
Reborn as my Enemy's Twin

I think… God takes my life as a joke. Ok, fine. I transmigrated into a magical world where people can cultivate, and beasts can talk. That’s great and all but… why did god have to make my arch nemesis from my previous life my twin sister in this one?! And… Why the heck does this guy keep staring at me?! A little girl laid on a hard bed. Her eyelids fluttered open and her violet colored eyes glanced around the room. A seething face with a furrowed brow and amber eyes were the first thing she saw. She suddenly became aware of an increasing pressure on her neck, choking her. “What’s your name!” The girl asked her. She pursed her lips. Why should she tell this strange girl her name? She felt the pressure on her neck increase. “Is it really that hard to tell me your name?” The honey-eyed girl asked. The little girl swallowed. “Nessa Grace.” She said in a weak voice. The pressure on her neck was finally gone. The girl who had just been holding her down had her mouth wide open. “You have got to be kidding me.” Nessa: “...” “God really likes to joke.” “...” The girl, who looked only to be 12 years old, walked out of the house they were in and tilted her head up to the sky. Rain began to fall, landing on her face and sliding down her cheeks. “God, what did I do to be stuck with this person for two lifetimes?” A bright streak of purple lighting came shooting down. It landed in the middle of a huge crater near a river. It had appeared that she had gotten her answer. But by the look on that girl's face, it wasn’t the one she was looking for. Nessa looked at the old man sitting in a rocking chair in the corner of the shack. He gave a shrug to her look of confusion and said “Don’t ask me.” *Cover belongs to it's respective owner an will be removed upon owner's request*

Ellie_Wyoming · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Fight Lei Qi

Now that the world presumed them to be dead, the twins had nowhere to go. So, they decide to stay with the old man and his disciple for a bit. It took them a week to fill up

the large holes. They could have done it a shorter time, but they had been heavily injured and were still recovering.

A week later, Bella and Nessa had their first conversation that didn't include death glares in years.

As they were talking, they realized that they had no way to go back home because they had no idea how they got here. Deciding that it was just a messed up reincarnation or punishment from god, they decided to just go with it. They would use the names of the bodys and use the names of their previous lives when some kind of emergency were to happen.

Unfamiliar with this world and the people within, they decided to stick together. Satisfied with their solution, they decided to ask the old man a very important question…

"Old man, please help us learn how to cultivate!" They said with a bow.

"I'm not an old man!!" He said, shaking his fist at them. He cleared his throat. With a serious look, he asked "What do I get for helping you? I can't just let you two mooch off me for free."

The girls gave a panicked look, "Please! Old sir, we have nothing but our knowledge. We could teach you Kyushu Jitsu! Or Ansatsuken!"

The old man, who had just been kidding, was intrigued. "What is that?" The girls quickly explained that they were martial art types.

Although there were a few martial art types in this world, not many knew them. Moreover, these girls just named 2 types. Plus, according to their story, they had been contained within a dungeon for most of their lives or lived on the side of the street. They should have had no time or way to learn martial arts up to the point where they could teach it to somebody.

He decided to say nothing about how the story and facts didn't line up. "You can stay here if you can beat Lei Qi in a fight. He won't use his spiritual power." He was interested in this martial art. Lei Qi had lots of fighting experience, so as far as he knew, neither of them would be at a disadvantage if she was telling the truth of her abilities.

"Ok sure, who would you like to fight Lei Qi?" They asked.

"I won't take advantage of 2 little girls. Come, fight me together." He said, thumping his chest in arrogance.

"We don't fight together anymore. Plus, at that point, we might be called bullies." Bella said.

Lei Qi gave them an odd look. He offered that so they could stay. They hardly ever got people who would stay long-term here and Lei Qi had met very few people. He gave a shrug. He believed that his master wouldn force them out when he won.

"Come then. Pick one of us." Bella said.

"Well, if you're so confident, I choose you, Ying Yue."

"Sure, sword or no."


"Ok. I don't have one, do we have a spare?"

"Yea, let me just grab it. Here you go."


Bella looked at the sword that had been embedded in the ground that was as tall as her and most likely just as heavy. The sword was made of a thick steel-like material and weighed on average 50 to 90 pounds.

Bella and Nessa: "..."

"Does that even count as a sword?"

"Well yea. This is the sword I use so it is the only kind we have. People use other swords too but they are super lame compared to this one, right?" He said pridefully.

"It's hideous." Bella replied, still in a daze.

"Wait, what do you mean?!?" He asked, confused and heartbroken.

Bella gave him a complicated look and ended up saying, "Lets just fight bare-handed. I don't know how to use this monstrous sized thing."

He let out a sigh. Devastated, Lei Qi put away his sword and followed her to the field. Nessa turned around and began to water the flowers and herbs near her, one of the tasks she had been given as a requirement to live there for free.

"Are you not worried about Ying Yue?" The old man asked curiously.

"If she can't even beat that guy, I will no longer call her sister." She said as she turned around and looked at the way Lei Qi walked. She saw that he had a steady posture because he had to constantly carry that massive thing he called a sword. Ying Yue on the other hand, was constantly on the balls of her feet. Because she practiced the art of assassination in secret, she knew how to be fast. Her reaction speed was lightning quick.

She should be able to get past and defeat this guy pretty quickly if he wasn't using any spiritual energy or else she didn't deserve to keep her title of master.

The two of them stood a few meters apart and faced each other. Both of them in a stance, ready to fight. The old man announced the fight had started.

Lei Qi made the first move, barreling towards her extremely quickly for a person with no spiritual energy in use. But Bella was just as fast.

In Ying Yue's body, she was limited in her abilities. She decided that after the fight was done, she was going to start conditioning this body into a better state.

Ying Yue met him head on, she grabbed his shoulders and jumped, using the momentum of Lei Qi's body that was still going forward and flipping over his head. Her hand still on his shoulders, she pushed him. When Lei Qi saw her flip, he tried to stop himself from moving.

But, without spiritual energy, it was impossible to do it immediately.

Because he had been trying to stop, he was thrown off balance when pushed. He fell stomach first onto the ground. She quickly sat on his back and grabbed his head, pulling it upwards. With both her hands on his neck, she had the ability to snap and twist his head off.

"Quickly admit defeat, or I snap your neck." She hissed.

Lei Qi was in shock. How did a little girl beat him? The old man was equally shocked. He turned to Nessa and said, "Yu Yan, could you beat her in a fight?"

"Beat her in a fight? No." The old man gave a sigh of relief. At least they didn't have to be too scared of Nessa in hand-to-hand battles as well. "We're evenly matched." The man snapped his head back in Nessa's direction. "What did you say?!"

"What, are you deaf? I said that we're evenly matched. Even in sword combat, we have the same amount of talent." Nessa gave him a weird look.

The man slowly turned his head back to the battle. Well, actually, it now looked more like Ying Yue was bullying Lei Qi. Ying Yue was laughing evilly while Lei Qi was banging his fist on the ground and yelling: "I admit defeat! Master! End the battle! Quickly, before she snaps my neck!"

Three black lines slipped down the old man's forehead. His master could practically see the tears inwardly streaming down his disciples face. He quickly announced the end of the fight and gave a sigh.

"Alright, You two can stay and I will help you learn to cultivate." He said with yet another sigh and walked back into his house, disappointed by his disciple who was so easily beaten up by a little 12 year old girl in a few seconds.