
Reborn As Sirzechs Gremory

I Became The Strongest Devil Sirzechs Gremory. I'm writing this just for fun as I have too much inspiration and am bored. Updates stability aren't confirmed. Number of words per chapter unsure. Will there be smut/lemons bcs it's a Dxd character? If I build the courage to write it... And an op mc as writing weak too strong is quite difficult. He is strong, but will grow stronger. Main powers is obviously Sirzechs Power Of Destruction and flight.

Daoist764038 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The Beginning!(Rewritten!)

(3rd person Pov)

People around the world shuddered in horror and despair as they watch the entire continent of Europe dissappear from the face of the earth. The only thing remaining that was proof of Europe even once existing was the massive hole which was pitch black slowly being filled with lava.

And the one who caused the disappearance of the entire European continent was a boy no older than 5 years old his handsome face and crimson hair attracted many people in the past, but now for the rest of the child's life he will be feared. Black and crimson destructive energy coated the child's body as he cried and wailed in anger and despair.

This child whose quirk was the ability to use destructive energy to destroy any who stood before him evolved to cover him in a Human-Shaped Aura of Destruction. This is the young Sirzechs' true form. His quirk evolved to convert himself into the Power of Destruction that destroys everything regardless of his will. The full releasing of his powers was enough to not only destroy the entire continent of Europe, but it also caused an earthquake felt across the entire world.

"Dammit! How did this even happen?! I thought the Gremory family was too powerful and influential to be targeted for assassination!"

The one who spoke was none other than the number 1 hero of America, and the strongest female hero in the world. Cathleen Bate, better known as Stars and Stripes. Her question was answered by one of the soldiers flying the jet she was standing on.

"You aren't aware of what happened? The Gremory family was suddenly attacked by monsters that numbered in the thousands. The only way to even kill them was through the use of lady Venelena's power of destruction. Her husband's quirk that allowed him to manifest bat wings and shoot wind blades didn't effect these monsters much as they simply regenerated."

A second soldier continued.

"Eventually, they were overwhelmed by the number of monsters, and once they were to exhausted to fight back, random everyday thugs came out of a portal and raped the wife of Zeoticus Gremory."

And the third and last soldier finished the explanation.

"Before she was raped, the scum's hacked every major news station across the world before going live and then raping her exhausted body. Zeoticus was forced to watch as he could do nothing since his wings were ripped off his back, and his bones broken. This would continue for an hour and none of the government officials, the European police or even the heroes could stop them as those monsters stopped anyone from entering. The only one allowed inside the house was the panicked child between the two Sirzechs Gremory. And it was all captured live, the moment he entered and saw his defiled mother and bleeding father, his quirk went berserk. This is the outcome."

Star's and Stripes frowned as she muttered outloud.

"The disappearance of everyone and everything across the entire European continent. Dammit, if not for my quirk America would have long since join the number of countries that was destroyed. Britain, Germany, Ukraine, all destroyed."

The first soldier continued.

"The worst part is that their deaths wasn't even instantaneous. It was slow and painful. The young, the old, even newborn children weren't spared. Everyone was killed slowly none of them being strong enough to protect themselves against Sirzechs quirk."

Star's & Stripes clicked her tongue as she spoke.

"Tsk. I'll find a way to save that boy I swear! I know for a fact that those cunning bastards won't let him off scott free. Worst case scenario is him being publicly executed for something he has no control over. And the worst part is a large majority of people will agree to his execution believing him to be too big a threat to be allowed to live."

The third soldier gave his opinion

"When you have a body count that numbers in the billions, I believe I'd understand why people would fear him. But regardless, he's still a child. One whose had the displeasure of seeing something that terrible."

The second soldier questioned.

Soldier 2: "But how do we save the kid? We can't even get near him without being turned into past tense."

Star's and Stripes puffed her chest out as she spoke.

"Leave it to me soldiers! I promise you that no matter what happens, I will save that child! For now all of you stay put!"

As the number 1 American hero touches her arm, she invokes her quirk New Order.

"I Cathleene Bate can now fly and am immune to Sirzecs Power Of destruction!"

And as she invoked the power of her quirk, she jumped off the jet and began flying to where Sirzecs stood. His entire body covered in black and crimson destructive energy. However, as she got closer, she suddenly paused as her eyes went widen in horror upon the discovery she made and the realisation of the implications of said discovery

'My quirk is losing it's affect?! Don't tell me his power of destruction is actually potent enough to actually erode the laws I implement?!'

Stars and Stripes bit her thumb in frustration as suddenly dozens of helicopters appeard around her. Some she recognised as Military Helicopters, and some being news choppers. The number 1 American hero clicked her tounge in annoyance as she approached one of the military choppers as she questioned furiously

S&S: "What are you all doing?!"

Luckily, their choppers came set with translators in case something like this happend. The pilot heard the heroes words as he spoke in Japanese with everything being translated to English for Stars and Stripes.

"We are from the Japanese military. We've been sent to kill Sirzechs Gremory under the crimes against humanity that he's commited"

Star's didn't take those words lightly as she glared at the pilot and questioned in a raised voice.

"Crimes against humanity?! He's just a child! Is it his fault his quirk went berserk?!"

The pilot didn't care much for her words as he spoke arrogantly.

"He's killed billions miss Star's. Are you planning to defend him? It's pointless you know? Even if you brought the best lawyer's in the world to protect him, he's already been given the death sentence not just by japan, but by all the countries that haven't perished under that Demon's hands. So unless you plan to go against the entire world, please kindly cooperate with us in killing him."

Star's glared at the pilot with unhidden disdain and fury as she questioned.

"And if I refuse?"

The Pilot snorted disdainfully at Star's and Stripes as he replied

"Then your country will consider you as a traitor. Your family will be imprisoned in the best case, and executed in the worst case for being related to someone who abandoned their country. And don't think that you alone have the power to go against the entire world miss Star's. There's always a weakness to every quirk, all they need to do to control you is find that weakness and exploit it. And even if you don't have any weaknesses, you still have a family that can be used to blackmail you into becoming obedient."

Stars and Stripes was furious at his words. The arrogance, the disdain, the mockery in his tone was obvious. He was getting off being able to arrogantly look down upon and mock the "Strongest Woman In The World" and get away with it.

"You dare speak to me like you know how the future unfolds?!"

The Pilot who still carried an air of arrogance confidently replied

"I don't know how the future unfolds, but I don't need to be able to know how the future unfolds to tell that that boy has no future. And believe me when I say even if he does survive, he'll be branded a murderer. People will constantly fear him, he will grow up all alone with no one to give him a happy childhood. He will be hunted down for the rest of his life for those in power fear what he might become if granted enough time to grow.

And no one will be willing to help him, to give him therapy for all that he's been through and when he becomes a villain, people will start saying that he should have been killed before he had become a villain. Humans aren't saints miss Star, we do what's best for our survival. And almost no one will ever want to admit that their words, their actions is what caused him to become a villain in the near future. And besides, eliminating a threat such as that child will ensure the safety of the future generation. So I ask you once more, MOVE."

The words of the pilot caused the number 1 American hero to become conflicted. And, she ended up giving way to the soldier's. The news station saw the interaction between the number 1 American hero and the Japanese pilot as they smiled in joy for the massive scoop they got.

And as Star's & Stripes saw the many different military chopper's heading towards the child whose still continuing to release endless waves of destructive energy, an amused voice was heard. Although it's tone was casual, an unknown pressure descended upon the world. And everyone felt it, the world was trembling in fear of the unknown voice, as if the world was begging for forgiveness for anything it may have done to offend the unknown voice.

( "How interesting, you have quite alot of potential, but I'm not interested in a fake product. But I will atleast grant you a chance of survival to grow stronger to entertain me.")

Suddenly, a pair of crimson Demonic eyes appeared in sky causing everyone even the world to freeze in terror. And when Space parted ways and the earth bowed in reverence to whoever was about to appear, everyone watched in anxiousness as two people walked out of the hole in space.

The first was a young man that resembles a pale-skinned teen human with black hair and red eyes with big black rings around the irises.

And the second was a petite young woman with long, dark brown hair, parted in the center and worn braided back into a large, low bun, which is held in place by a floral tama-kanzashi hairpin. She has large, gentle eyes that initially do not possess pupils, only a haze of lavender that fades to dark purple the higher it goes, and notably red lips in contrast to her pale complexion. She is noted to have an attractive appearance by everyone watching the scene unfold.

The young man casually walked to the young boy as he patted his head without fear of the crimson destructive energy surrounding him. The young man spoke up.

"I am Anos Voldigoad, it's nice to meet you young man. I'm terribly sorry for the scene of defilement you were subjected to. Before I leave, I will grant you a gift to help you control your powers and escape to incase you are facing someone whom you can't beat just yet. I expect great things from someone whose using the identity and powers of the Super Devil that holds the title of Lucifer make me proud. I'll even remove all your limiters. From now on, you can grow infinitely without any problems."

{Dedradoned, Iris, Los}

A magic spell which creates a twisted otherworldly space and brings those who enter it from another place. It allows him to enter by opening a portal with a magic circle. And the interior of the space is infinite. With Iris Anos created an actual living space inside for the young boy, and a training room to help him control his Powers. And lastly Los granting him infinite food that never rots or spoils.

"I've granted you all these great gifts, you better not dissapoint me."

Finsihing his words, Anos's index finger made contact with the boys forehead dispersing the black and crimson energy as everyone saw the child's face stained with tears still running down them. Anos threw the child into the alternative space before he turned around and headed back to Tamayo who questioned him.

"Shouldn't you fix the damages caused by his powers going berserk?"

Anos looked at the massive hole filling up with molten lava before shrugging as he causally replied.

Anos: "No. I have no interest in fixing the boy's mess."

Tamayo just sighed in dissapointment as she clasped her hands to pray for everyone killed. Anos simply watched on allowing her to finish her prayers before she turned her head facing Anos, a more gentle smile adorning her face capturing the hearts of everyone as she spoke.

"Thank you for allowing me to pray for the deceased."

Anos merely nodded as he replied.

"It doesn't matter in the end. Your prayers pont bring the dead back."

Tamayo nodded to him sadly.

"I know."

Anos then spoke.

" {Gatom}"

And like that the two disappeared. And only when the two disappeared did the world begin to return to normal. But as everyone finally regained their bearings, pure pandemonium erupted everywhere as not only was Sirzecs Gremory gone, but he was still alive as well!

And due to the destruction of almost all the countries on the European continent, the world would face the next great depression as the value of European money became obsolete.