with long black hair who had crystal eyes.

The Oracle blessed by Melis, Angelica.

Why was she here? How could she have known I was from the past?

I wanted to ask all these questions but I couldn't.

"Do not let this power overwhelm you," she suddenly said, "Or you will end up like him, one who strives for even more power."

She was silent for a moment before saying:

"Even if that meant that you will make the entire world your enemy. He's powerful. He's mighty. He kills to satisfy his need to show the world his power. This power has long since consumed Arnold von Berkley. But you can still make a difference. Do not accept this power to overcome your resolve to reach your goals. It will only be an obstacle, not a crutch."

It suddenly felt like I was being pulled by a powerful force.

"The dragon within you will be unleashed and you will turn whatever you once held dear to ashes. If you did then you would face the same regret he once felt before forgetting what being human was like."

I could derive one thing from Angelica's emotionless voice.

That thing that took the form of Arnold and whispered into my ear to "Accept it" was not him.


[Fragment Of Time And Clairvoyance has stopped]


His nostrils inhaled the scent of medicine. He was laying on something soft, perhaps a bed.

'Am… I in the infirmary?'

Arnold opened his eyes.

He was expecting his body to be broken beyond repair but—to his amazement—nothing was wrong. He could move around just fine.

Well, when he looked down at his left arm, he couldn't help but frown.

His arm looked similar to a dried grape in color. He could barely feel his arm since his veins were also shattered. Although there was a little movement if he tried hard enough.

'This is the second time my arm had been impacted due to my own mistakes.'

First it was in his fight with Lancelot now it was Aether.

He suddenly heard a thump, so he looked towards his right.

"C-Celeste…?" he could see a familiar young woman who was holding a book in her hand. The thump was probably her closing it out of surprise.

'Mind Control for rookies…?' He saw the title of the book for a mere second before Celeste stashed it behind her back with a straight face.

"Good morning… Or should I say welcome back?" Celeste said with a smile.

Her attitude from last time was nowhere to be seen. Didn't she look at him as if he were her biggest enemy?

Or maybe she was acting to gain his pity?

No, those tears seemed real enough to him. Why would she need to act just to gain his pity.

Arnold took a good look around the room he was in. He could hear peoples' footsteps from outside as they passed by the door. From the young voices, he could tell that he was still at the academy.

There were white curtains around his bed and only Celeste was sitting by his side.

"…How long was I out?"

Another voice answered this as the curtains was pulled aside, "Two days."

"L-Lyra…?" a familiar blue-skinned woman came towards his bed, carrying medical supplies in her hands.

"How do you feel? Any discomfort?"

"Yeah—I mean, no, I'm fine. How… are you here? I thought you were bound to the library."

"My words were I'm trapped in the academy. I never said I couldn't roam the academy if I wanted to. Problem is I never had much reason to," she placed the items on the bedside table, "Your roommate brought your clothes earlier since your academy uniform was ruined."

"I had to place an order at our tailor to make you a new one," Celeste pointed to his left.

A table stood there. On it were a brand new blazer and shirt.

His pants seemed to be fine since that was all that wasn't laying on the table.

"Wait, who changed me?" Arnold looked down when he noticed that he was wearing different clothes. He couldn't feel that he was wearing underwear though.

A nurse was usually the one to change a patient's clothes. The reason he was curious was because Cherubim was in one of the pockets in his pants. If he someone saw Cherubim then a lot of trouble would come his way.

"That doesn't matter," Celeste said with a smile, "What happened two days ago before you passed out? Even professor Rodrick couldn't explain what he saw."

Celeste changed the subject. Arnold didn't mind it so he responded.

"I passed out when… when I felt the power of a god…"

"The power of god? What do you mean?"

"I felt the power of Aether run through my body. It was momentarily but I felt like an entirely different person. The next thing I knew the sword was gone and I was glimpsing up at Freya York before I fell down unconscious."

Celeste looked at Lyra, "Miss Bookkeeper, do you know what he's talking about? What is Aether?"

Arnold was surprised that Celeste—a human and student at that—was talking to a magic race. Most students avoided even looking into her eyes. They wouldn't even rent books at the library anymore after finding out that someone from the demon world was trapped there.

Lyra noticed his expression, "This girl is the second most frequent visitor to the library. We often talk but only briefly. She is a lover of books so I always have to order new novels from publishers."

"I-I see…" Arnold sat up straight. He was careful not to let his arm move too much.

"To answer your question: Aether is a sacred technique that was used for battle long before mana, aura, divine power and elementals was even practiced by humanoids. What Arnold mentioned about stepping beyond the mortal plain for a few seconds isn't entirely impossible."

She looked at Arnold's arm, "Though there was a large sacrifice…" she mumbled.

"A power that makes it possible for humans to ascend to godhood? Impossible." Celeste was skeptical, "As far as we're concerned, gods are in another plain. They were born as gods, not created to become gods."

"Humans only believe what they see so I can't blame you for doubting this. But I—someone who has seen the power being used many times in war—can tell you that the power is dangerous."

"They used the power in war? How?" Arnold asked since he had never heard of something like this.

Sword Intent or Aether for that matter was never really explained in any of the game's wiki's, fandoms or communities. The story was told from the Hero's point of view(who didn't really need Sword Intent since he had divine aura—golden aura).

"Let me put it into simple words: this power kills. Both the user and an enemy you use it on." Arnold frowned, "But if used correctly then it can become the most destructive power in this entire world. But that means that commanders of soldiers would have to force them to throw away their human rights and kill themselves for the benefit of their nation."


"I've seen those flying things the dwarves created being shot out of the sky by a single person who was shot in its direction like a brilliant bright light. They exploded into smithereens, taking countless lives with them every time they attack."

"S-So what you're saying is that I could also die?"

"Luckily only your arm was injured by its power. But the condition it's in is strange," Lyra picked up his arm and examined it closely, "I was expecting it to rot away by now but I can see visible signs of it healing. Yesterday it looked like burnt rubber."

'So Arnold's regeneration abilities are finally showing…'

Although it was odd how a human could have such a power, Liam was grateful that he didn't need to chop off his own arm to replace it with another one.

Rodrick's finger wasn't healing even with potions but Arnold's arm was slowly regenerating new cells and restoring itself.

"Remember that Aether is only meant as a last resort for when you're in danger. Your professor wanted to teach this power to all of them because he knew how dangerous dungeons are. I can remember a few years back how an entire expedition group didn't come back."

"Huh? What happened?"

"I'm not entirely sure. The academy wanted to keep this confidential. Even the parents don't know. While I'm not entirely sure, I can take a guess," she closed her eyes, "Either they were caught up in a teleportation incident or they simply died by a deviant which shouldn't have belonged in that dungeon."


"Tell me what you think would've happened if even one of them had the ability to use Aether?" she was asking Arnold that question.

"…If that person was brave enough to save their classmates and professors then they would've stayed behind and fought the monster to the death."

"Yes. Those few seconds of this person fighting the monster would've allowed everyone to escape. Do you know what the academy did after this incident? Nothing at all. The vice-director didn't allow the professors to teach the children Aether and it remained banned."

'That piece of shit.'

"Wait, if it's illegal to teach that power then where is Rodrick?"

He looked at Celeste while asking that.

"He is standing trial at the teacher's board. Everyone knows that this power can kill if it's not handled correctly. He was given permission to teach all of you the second stage but nothing beyond that."

"Hold on… Are they blaming him for what happened?"

"He's the teacher so yes."

"But I was the one who didn't control my power."

"There's no buts to make this situation right. He was supervising his students but caused one of them to almost die."


Arnold still didn't let this situation go. How could Rodrick be to blame?

'This fucking academy. I bet it's that fucker the vice-director.'

"Don't try anything foolish, Arnold," Celeste probably knew that Arnold wanted to go to the vice-director's office to complain, "Now that everyone knows you can wield… um… Aether was it? They are now afraid of you. You know what that means, right?"

He could guess what Celeste was trying to say.

"The commoner faction can use this as a way to get rid of me…"

"Exactly. That's why you should tread carefully from now on. Oh, and this came for you this morning." Celeste handed Arnold a letter.

"Who sent this?"

"The head of the disciplinary committee, Isaac Languard."


Another major character from the game had appeared.

Arnold opened the letter with a bitter expression. He only skimmed through the get well soon gibberish and how everyone is wishing him well.

Arnold's eyes suddenly widened.

"He… wants me to join them?"

"Yes. If you become a member then you would have a lot of protection from enemy factions that were started in the academy. The biggest of these factions, the Imperial and Commoner Faction wouldn't be able to touch you at all."


True. The Student Discipline Committee hears and adjudicates upon individual cases of alleged breaches of the Code of Student Conduct. They were basically the law in this academy and had as much say in school-related decisions as the Student Council.

Celeste—being the student council president—and Isaac had the same amount of authority.

If Arnold refused to join the committee then she would probably suggest him joining the council.

"Celeste, is it possible for a member of the committee to change any decisions made by members of the teacher board? And even the vice-director?"

Celeste put her finger on her lip, "I believe that if the member has enough proof of the danger of those so-called decisions then it's possible for the board to change it."

'Does this mean I can use my authority as a member of the committee to assemble a rescue party?'

Though the rescue party would be taken care of now, that didn't mean that his decision to destroy a city could be changed. He had found no alternatives so far so that plan was still set to play out by the end of next week.

"Are you going to tell them to rescue the seventh year students? Like I told—"

"I already know. Don't remind me."

Celeste smiled wryly at Arnold who cut her off.

He was tired of trying to argue to make a point. The plan was happening whether he liked it or not. The only difference was that a rescue team would be assembled a lot faster now.

"Tell Isaac I'm willing to join them."

'I should write him a letter and send it to him. It might be better to get this rescue party business taken care of.'

"Very well." Celeste stood up and turned around.



She turned her head towards him.

"…About the other day…"

"Please don't worry. I got ahead of myself and I'm deeply sorry. I showed a side of myself that I never should've showed to anyone."

'You don't have to apologize at all.'

He wanted to say that but couldn't.

Noticing Arnold was silent, Celeste chose to speak, "Take your time to make the decision. But be aware that a lot of things could go wrong on my side if you take speak, "Take your time to make the decision. But be aware that a lot of things could go wrong on my side if you take too long. My father still has to go to the Imperial Court and request them to make you a Penston."

A noble couldn't choose to adopt someone, into their household from another House and change their names, on their own. The imperial court had this power since a change to a Head of a House was bound to affect the Empire in some way.

"Is it possible for me to meet Lord Vance so that I can explain myself?"

"Father is very busy but I sent him a letter. Once I get a response then i'll inform you, Al. Please focus on getting some rest now." Celeste said gently before she closed the door.


When one were to meet with your superiors or with professionals then it's understandable to feel a certain type of pressure when you're waiting to enter through those doors.

Arnold had a similar feeling as he sat there in the exceptionally long hallway.

Classes were over by now so there weren't any students roaming the school. Students weren't allowed to even go near class buildings. They could only roam around their dorms or the Rec areas.

Because of the devoid of life, Arnold felt a certain kind of creepiness that only a school could have after classes were over.

He came here directly from his room after Lyra told him that it would be okay to meet with the vice-director.

Arnold was the supposed victim after all.

Because of this the board decided to transfer Rodrick to another location . He would be a danger to the victim again if he were in the same room.

Lyra mentioned that many of the students were furious with the sword instructor for not helping Arnold.

Yes, there were even admirers to balance the haters that Arnold had.

Well, most of them were juniors since the seniors had many reasons not to like Arnold.

Back to the complaints of the students: they claimed that Rodrick forced Arnold to use Aether even though Arnold didn't want to.

'I have to persuade them to not fire him. It's the least I can do.'

Rodrick was definitely helpless when Arnold was using that power. If Rodrick did anything to stop Arnold then he would've been affected by the power's negative energy that caused Arnold's injury. Those who have been touched by Aether from another person would be burned to ashes since this power must not be passed along lightly.

Arnold suddenly remembered what he saw in that dream he had before waking up. No, maybe it was better to call it a vision of the future?

'I know Angelica is able to look into the past and future ever since she became an oracle. If the future Angelica could identify which timeline I was from then maybe the Angelica from this timeline saw me as well?'

Oracles had the ability to see everything their future selves could see. Their powers weren't just divinations from the gods. Of course, they are forbidden from sharing this information with another person for their own gain. Only divinations directly from the gods could be told to others. There is a hefty punishment but there are exceptions to the rule.

For example, Arnold knew pretty much most of the future already so she could tell him about the things she saw. The two of them were equally gifted with knowledge.

Sooner or later he had to confront Angelica. The problem was Lancelot. It was unnecessary to explain why since Arnold was a demon lord factor and Angelica was Lancelot's childhood crush. There was no way he would listen to whatever Arnold had to say.

Arnold took out his hologram card to check his HP.



'Ugh, I lost more than half my health just from using Aether once?'

"Huh?" he suddenly noticed a flashing light on the right side of the hologram.

Out of curiosity he swiped with his finger.

The skill [Forbidden Arts – Sword Tribulation(S) has been unlocked.]


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