
Reborn as Obito Uchiha In one piece

Teen got killed and met god who gave him three wishes and he chose to be reborn as obito uchiha in one piece .

Gs9Gosohard · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Commodore Obito

6 years later....

Logue Town

"Wait, wait ! the hideout is on the northeastern coast of the island , please don't kill me !" Pleaded the pirate

"If what you say is true then your life will be spared. Van augur scout the north eastern part of the island, see if our pirate friend here is telling the truth" said obito

"It will be done captain" replied augur

"You , take this pirate scum to base and see that he's locked up in a cell" ordered obito as he pointed at a marine

" Yes sir !" Bellowed the marine

"To your feet pirate scum !" Shouted the marine as he proceeded to drag the marine off the ground and placed metal hand cuffs on his hands.

One hour later

Marine base

Obito was sitting behind his desk finishing up some paper work when augur entered his office ,van augur was his very first special recruit. He found him 2 years ago when he was sent by vice admiral Doberman to hunt down and arrest some pirates on silk island in the east blue , and when obito arrived on silk island all the pirates were killed by augur, and augur spouting his fate nonsense said that it was fate that he was to join him,so obito recruited him into the marines plus he wouldn't dare let such a talented sniper like augur join the Blackbeard pirates in the future .

If augur didn't want to join the marines he would've kill him then and there. Luckily the man chose the former.

"Captain, what the pirate said was true the long beard pirates have camped on the northeastern shore of the island" reported augur

"Well then it seems we have another pirate crew to dispose of, prepare the garrisons " obito said darkly

, which Augur nodded to and left .

Logue Town was very large and patrolling the entire polestar island was next to impossible with only 150 marines .

Even if pirates feared him and knew that he was in charge of the marine base on the island , it didn't stop them from coming here, because Logue town was an important supply hub in the east blue before going through the red line .So stopping here for supplies before going through the red line was very important .

Ace had already evaded him and entered the grand line with his pirate crew a few months ago, he knew ace would start his journey when he turned 17 but he didn't know where he was hiding while he was on polestar island , and ace clearly knew he was the commander of the marine base in Logue town and opted to avoid him .

Ace should be 18 by now and he turned 22 not too long ago, if he was correct ace should be half way through the grand line by now .

2 hours later

Northeastern section of polestar island

Long beard pirate hideout

"Captain!, Hugo and the others haven't arrived with the supplies " reported the pirate lackey

"Those bastards, I knew they would idle around, I'll kill them when they arrive no one should keep the great long beard jack waiting !" declared long beard.

Long beard was a very ugly looking pirate, he had crooked yellow teeth , a large cross scar on his fore head and He was dressed in a black captain overcoat with a yellow epaulets on the shoulders, and he also wore black pants with a large scimitar like sword at his waist and obviously he had a long grey beard which stopped at his waist.

" Captain I don't think Hugo would dare let you wait, probably he encountered some Marines on the wa…"

And before the lackey could complete his words a bullet went through his head flinging him to the ground .

Before long beard and the other pirates could react to this he heard a shout

"Attack!" Shouted a marine sergeant as marines poured from the bushes they were hidden in and started to attack the surprised pirates.

Boom !


Aaaaah !

Screams could be heard all over the area .

"You damn marines your no match for me !" Roared long beard as he cut down three marines simultaneously and was proceeding bring down his scimitar on another.

But before he could finish off the marine his scimitar made contact with a steel scythe

"You " long beard said in a surprised tone as he backed away

"Hahahaha to think I would meet the red eye demon personally" declared long beard

"Long beard jack , captain of the long beard pirates ,you will die today"said obito

"Hahaha do you think I fear you like those other weakling pirates, I have a bounty of 60 million berries" he boasted .

" Then you will die braver than most" obito said menacingly, as he slashed down diagonally releasing a large red sword energy from his scythe which sped towards long beard , who managed to dodge it narrowly by jumping to the side.

Obito activated his sharingan immediately , predicting where long beard would land and immediately did hand signs , "burn away and die, fire style: Great fire ball jutsu !" Said obito menacingly as he spewed out a large 8 meter wide fireball which sped towards long beard's position burning away everything in its path, long beard couldn't even dodge out of the way due to the speed of the approaching fire and was engulfed in flame .



His screams resonated through out the battle field pirates and marines now turning towards the screaming man , but his screams stopped after a few moments and the pirate captain Fell limp to the ground now dead.

And when the fire died down only a charred husk was left of the pirate captain.

The pirates seeing their captain die such an agonizing death dropped their weapons and surrendered immediately.

" Arrest them all " said obito

Two weeks later

Obito was ordered back to headquarters.

News of the long beard pirates defeat and capture spread all over the seas.

Even though fifty million was not high compared to new world pirates it was the highest in the east blue ,which was said to be the weakest sea and someone with that large bounty would be very strong so other pirates would avoid long beard as best as possible.

The name red eye spread even more and he was feared by many pirates and The marines credibility has even risen since the incident

Mariejois , Red Line

Room of authority

Five Elder Stars meeting

"He has done well, even though he was recruited by garp he hasn't disobeyed any orders from headquarters not even once , even when he accompanied vice admiral Doberman as an escort for the celestial dragon , and you know how garp feels about them already, but to see his student so different from him is a relief " said the blonde hair elder

"True obito will be a good asset for the world government, he has shown his loyalty over the past few years in dealing with pirates and insurgents" said the elder with a katana .

" He should be promoted to commodore and continue to safeguard Logue town , its an important hub for pirates and him being there would deter many pirates from going to polestar island, let's call sengoku and inform him of this "said the long white beard gorosei

The other two elders nodded in agreement


Sengoku office

"I understand"said sengoku as the hang up the den den mushi

Sengoku sighed , obito was getting another promotion he thought .

Over the years obito has made a name for himself within the marines and not even akainu would complain about or disregard his loyalty towards the marines, obito had no faults he never disobeyed or questioned any orders given. And most high ranking marines had good things to say about him.

His mask was unnerving to most marines yes but they would be happy when they were assigned to obito's ship or base .

There was a sense of security around obito and Sengoku was sure obito would be an admiral in the future.

" Obito get in here " said sengoku

The door to his office opened revealing the masked man , his right eye only visible through his mask and was calm as always .

"fleet admiral"obito saluted slowly , then removed his mask

"Obito your being promoted to commodore, here is your new coat , I will fill out the paper works and make sure it goes through the system", said sengoku as he handed obito a new marine overcoat with red epaulettes

"Thank you fleet admiral " said obito

"Don't thank me obito , you have done well and more than earned your rank , I wish other young marines would fight for justice like you " said sengoku feeling proud of obito.

Obito slightly bowed at his words showing appreciation and was about to say something but Before obito could reply to sengoku , the door opened revealing a laughing garp with a rice cracker bag in one hand .

"Obito you brat you've forgotten your old teacher already huh, maybe this would jog your memory "said garp as he slammed a fist on the young man's head

"Garp San I saw you a few hours ago , not a year"grumbled obito as he rubbed his head

" Bwahahaha obito I know , I just wanted to knock you on the head " said garp

" garp you bastard ! " shouted sengoku as he grabbed the bag of crackers out of garps hand and proceeded to eat them

Obito seeing the antics unfold before him felt awkward being in between and he slowly left sengoku's office.

As he left the office shutting the door behind him he mumbled , " another step closer to power".