
Reborn as klaus Mikaelson at the beginning of Originals

Reborn as klaus mikaleson at the beginning of the show originals. Read as this new klaus while still vicious, merciless and manipulative, however, more calm, not prone to anger and attains everything the original klaus wanted, family and loyalty. no harem,

Vampirephoenix · TV
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31 Chs


Marcel was pacing outside a room in the compound where his right-hand man and best friend Thierry was lying in bed, dying from being bitten by Klaus Mikaelson, his sire, and adoptive father.

He was cursing himself and going through hundreds of scenarios of how to help but knew it was a lost cause.

After Mikaelson left New Orleans, or rather fled, Marcel remained and took the reins as the new king. He would often wonder how things might have been different if he had sought his father out, talked to him instead of luring the destroyer to chase them away, but he just shook his head at those thoughts.

He knew better than to talk things out with Klaus, the big bad wolf whose only concern was power and control, no matter the means. Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching, and he knew instantly who it was: Klaus.

Marcel's daywalkers were around and ready to jump Klaus, but Marcel stopped them, knowing it would lead to immediate death.

"What are you doing here, Klaus? Come here to gloat?" Marcel asked with pain and anger in his voice.

Klaus ignored the comment and gave him a sympathetic look before holding out a vial of his blood. "I came to save your friend... and apologize," replied Klaus in a soft tone.

Marcel immediately took the vial and sped towards Thierry, who drank it without hesitation, immediately looking better already.

Marcel looked back at the man who he once regarded as a father, one he looked up to and wished to be more than anyone. "Thank you," he said gratefully.

Klaus shook his head. "It was my fault for allowing my anger to get the better of me... a bad habit of mine," Klaus said with an apologetic tone, which caught Marcel by surprise.

He could not believe that Klaus had not only apologized for his actions but also acknowledged his mistakes and faults.

"Marcel, could we speak somewhere privately?" Klaus asked, which caused Marcel to sigh inside.

He knew Klaus would never do anything out of the goodness of his heart, not without having something to gain in return. While he didn't want to listen to any favor or "command" from his sire, he knew it would be best to play along rather than to anger him.

"Fine, let's go to my office, no one can hear us there," Marcel suggested and was only met by a nod from Klaus.

As they both entered Marcel's office, which once belonged to Klaus, something that always irritated him, Marcel impatiently waited for what he had to say.

"Marcel... I need your help," Klaus said, which caught Marcel completely off guard again.

He never thought Klaus Mikaelson would ever ask for help, much less from him.

"With what?" asked Marcel, confused, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

Klaus kept looking out towards the city before sighing. He knew this was risky, and depending on his answer, it would determine the future. Would Marcel stay at his side with his family, or would he perish, as with anyone who would seek harm to him and those he loved?

Klaus slowly turned around and looked at Marcel directly in his eyes, noticing him tensing up slightly. "I am going to tell you something that no one can know about, it must stay between you and me."

"Why would you trust me?" Marcel replied, trying to figure out what he's plotting.

"Because regardless of our past falling out and your presumed death, you are and forever will be my family, Marcellus, and right now I need the help I can only get from my family," Klaus said, emphasizing the part where Marcel was part of his family, knowing that is what he always wanted the most.

Marcel looked stunned as he watched the man before him. He no longer saw the man he despised, the man who sought nothing but to control him, destroying any chance of happiness he may have out of jealousy.

The way he spoke, the softness in his voice, and the understanding in his eyes, it all reminded him of his father, the man who saved and raised him, the man who took care of him throughout his childhood.

"There is a wolf named Hayley Marshall, she is currently pregnant and I am the father," Klaus said carefully, gauging Marcel's reaction while keeping an ear on his heartbeat.

Marcel's eyes widened at this revelation. "But... you are a vampire..."

"But a wolf first, one of nature's glorious loopholes," said Klaus sarcastically. "The witches have bound her with one of their own in order to make sure I cooperate with them to take you down."

Marcel's head was now spinning with all the information he had absorbed. He was shocked by the revelation of Klaus' child but also relieved he chose not to go along with the witches. But that also made him more suspicious.

"Why are you telling me this?" Marcel asked.

"Like I said, you are family, and I know that you have a way to keep the witches under control. So I need you to help unbind her."

"How can you be sure that I would help? Perhaps I would want your child to die."

A small growl escaped Klaus. He quickly got hold of himself, but Marcel had caught it and realized he may have made a huge mistake.

"I know you, Marcellus. You may not be the same man you once were, but I know there is no power in this world that would cause you to harm an innocent child, as you once were."

Marcel thought about it for a while. The witches were still an issue, and stopping their latest scheme would be great, not to mention it would cause Klaus to owe him a favor. More importantly, while he did not want to have anything to do with him, one thing he absolutely could not afford was to have him as an enemy.

"Fine, I will help, but once this matter is done..."

"Yes, I know," Klaus cut him off. "You wish for me to leave New Orleans and allow you to continue your reign as the king. However..." Klaus said, looking at Marcel. "I do wish to stay here. I am currently living at the plantation for now, and I wish to raise my child there." 

Marcel was worried by the way Klaus was speaking, not believing he would, or rather could, live peacefully and watch him sit on the throne once belonging to the Mikaelsons. "Do you really expect me to believe that you won't try to take the city from me?"

Klaus once again looked out towards the city, remembering his past life. "You know, in my thousand years of life, I have ruled plenty. I have been a king, emperor, even a tribal chief if you believe," Klaus said the last part with a smirk to relieve the tension a bit before continuing.

"Through all those times, all I really wanted was a place to belong, one to call home, and the most I felt like it was in this city. I would very much like for my daughter to experience the happiness I once did in this city."

Marcel kept listening to Klaus. He could not detect a hint of lie or deceit. He could not understand how he could have changed so drastically, but while he was going through several theories, both guilt and fear suddenly shot up, remembering the reason why they had to flee from the city in the first place.

He felt guilty for chasing them away and ruining his happiness, something that undoubtedly pushed him further into the darkness, but he was mostly overcome with fear of what would happen if Klaus found out his role in it.

"Listen, Klaus... about the time you fled this city..."

Klaus placed his hand on Marcel's shoulder, which stopped him from talking further. "I know, Marcell, I know about Mikael and the part you played in him finding us," Klaus said in a gentle tone, which not only shocked Marcel but also forced him to take a few steps back. "But I forgive you," Klaus continued, "It was me who forced you into a corner, believing you had no other option. All I ask now is that you help me with my witch issue."

Marcel got a hold of himself, while unsure there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Alright, I will bring one of my best witches tomorrow to the plantation. Also... you can continue to live here peacefully; I will inform my vampires to stay away from there," Marcel said, still shaken by his revelation and yet hopeful of maybe having his father back once again.

"Thank you," Klaus said gratefully, giving a small nod before turning around, ready to leave.

"Klaus... what made you change this way?"

Klaus froze at the question, memories of his previous life and the ones of the Originals flashing before him, a single tear running down his cheek, quickly hiding it from Marcel.

"I don't want to make the same mistakes I did with you. I know one day the child will learn of who I am, who I was, but I hope to do something better by then. And if possible..." Klaus turned around, looking at Marcel. "I would like to right some of the wrongs of my past."

And with that, Klaus left, leaving Marcel frozen in place, thinking of everything that had just transpired.