
Reborn As Saiyan God! Prince Vegeta!

Hello! This is my first time writing so I appreciate any corrections and support from you guys. The story is about a highschool guy who died and got 3 wishes from a bored god and transmigrated as the Prince of All Saiyan!Prince Vegeta! English is not my first language so there will be some corrections.

Silent_Cuber · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 3: Arriving at Earth and Meeting Dr. Brief

-Next Morning-

When Vegeta woke up, he left the cave and checked the other warriors' location using his scouters who accompanied them in the mission. After that, he came back to the cave and began to shake his two saiyan subordinates using his feet to wake them up.

Vegeta: "Hey! You two wake up! Prepare your things. Don't forget to turn off your scouters."

Nappa and Raditz then begin to wake up and before they turn off their scouters, they were shocked when they see Vegeta's new power level.

Nappa: "!"

Raditz: "V-vegeta your power level!"

Vegeta: "There's no time for questions. I will tell you later."

Raditz: "R-right!"

Nappa: "Vegeta, what are we going to do to the other warriors of the Frieza force? I'm pretty sure that they will report us to Frieza if they learn about our plan to leave without Frieza's order."

Vegeta: "Of course, we will get rid of them. They are all still sleeping when I checked them earlier so don't worry about them reporting to Frieza, we will use this opportunity to attack them while their guard is down. Also, don't forget to destroy all the Frieza force scouters."

Vegeta said with a serious look on his face.

Vegeta: "Let's move quick, before they wake up."

Then the massacre began and the others didn't even know how they died or who killed them. Thanks to Vegeta checking everyone's locations earlier they were able to kill all of them without leaving anyone alive, especially that there's no one in the Frieza force that can suppress and hide their power levels.

Vegeta: "Now that it's done, it will take time for Frieza to notice this. Call your space pods, and be ready to leave."

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!


They all call their space pods, after a while a large round metal objects that can carry a whole person fly through the sky and land in front of them making a little crater.

Vegeta: "First, remove all the communicators in your space pods that will enable the PTO and Frieza force from tracking us."

Then they started to remove or sever all the communication and lines that can lead PTO to them.

Nappa: "So where are we going now?"

Vegeta: "We will go to a blue planet near the center of the Milky Way galaxy, called earth."

Raditz: "Oh yeah I remember now, mom said she sent Kakarot there. Are we gonna pick him?"

Vegeta: "Of course not, we don't need a weakling in our group and we don't have time babysitting a baby. In a decades or so we will test him out and we will see if he gets strong enough to be worthy to join us. For now, we will go to earth to learn some techniques from them."

Nappa was somewhat puzzled by what Vegeta said.

Nappa: "What would a bunch of weaklings can teach us, the last report about this humans is that their average power level is between 5 to 10."

Vegeta: "Are you questioning me?"

Vegeta said while looking at Nappa in the eye.

Nappa sweat drop trying to reason himself.

Nappa: "N-no, I-i mean-"

Before Nappa can say anything Vegeta interrupted him.

Vegeta: "Shut up, Nappa! I know what I'm doing! These weaklings that you're talking about can even beat you if you give them enough time. Now go your space pods and set to the coordinates, and we will leave immediately."

Vegeta said with an authoritative tone.

Nappa/Raditz: "Right!"

Then they enter their respective space pods and set earth's coordinates. After a while, their space pods float to the air and make a 'swoosh' sound leaving the planet's atmosphere.

-After a year-

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!


After more than twelve months of traveling, they finally arrived in earth's atmosphere and landed on a barren land creating three huge craters.


After they landed, they opened their hatches revealing a 6 years old kid with spiky black hair facing upward (Vegeta/Mc), an 11 years old with spiky long black hair hanging through his back (Raditz), and a middle-aged man with mohawk black hair and mustache (Nappa). The strange thing about them is their strange armor and a tail!

Vegeta then spread his ki sense, he sensed several power levels ranging from 5 to 10. In the first month of their travel, Vegeta practiced his ki sensing trying to master it. In the remaining months, he always spread his ki sense to widen their range. By shaping his ki into very small thin lines that even the most advanced technology can't see through it. And by spreading these thin lines of ki in all directions and rotating it like a radar he was able to sense the location and the power levels of someone who touched it and now he can sense a whole planet. Although he can sense the location of ki accurately, but not the exact power levels because his technique is only self made and not very advanced.

After sometime he sense a power level of around a hundred and thirty in an isolated area, thinking that it's Master Roshi. Then he sense two power levels in the sky, almost reaching 400 and the other one almost 300, thinking that it's the earth's guardian kami and his assistant.

Vegeta then thinks:

Vegeta: 'I'm sure that Kami and Mr. Popo probably sense us already, well it's not like they can do anything. Although I can sense Master Roshi, Kami and Mr. Popo, but I can't sense Kakarot anywhere. I think it's because Kakarot is only a year old and his power level is only comparable to the average power level of an adult so it's hard to find and locate him.'

While Vegeta was thinking about this, he again sense a higher power level than the average human had on this planet, probably something around a hundred plus.

Vegeta: 'Oh yeah, I think it's probably grandpa Gohan and the one near him with the power level of 5 is probably Kakarot.'

Nappa then walk near him and ask:

Nappa: "So Vegeta, where are we going now?"

Vegeta: "First, we will go to the nearby city and then ask some information from the people there ."

Vegeta didn't wait for Nappa's reply, he began to float to the sky until he reached just under the clouds to not block his vision and began to search for the nearest populated area using his ki sense. After he found what he was looking for, he signaled Raditz and Nappa to follow him and they started to fly to the location.

Then they landed on an area in the city with fewer people to not cause any ruckus about them flying. But they still cause people to stare at them with a strange look, probably because of their strange costumes.

After some time of asking, they learned that they're in the central city and the location of the most well known scientist who lives in western city, known as Dr. Brief. Although, it's quite far for some people but not for them, they can just fly and get there after a few minutes.

Vegeta: "Now that we have some information we needed, let's go back to our landing spot and carry our space pods. We will go to western city to meet this Dr. Brief."

The two saiyans nodded their head and follow Vegeta.

Then they flew back to where they left their space pods and flew towards the direction of western city, capsule corps. After some time of flying, they arrived in western city and landed in front of the capsule corps.

Vegeta walk in front of a gate and push the button for the doorbell.


Then later the gate opened revealing a man in his late 30s wearing a white lab gown, green polo t-shirt, violet jeans, brown slippers, with gray hair and mustache, with black framed glasses, this man is none other than Dr. Brief.

Dr. Brief looked down and saw the young prince, behind him was Nappa and another kid, Raditz. They are all wearing strange armor and carrying a large round object.

Dr. Brief stare at the round object they're carrying with a somewhat curious gaze. Dr. Brief can see that the object is not simple, because of the red light Inside the pods he can clearly see some of the complex arrangements and structure inside the pods. Then he said:

Dr. Brief: "Hello there little guy, what can I help you with?"

Vegeta's brow twitch when he heard the doctor call him little guy and then said:

Vegeta: "I've heard that you are the most well known scientist on this planet."

Dr. Brief then scratch the back of his head while saying:

Dr. Brief: "Hahaha, don't flatter me."

Vegeta: "Well anyway, I can see that you're somewhat curious about what we are carrying."

Vegeta then put the space pod down causing the ground to shake. Then he continue:

Vegeta: "I will give you this space pod and in return I want you to make me a new space ship based on this one, you can Improve it of course. I want the spaceship to have a gravity chamber, which can increase the earth's gravity inside the chamber to the highest level you can build. I also want the spaceship to have rooms where I can rest, take a bath and necessary things for surviving in space."

When Dr. Brief heard that it's a real spaceship, he stared at it like a kid looking at a candy. He quickly said without even asking where it come from or anything:

Dr. Brief: "Yes, yes. It can be done, it can be done."

Vegeta: "So, how long will it take for you to build the ship?"

Dr. Brief placed his right hand on his chin and started thinking.

Dr. Brief: "Hmmm? I think around 5 - 6 months."

Vegeta: "Great, then we will come back after six months."

Dr. Brief then calls a robot to carry the space pods to his lab.This time, Nappa's stomach growled, and everyone stared at him.

Dr. Brief: "Hoho, so you're hungry huh. It's okay you all can eat here, come in."

Dr. Brief calls his wife Panchy to prepare food. Then they all enter the Brief's house.

Vegeta: "If it's ok, I want you to increase the food serving for 20x what you normally ate. As you might not know but our saiyan physiology is quite different from you humans."

Dr. Brief: "Oh, so you're actually an alien huh. That explains why you can carry super heavy objects and have more advanced technology. But don't worry about the food, we have many here. Please, make yourself at home."

Then Dr. Brief ran to his lab to start and test the new advanced technology he got. Then we saw Panchy and behind her a little girl who had light blue hair somewhat looked shy. When Panchy saw the cute little Vegeta and Raditz, she ran towards them and started to caress her cheeks to them.

Vegeta: 'Hmm, bulma's personality is quite different from the anime. I think it's because she's still a kid, anyway I'm hungry.'

After some introductions, the saiyans started to eat like there's no tomorrow. After their food slaughtering, Panchy give them a room for them to rest.

Hi guys! I was thinking of making Raditz a baseball player and Nappa joined the army. To be honest, I just want to focus more to Vegeta, since he's the mc of this story. I'm also running out of ideas for them because if I continue to include them in mc's adventure, they'll be more like a shadow who always tailing our mc. Don't worry, I will also make them super saiyan in the future.

Silent_Cubercreators' thoughts