
Reborn as The Rival

Aiden had read many novels about reader's transmigration into novels. Now it was his turn. He had opened his eyes in a world that he had read about. But unlike most people in his situation, he wasn't an extra. He wasn't even a minor villain or even the main character. No, he had become the Rival character. The one who can stand toe to toe against the main character atleast for the first half. --- The story is in first person POV. If you're looking for harem or faceslaping then this isn't the novel for you. The MC won't try to hide his prowess and actively take part in the story. Anyways, um.. enjoy. Finally the art is not mine.

Ferzd · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Aiden Wright

==1st Person POV==

It was a serene night. I watched the three moons from the window of my apartment. 

A sigh escaped my lips. I had seen no read this exact scenario a thousand times before. 

A normal human's transmigration to a world of a novel that they had read. I could understand why it was such a popular genre afterall, I loved reading those.

Now it seems, it was my turn to be in their shoes. I knew what world I was in by the things I had seen up to now. 

Three moons were a clear sign but fiddling with my smartwatch confirmed it.

====Cadet ID====

Cadet: HA219420               <Photo>

Name: Aiden Wright

Rank: –


AC- 15000


It was the student ID of Heart Academy. One of the most prestigious academies of the world… you know the classic academy troupe.

The rank was empty because they will be decided after the midterms and AC stood for academy credits that one could use to buy resources. Every student received 15000 to start with.

The humans ruled the eastern continent. The elves ruled the south and dwarves ruled the north. The centre was covered by a huge impenetrable forest filled with fearsome beasts and monsters that made it impossible to control.

The west was the demon territory and by far the biggest continent. The demons were a powerful race who wanted to devour the world.

In fact they had done the same to the world of dwarves and elves and now they were onto the human world. 

The three races formed a union to prevent the world from falling into the hands of demons.

And that's where we are.

I was currently in the last month of 419 AU which symbolises 419 years after the formation of the union. Yes, the stalemate has lasted for 419 years.

The next year, the story begins in earnest. The year when the protagonist joined the Heart academy.

I shook my head. The world was relatively quiet for now, but all that will change from next year when demons would make their appearance and start their offence.

'I am gonna get caught up in all that..' I thought. I had to be in the same year as the protagonist even in the same class.

I recognised my name from the novel.. well it belonged to one of the important characters. 

"Aiden Wright" was one of the most talented humans in the entire continent only beaten by the protagonist. 

He was from a wealthy and prestigious family, his father, Edmund Wright, was currently considered one of the strongest fighters of the union.

He was also the protagonist's rival… for the first half. In the latter half he would join the demons and become a full on villain.

"Status," I muttered.




Rank: E


Strength: E-

Agility: E+

Resilience: E

Heart: E

Stamina: E-

Charm: A-


Damn, look at that charm.. for reference, an average person in this world was <D> rank in charm.

"Heart" referred to the Ether heart. Unlike elves, humans were relatively insensitive to mana so they couldn't use it directly instead they had evolved a new organ called ether heart that absorbed and processed mana into ether which was then used by humans.

Also my other stats were also very impressive. Most students in the academy would be F tier. So, I was way ahead of the curve.

Makes sense I am the rival afterall. 

Shaking my head, I thought about my future plans. Now most people in my situation often went to collect hidden treasures that would boost their strength or help them in their journey.

But my case was different, I couldn't do that why? Because, those don't exist in this world.

And by those I don't mean hidden treasures, they definitely exist. I mean treasures that can be found by an <E> ranker like me. 

Even the treasure that was easiest to find required me to be a <C> rank and even then it would be close to impossible.

So, I have to think of another way to get a head start. Luckily I had a way. I opened the computer near my bed and went on the internet in search of some useful artefacts and weapon arts.

As I scrolled through weapon arts I realised one thing.. 'What weapon should I use?' 

In the original novel, Aiden used daggers which complimented his personality of always going for the fatal blow to end the battle as soon as possible.

But I wouldn't choose that because it caused me to get close and personal with my opponents, which was something I wanted to avoid. Besides, Aiden was not gifted in being an assassin.

A sword would be a good choice, but it doesn't fit well with me. Again, I am not someone who wants to get up close and personal.

Maybe a bow? But that also requires a lot of practice. Archery was one of the hardest skills to master even harder than swordsmanship. It was also not very versatile.

'A gun?' I thought for a while but shook my head. Picking a gun was plain stupid as it created barriers that I could never cross without a better gun.

'Maybe a polearm' I thought. Spears allowed me to maintain a good distance away from my opponent. It was also fairly common which means that finding weapon arts won't be hard.

I thought for a while and decided to pick the polearm route. Now, the question was which polearm should I pick?

After a few minutes of thinking, I chose a halberd. It was the most effective weapon for me.

So, taking a deep breath I quickly searched for a good halberd and weapon art to practise before I start my academy.

I was not one of those people who would be content being a background character. I had already experienced what that felt like in my previous life.

In this life, I wanted to be the strongest, the protagonist can go to hell, the canon can go to hell.

'I will live how I want to live. I will live a life worth living and all that starts now.' I thought as I looked at the package that had already been delivered.

'Perks of being a rich young master.' I thought. Looking at the package.

It was a well crafted halberd which was approximately 6ft. A little shorter than me. The weapon art and the weapon came together as a set.

The spear was called 'El's Cross' and the weapon art was called… 'El's Cross'  Yeah, they had the same name. It was weird and shady but I knew that 'Paradox' The market that I bought them from was the most credible organisation in the world.

'Even more than the union.' I thought, shaking my head.

Anyways, the spear was a 'D' level weapon and the art was a three star art. The set cost me about 700000UC which translated to about 1.2 million dollars. 

Yeah I was rich.