
One last moment of calm

I'm trying Grammarly ( the free version) to see if I'm lacking in grammar. It seems that I use some unnecessary commas. This problem was the most common. I may have a trauma related to commas lmao

At the end of the chapter, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me if it's better or not. Do not hesitate to point out any other grammatical problem which you find annoying.


One year and four months later

Casterly Rock, 288 AC

Today is my coming of age, my sixteenth names day.

While the sun is slowly rising and giving a myriad of colors to the sky, I'm dripping with sweat. My muscles are sore, my breath is rapid, and my hands grip my sword with all their might.

In front of me stands Aegys, in a much worse condition than mine. Before him, I faced dozens of my men to test the height of their progress. Although he is the last, I still manage to keep the advantage. But I've pushed myself so hard that every part of my body is screaming at me to stop everything to able to finally rest.

As gratifying as my progress is, I suspect that this last victory is partly undeserved. Aegys is the kind of people who constantly stir up the past, only to flagellate themselves over their mistakes and regrets. As soon as the blood flows or he finds himself on his knees, his eyes stare into space and his will evaporates. This sort of thing has been happening since the very day he was recruited, and it has kept hampering his abilities.

At this rate, Sean will have become as strong as he is way before he finishes fixing his problems.

Even tired and on the verge of giving up, Aegys still finds the strength to speak. He can't help it. As soon as he fights, Aegys talks more than at any other time.

''You have grown, my lord. Whether in size or for everything else. Only men like Robert Baratheon and Gregore Clegane still have the right to see you as small. It's barely your coming of age, and you seem more like a man than many others.''

Indeed, my 1.88 meters, my slight early beginning beard, and my build as an Olympic athlete make me older than I am.

Now only old people still call me 'young lord'. With that, I started to be much more respected and listened to. Before, my roar still sounded like the meow of a lion cub. That time is over, and I realized that time passes faster than I thought.

''Thank you. You're not bad either. But your mind is elsewhere, as always. I don't know what's eating you so much, but letting the past go is the only way if you want to move on. What you are doing here is unhealthy and you know it very well.''

Aegys watches the sunrise, his knees shaking. He ends up on the ground, barely holding back his tears.

''…I…I know. I just can't help it. Everything is my fault. My father's death, my brother's death... I constantly wonder if I shouldn't have done things differently. Maybe then I wouldn't have ended up being the last member of my house. I feel like I shamed dozens of generations all by myself.''

''Stop. Either stop thinking about it or come to terms with your past. I need your talents here, in the present. So pull yourself together. You are worth more than that, Aegys. Show me who you are. Now.''

He gets up painfully before returning to a combat position. His lilac eyes have turned reddish, and he looks on the verge of an emotional breakdown. Aegys then grips his sword tightly and swings it powerfully, while shouting for the world to hear.

''I KILLED HIM ! I killed my only brother because I thought it was right to do so !''

I block his shot easily, always warned by small sensations of danger. But he redoubles his strength and speed, giving everything in his gestures.

''Rhaenor was an outstanding man, and he could have given the Valterans their old glory back. He was ready to do anything for this goal, but not me !''

We continue to exchange our blows, both more and more concentrated. Aegys continues to vent his rage and sadness, while both fighting and telling me everything.

''After being watered by glorious stories told by my grandfather, my father sank into alcohol, gambling and excessive parties. He wanted to live as true lords do, in opulence. But we couldn't afford it. He ended up ruining his marriage, and it destroyed everything.''

Aegys gives more emotions in the gesture. But there is no more melancholy, only rage.

''Our mother disregarded us all and returned to live with her family. My brother had to give up the hand of a wealthy merchant's daughter. Their union would have made us rich again.''

This time, he begins to weaken. His story takes more of his attention.

''After whole days of rage, Rhaenor ended up killing our father to take control of the house by force. He wanted to take matters into his own hands and change our destiny. But he did it right in front of me, thinking that I would rejoice at this sight. Contrary to what he thought, I cared about our father.''

He weakens more and I disarm him as soon as possible, understanding that it's over for him today. He is totally exhausted.

''We… we fought, but it was far from the simple bickering of brothers. I did it. I avenged my father. And I left. As my brother fought for the future of our house, all I managed to achieve was revenge. Now I keep wondering if I really did the right thing.''

Aegys is now sitting on the ground with his eyes closed and his head back against the wall.

I sigh before answering him as best I can. I don't need a heavyweight with me, not in this world. So I have to find the right words and change his mindset as soon as possible.

''Do not regret anything. You killed your brother because it was your justice, applied as you saw fit. That is what matters. Let the Father Above judge you and your brother after your death. But before that, you still have your own destiny to trace. Like everyone else. I myself have my own kind of justice to bring down on Westeros. So help me, Aegys. Help me raise my house and I shall mayhaps one day do the same for yours. Do we have a deal ?''

''Yes, it's a deal. Your foes are forever my foes. It was already the case, but… now I'm burning with the desire to fight for you, my lord. You had my sword, now you have my soul.''

He bows down to me, with an air of conviction and renewed strength. All of his melancholy is gone, giving way to someone willing to do what is needed by my side.

When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change. Now I paved his way, the rest is up to him.

''Good. Oh and the duel is over, you lost. Prepare yourself for the next one, soldier. Understood ?''

''Understood, my lord !''

After the duels ended, they returned to their quarters. It's been almost two years since they started training and the effects are being felt. They are diligent, competitive, and obedient.

When one of them was replaced by someone more motivated, it made them understand the importance of their actions and behaviors. Since then, they have surpassed themselves daily and ended up developing a warrior mindset. But of course, it remains imperfect until they experience what true war is.

On the way to my room, I remember the recent events. Gerion had a child named Joy Hill with his partner. But that's not all, because he later confessed to me that he had in mind to find Brightroar, the ancestral Valyrian steel sword of our family. And he's willing to go all the way to Valyria for it.

I told him that it was pure madness and narrated the different stories of those who have tried such an adventure. Emperor Aurion died there with all his army and his dragon. Later it was the turn of princess Aerea Targaryen. Between 54 and 56 AC, She went there on the back of the famous Balerion.

When she eventually came back, the grand maester had found her to be infested with what he called 'horrors'. These things seemed to burn her from the inside out and slowly killed her. What came out of her insides was described as 'worms with faces', 'snakes with hands' and other monstrosities. The grand maester still tried to save her, but in vain as her flesh continued to decay until her death. In his writings, a septon named Barth explained that after witnessing this horrific scene, he would have gone so far as to question his faith itself and his vision of religion. Such was the state in which the princess returned from Valyria.

Even Balerion was found to bear wounds and scars seemingly received from that trip. This was a dragon more than 76 meters long which was the mount of Aegon the conqueror and many of his descendants. And still, it got badly injured in Valyria, about 170 years after the Doom.

All this says a lot about the dangerousness of traveling to Valyria, as well as why few have attempted it.

I was confident that reminding him of these dismal facts would make him realize his sheer folly. But it was useless, as my uncle is determined to go through with it. My words no longer reach him, as if Gerion had already left. Knowing such stories straight out of the seven hells, how can a simple man dream of succeeding where the dragonlords themselves failed ?

This must be one of the aspects of Gerion that I never got to grasp. Is he brave, ultra-patriotic, crazy, or just incredibly arrogant ? Maybe a bit of all that mixed together.

He has decided to stay a maximum of two to three years, to at the very least have the time to see his daughter grow. Then he will be gone, leaving his entire family behind. And part of me already knows that it's going to be a one-way trip. It's sad to say, but I don't believe in the success of his project.

To throw himself into such a place for a sword... As valuable and emblematic as Valyrian steel swords are, there are still more than two hundred of those in Westeros. Of course, many of them have been lost over time. But even still, I don't know if I would be able to do that for such a tiny piece of our legacy.

Let's hope that this obsession will not eat away at all of the few years he has left before his departure. He changed. The fact that his japes are becoming increasingly rare shows that he is already partly ready to leave. He once laughed as much as my grandfather, the Laughing Lion.

I sigh of exasperation at the thought and let my mind drift elsewhere.

My friend Adrian Swyft was also finally able to officially integrate the archery unit of the Rock. It is a much smaller group, compared to our swordsmen or even our riders. Given his talent, he could very well end up leading this unit one day.

Aside from all of this, I have one or two plans which include quite a few workers to employ. But as ignorant as I am about the Greyjoy rebellion, I suspect that it couldn't have happened in the same decade as Robert's death. This means I have between a few months and a year before that happens. Starting expensive projects, while the outcome of the Lannisport attack is uncertain, is not a good move. Things should stay on standby at least until then. It is better to have too much gold and not need it, than not to have enough when it has become vital.

I finally arrive in my room and get changed for today's festivities.

On the side, maester Creylen seems to have left a pile of letters addressed to me. I open them one after the other, reading the first carefully and the following ones between the lines. In summary, everyone gives me their congratulations on finally becoming an adult. While opening the last letter, I become attentive again. It looks like Jaime's handwriting.

[ Dear little brother,

I just wanted to wish you a good coming of age. You are becoming a real man and I know that our home is in good hands with you.

However, I wanted to finally apologize for the incident with Tyrion and the girl. I know that my lack of solidarity displeased you, believe me. But in the end, nothing dramatic happened. So I hope that any animosity will be put aside for our next meetings. Although you're not the most resentful of us, I know for a fact that you never forget this kind of thing. So I hope that you can accept my most sincere apologies, Leonard.

Jaime Lannister, ]

It hasn't been one of my priorities, but I'm glad that he realizes that. Even though I'm able to sacrifice more now than I was then, I've remained pretty uncompromising when the family is at stake. However, I don't blame you anymore Jaime.

At the end of the afternoon, I find myself on one of the flowered balconies with my aunt Genna.

Earlier, I received a variety of gifts including a longbow engraved with lions chasing a hare, a bronze dagger with a lion's head pommel, and a spear. I also received the armor of the Westerlands, more for tokenism as of now. But I'm sure that it will come in handy soon.

Although I have worn armor on several occasions, this is the first one that truly belongs to me.

This is an expensive-looking armor, with crimson and gold ornamented plate and helms with golden crests, cheekguards and collapsible visors. As with the rest of my family armor, the shoulder pads adorn a lion's head. It's far from the most common type of armor in Westeros, but our region and its armies can amply afford it.

Another gift that caught my attention was a harp offered by house Lydden. Knowing that Lehna played this instrument quite often, it should be an idea coming from her. Anyway, I decided that I would start learning this instrument from time to time. Even if I'm not good with it, a few years should be enough to grasp the tricks.

As my aunt and I were talking, I began to think about Lynesse.

She too has grown quite a bit and is becoming more and more like a woman. In a way, I would even say that some of her facial features are reminiscent of Daenerys Targaryen.

With all this time spent together, we have developed real feelings for each other. I think that her feelings have grown much stronger than mine for her. But the passion is there and I would not go to see another. Our exchanges began to be more and more sensual, sometimes almost s*xual. But we set our limits, waiting for our marriage to go further than this.

Very recently, however, she has been more distant. It made me wonder a lot about how this kind of arranged couple works most of the time. I need to know a bit more about it. Although I often try to be romantic, many of the couple details escape me. Out of curiosity and questioning, I end up talking to Genna about this topic.

''How did it go between you and ser Emmon Frey?''

She looks at me with a surprising look at the turn of the conversation, before answering calmly.

''This marriage was my father's idea. I was his 'precious little princess' as he said, and he married me off to a Frey who wasn't even the heir to his house. At the time, I was barely seven names day and far from being flowered. Our betrothal was announced at a feast with half the west in attendance. Ellyn Tarbeck laughed and the Red lion went angry from the hall. The rest sat on their tongues. Only Tywin dared speak against the match, but I thought no less than him. I also had a sharp mind, with ambitions almost as big as your sister's. Although my father went white as mare's milk, the union was still maintained… In the end, I found some comfort in the fact that Emmon was quite withdrawn and permissive. So I was able to quickly take charge of our couple, with his full agreement. After a few years, I would say that I am quite satisfied with our couple in itself. But the truth remains that if it weren't for my father's idiocy, I would surely be the lady of one of the great houses.''

Well… I have to say that I rarely put myself in Genna's shoes. But I understand that Tytos literally clipped her wings. And despite that, she was able to do something concrete with her couple. She is admirable. When compared to what she had to live with, the little worries of my couple seem radiant.

''I see. You are quite strong, Genna. If I was there, I would have strongly opposed this marriage. Not that I have anything against Emmon, of course.''

My aunt is surprised again, before giving me a broad smile and taking me in her arms.

''Starting from today, you are a man grown, Leo. And it already shows in the way you carry yourself and speak. But you'll always be my little nephew, my tiny and charming cub. More and more of your aspects make me think of your father, but in a far kinder version.''

After a few minutes, we break our hug before I ask her a question that emerges from her words.

''I'm still having a hard time understanding whether you love Tywin or not ? With your relationship being so strained...''

Her gaze shifts to stare at the flow of the waves lost in thought.

''How could I not love him ? That is not to say that I approved of all he did, or much enjoyed the company of the man that he became… but every little girl needs a big brother to protect her. Tywin was big even when he was small. Our relationship has deteriorated since the day I fell out of his favor. That was the only time he told me face to face that I disappointed him. But even so, I don't love him any less.''

Although I don't always agree with my father either, I have the impression that she does not criticize the same things as I do. If she's talking about the Reynes and Tarbecks, then she's wrong. Most are blind to how needed and just my father's actions were. But my eyes are open, now. They deserved what happened to them. If I had my father's perspective, mayhaps I would have done the same things.

On the other hand, the depth of my aunt's love for Tywin is surprising. Yet again, I also love my siblings no matter how stupid or needlessly cruel they can be. In that regard, Genna and I may have the same kind of heart.

She has always been very affectionate with me and my siblings, almost considering us as her own children. In return, I considered her to be my second maternal role model. But I never really saw her as my mother per se.

Before we can talk any further, a third person arrives on the balcony and begins to wait patiently. Now and then she gives me an inquisitive look as if asking permission to approach. Genna notices this very quickly and reacts immediately.

''It looks like you two have something to talk about. So I'm going to take my leave, my little nephew.''

My aunt's footsteps echo as her silhouette disappears from the flowered balcony. Lynesse and I are then left alone, with a silence that seems rather heavy to me. I decide not to waste any more time and walk toward her. When I'm close enough, she pulls an object from behind her back and hands it to me.

''I wanted to be away from the others to offer it to you. This book contains old tales and legends of the Reach and house Hightower. These stories are little known today. Seeing you spending so many hours browsing through books about Westeros and its homes, I thought that you would appreciate a unique book. There is no other copy of this one. And your horse's saddle looked a bit neglected, so you'll find a second present at the stable. The new saddle is much more beautiful and refined. I hope you like these two gifts, because I hesitated a lot before choosing them. But I remembered your emphasis on items of sentimental value, ever since that time at Lannisport. So I did the best with what I learned about you…''

I pick up the book and examine it more closely. It looks rather thick, with the promise of long hours of reading. I doubt that it will help me in any way, but it's still good for when I have some free time. I hadn't thought about replacing my saddle, but it was indeed getting old. I will equip it on Hermes at the first opportunity. Once it's done, I put the book on the side before returning my attention to Lynesse.

''Thank you, Lynesse. I love it, really. And I'm sure that Hermes will look great with the saddle you prepared for him.''

I lean down and kiss her gently on the lips. But after just a few seconds, she breaks the kiss and her face turns serious. It makes me frown, something is wrong.

''I've found you rather quiet since a few days ago, Lynesse. I know something is stalking you. Just tell me. I can't do anything if I don't know what's going on.''

She becomes silent for a few minutes, before answering sadly.

''You taught me once that knowledge is power. And that it was necessary to immerse yourself in it so as not to judge a book by its cover. And what do I discover by applying your own lesson ? That you have seen other women. You lied to me, Leo.''

''I… it all belongs to the past. I'm not seeing anyo-''

''How many ?''


''How many, Leo. I need to know... please.''

Alright, no point in lying now. She takes it too seriously, better be frank.

''I've had a childhood crush, nothing more happened with her than exchanged kisses. Apart from that, I slept with three girls. That's it.''

She then turns around as if to leave the balcony, but I immediately grab her wrist to hold her back.

When she turns around, I see her on the verge of tears. Lynesse took it all much more to heart than I thought. But then again, what did I imagine after getting so close to her ?

Considering her feelings and sensitivity, it was going to happen sooner or later.

''Let me go ! I've heard enough for today. Enough of your lies and fake feelings.''

Seeing her like this, I want at all costs to prevent these negative feelings from getting worse. So I take her in my arms and she begins to cry silently in the middle of my embrace.

''There are no fake feelings between the two of us. Maybe at the beginning, but everything evolved quickly. There is only you and there will never be another again. I love you, Lynesse.''

Hearing my words, her muscles relax and all will to struggle disappears. However, she remains emotional, as if hesitant to let herself be convinced. After a few moments, Lynesse answers with difficulty between two muffled sobs.

''You lie… you lie…''

''No. While you may be mine, I can solemnly declare that starting from now on, so am I. I'm yours, Lynesse. Only yours.''

She calms down further at my words, but remains hesitant and still.

''How… How can I trust your words, Leonard ?''

It would seem that words are no longer enough at this stage.

''I could give you my word, my pledge, or even my life. But if what I say can't reach you, maybe this will.''

I slowly lift her chin with my hand before starting a long kiss where I channel all my love. I give it all my sincerity, hoping that she feels the height of my feelings through this kiss.

Her arms then wrap around my neck and she indulges in our kiss while intensifying it in turn. And it continues to escalate like this until we seem to devour each other's lips with an almost animalistic passion.

This lasts ten long minutes, in the middle of which the rain has started to fall. But despite being soaked, we are so captivated by this moment that we have simply forgotten everything else. Our tongues are intertwined, and we feel each other's body heat in the middle of this long sensual embrace.

When we finally stop to catch our breath, I approach her ear to whisper my question. The expected result should be achieved, I think.

''Do you believe me, now ?''

Having caught her restless breath, she nods slowly before answering me.

''Yes, I do. You are mine and I'm yours.''

I send her a genuine smile in return.

''Exactly, until death do us part. But there is more. One day, I'll show you how far our love can go. How far you and I can rise together. I'll show you the world as I see it, as I intend to change it. You just need to accept the truth of my feelings, to accept us.''

''… Yes. I accept, Leo. I accept you and your everything because I love you too.''

After another kiss, I take her hand before gently leaving the balcony at her side. Her fingers tighten around mine before she gives me a loving look. We're soaked from head to toe and it's time to head inside. I take the book on the way, its cover being wet. But I give it little thought. What happened here was much more important to me.

But before returning inside, my eyes fall on the raging waves of the Sunset Sea. The storm begins to unleash its full wrath as if the seven are pouring their anger on the sea.

While the only worries the lions care about is rough weather, I can only imagine the squids hatching their nefarious plans in the background. And when the storm subsides, their tentacles will try to tighten around our necks. But that's not counting the fact that our claws are already out, and ready to shred them. The dice are rolled and the game shall soon begin.

From Wyndhall to Crakehall, fifty-seven Leon towers are ready to be lit at any time and notify all ports in the Westerlands of an attack. Forty-one warships are stationed in Lannisport, and about fifty other warships are scattered around the western shores. Adding to that the preexisting city wall, the sea guards, and the six thousand armed men of Lannisport, I would say that we have our chances. Let's not forget about our closer bounds with house Hightower.

At this point, only the seven can do a difference. Let us pray that their blessing will be with us against these unholy barbarians. We will need their protection.

And if fate bends to the god of seven, the true and rightful lord above us, then mayhaps it will bend to us too. For we are, I believe, the seven's children.

As the raging sea winds blast across my face, I can feel it very clearly. Yes, I feel it in my bones and my veins. It is coming.

Although the winters are so calamitous that some houses use it for their words, I find the truth to lie elsewhere. In my eyes, something else is far more recurrent and deadly in Westeros. Something so present that it became natural as if being part of the landscape.

War is coming.

And many more are to come…