
Chapter 2

Yeph, I'm not a tyrant I just woke up and somehow I'm the only one left who has the Letishans Ancestors Seal the symbol that shows that I have the right to inherit the throne. Many who tried to usurp the throne so I killed them because they also tried to kill me. If it's not for this rulers system I would have died at that time so I am not a tyrant what I did is a self defense. While Verline was busy thinking about the past events a woman in blue silver clad armor stepped Infront of the throne and kneeled before Verline who is setting in his throne. The girl is in her mid 30st a very fierce warrior she is ELLENA the one of his summoned general from the system. My Lord the the leaders and officers were all been executed by hanging them all at the wall of the city. You have done a very good job Ellena for surprising the rebels, No, my Lord it is my duty to serve his Majesty therefore it is natural for me to execute your orders assuring not to disappoint you, your majesty.

.... Now, how is the Kings Government Zagars is going well.

Yes your majesty the government is running smoothly and we are already building the Kings Government Halls in all the provinces of the kingdom and also building small branches to the major cities and towns of the kingdom. Zagard is also is a loyal subordinate of the late king my father and now it become my loyal subordinate. The Kings Government is the governance system I made to help me govern the kingdom as the nobles were eradicated and exiled from the kingdom. This system has the Kings Hall which is located in the capital and it is the core body while the Provincial Kings Hall is the second this where the orders from the Kings Hall is passed down and spread it to the Kings branches halls which is located to every district or town and cities that are under each specific provinces of the kingdom. A governors will sit in the provinces Hall they are appointed by me the king. While the branches are representative of the population of that place. The governor will govern the province under the direct order of the king while the representatives will execute the orders they are given by the governor. One more thing that I established is the military system of the kingdom all private forces are removed and the entire army is united under the military Hall of the kingdom which is under my direct comand. The forces of the kingdom was divided into two the Kingdoms Guardian, which is tasked to gaurd the cities towns and citizens, they mainly maintain the peace and order within the kingdoms society, they also executed and maintain the laws of the kingdom. The other force are the Knights they are the military force of the kingdom which guards the border from any external force, they also tasked to maintain unity of the kingdom and destroy any forces that tries to harm the kingdom.