
Reborn as Shisui Uchiha

Suddenly a man loses his hope over his life because he loses his eyesight, he could not watch anime and the world anymore. So why not end this boring life. To his surprise, it was not the end, but the beginning of a new adventure. He was reincarnated as Shisui Uchiha in the Naruto world. This will explain why Shisui's body was not found. Get ready for the adventure!

N3C0TYN3S · Cómic
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3 Chs

Training Period

"Wtf? Where am I? This is not the Naruto world!" I saw that there was a big white and black floored room with other people whom I ever haven't seen before.

[Host, you are currently in the Training Zone. The flow of chakra in the Naruto world is too much for your soul to handle, moreover you can not go to the world until your character is announced dead in the world, otherwise it might cause some paradox]

"So you mean, I have to wait until my avatar in the Naruto world has died?" I became worried.

[Yes, in the meantime, you will train your soul here]

Seeing no more options I tried to focus on what was going on in the room because some boys were fighting over something.

"You pipsqueak! How can you get a better system than mine? My determination is way out of your league, so why did I get a D-rank stupid system?" said the red-haired tall boy to a rather short boy.

I was surprised because one with more DL points gets the better system.

[Host, let me explain. DL is also combined with some other attributes as well. You have a good quality, which is taking a decision by remaining calm. So, your character will also be same natured in the next universe. As the red-haired man has a low temper and determination for evil crafts, he will probably be reborn as an antagonist. So, his system is also like that.]

I decided not to meddle with those people, so I went ahead by crossing them. Suddenly someone grabs my shoulder.

"Hey brat, where are you going? Tell us your system rank." Said one of the accomplices of the red-haired guy.

So, there are bullies even after death? What a pain.

"I don't know, but its name is Gin." I said.

"What?" the red haired guy rushed in front of me, "You must be talking trash, it is the most powerful system ever programmed. You ask me to believe that it is your system?" he said.

"I don't care if you believe me or not, now, if you'll excuse me, I have some training to do." I said as I entered the next room.

"You-" the red haired guy could not do anything I went over to the next room.

This room was like a gym and a library mixed together.

[Host, you have to learn the manual of using me, the system, as the fullest and every day you have to train to get stronger to be compatible with your avatar.]

"Okay." I started to read a book which appeared in front of me as soon as I stood near the book shelves.

It was hard to memorize the books and training toughly for the days. But after a long time of struggle, my time came to enter the next Universe.

I felt like a totally different person after all those harsh trainings given to me by the system.

I opened the door to the Naruto Universe. As soon as I opened it, I felt I was being sucked in and after a while I felt hot air, pain in my eyes and it felt like I was falling from a very high cliff.

I was in the Naruto Universe….

Sorry if this chapter was too short, but I will try to make the next chaps will be worth your time

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