
Reborn As The Cold-hearted Hero's Daughter

dak_pan · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter One

'Why did things turn out like this?' Reya thought as she was forced to clean up a purposely dropped drink as her aunt and uncle gave her wicked smiles, 'Why did my parents ditch their baby with these people? I can't even remember what they look like.'

"Now get out of here so we can prepare for tonight's ball." Her uncle told her with a nasty look as she finished dealing with mess, and Reya gave her a bow before picking up the heavy bucket of water and walking out of the room. She could feel her hurt hands stinging from the soapy water and couldn't help remembering how her aunt had slapped her hands with a ruler for simply existing.

'I wonder if they'll end up killing me from shock?' Reya thought as she dumped left the bucket in the nearby storeroom and began to make her way to the dungeon they call her room, her legs aching with every step, 'Who treats a six year old like this anyways?'

"My apologies." The newest maid said as she nearly bumped her as she exited one of the rooms, and Reya silently bowed before continuing on her way until the woman suddenly grabbed her arm, noticing how dirty Reya was, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Ma'am." Reya told her as the maid as she let her go, and the maid watched her walk away with a concerned look. Reya sighed as she finally made it to her dark room and curled up on the tattered mat she called her bed. It didn't take long for exhaustion to fill her little body, and she quickly fell asleep.

"So this is where you were!" The head butler yelled as he pulled Reya from the mat by her arm and dragged her out of the room, "The ball is already half-way over, and you need to start dealing with the mess!"

"Yes, Sir." Reya said as she was pulled into the ballroom and nearly threw her inside as he opened the doors. She found the small broom and dustpan that her aunt and uncle had gotten her and began to sweep up any mess she saw. She knew that she would be punished again if she tried to enjoy the ball herself and kept to the edge of the room to avoid anyone who might try to talk to her before she heard a plate hit the ground near the center of the ballroom. She quietly made her way over as the guests stepped away from the mess and got on her knees to pick up the shards of porcelain. She heard the nearby guests murmuring as they watched her, and her aunt quickly walked over to scold her.

"Even for a brat, you're way too slow!" Reya's aunt said as she placed her foot on the young girl's back, and she gave Reya a wicked smirk as a few of the nobles laughed at her misfortune before the doors suddenly swung open. Reya looked up when everyone went silent and saw a man with black hair and a woman with blue hair similar to hers walk in.

"Why are you standing on that child?" The man asked as they made their way over, and Reya's aunt quickly removed her foot from her back. The woman walked over to help Reya up before they both froze in surprise, and Reya's eyes filled with tears.

"Mommy!" Reya yelled as she grabbed the front of the woman's dress tightly and began to cry loudly, "Please don't leave me in this horrible place again!"

"Explain." The man said as a dark aura filled the room and everyone other than the woman and Reya fell to their knees before he stood over Reya's aunt, struggling to even speak as she stared into his red irises, "I'm talking to you Reya."

"Uncle would hit my hands if I didn't do as he said, and Aunt kept me locked in a dark room with no food afterward!" Reya told him through her sobs as her mother picked her up, "Please don't abandon me here!"

"Is that what you've been told?" Her mother asked with an angry look, and Reya nodded as she began to hiccup, "We never abandoned you, Reya. We had to go somewhere that wouldn't have been safe for you, but it seems as though we made a mistake leaving you here."

"Let's go, Reina." The man said as he turned to leave, and she adjusted Reya before following him as the aura dissipated. Reya's aunt was thanking whatever god that saved her as she watched them walk away until they both stopped.

"Do you want us to punish them?" Reina asked Reya in a calm tone as all three of them turned her aunt and uncle, but it was clear that she was too tired to answer. Reina and the man looked at each other before making their way outside without another word, and their black carriage was already waiting for them.

"Is this the Young Lady, Master Drake?" The butler that was driving the carriage asked as he opened the door for them, and the man nodded as helped Reina inside, "Would you like for me to stay on the smoother roads so that she may rest."

"That would be wise." Drake told him in a cold tone as he climbed inside, and the butler gave him a slight bow before shutting the door, "I was my decision to leave her here."

"It was their decision to hurt our daughter." Reina said as she saw the bruises on Reya's arms, and Drake could feel her murderous intent, but it disappeared when Reya began to stir, "It will be her decision as to what we do to them."