
Back ground plot work

 Alternate universe, Dwaparyuga , 12,334 BCE

In the kingdom of Kuntiboj, a princess named Pritha was born. Her beginnings were rooted in the lineage of the Yadava chief Shurasena. However, fate had different plans, and Kunti found herself adopted by her childless uncle, Kuntibhoja, who bestowed upon her a new name, a new identity-Kunti. Raised within the opulent walls of the palace, Kunti grew into a young woman of grace, intelligence, and beauty.

As a princess, Kunti's life was surrounded by the luxuries of royalty. She embraced her responsibilities with poise, and her heart was filled with compassion for her people. Yet, within the gilded cage of her existence, Kunti yearned for something more, something that would allow her to forge her own path.

One day, the renowned sage Rishi Durvasa arrived at the gates of Kuntiboj. His reputation for irascibility preceded him, and the people of the kingdom trembled at his presence. However, Kunti, undeterred by the tales, stepped forward to greet the sage.

"Welcome, revered Rishi Durvasa," Kunti greeted with a warm smile, her voice steady despite the unease that lingered in the air. "It is an honor to have you grace our humble abode. Please allow me the privilege of serving you."

Rishi Durvasa's stern countenance softened as he observed Kunti's unwavering devotion. "Ah, a princess who greets a sage with such humility. This is indeed a rare sight."

Kunti's eyes met his with genuine respect. "Your presence is a blessing, revered sage. May I offer my assistance during your stay?"

With a smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes, Rishi Durvasa accepted Kunti's offer to serve him. He saw a spark within her, a spark that intrigued him.

"Your genuine humility has caught my attention, Princess Kunti," Rishi Durvasa remarked, his tone reflecting both curiosity and approval. "I shall accept your kind offer."

Throughout the day, Kunti attended to Rishi Durvasa's needs with a sincerity that left a lasting impression. Her humility and devotion were evident in every gesture, as she ensured his comfort and well-being.

As the sun began its descent, Rishi Durvasa turned to Kunti, his gaze thoughtful. "Princess Kunti, your service has been exceptional. Your sincerity in the face of my irascibility is commendable."

Kunti's cheeks tinged with a modest blush. "Your kind words humble me, revered sage. It is an honor to serve you."

With the approach of evening, Rishi Durvasa decided to bestow a boon upon Kunti as a gesture of appreciation for her unwavering service.

"Princess, you have earned my favor with your devoted service," Rishi Durvasa began, his voice carrying a sense of intrigue. "I shall grant you a boon - a single request that shall be fulfilled."

Kunti's heart swelled with both gratitude and a sense of purpose. She folded her hands in front of her chest and bowed respectfully. "I seek nothing for myself, noble sage. Your blessings are more than I could ask for."

Rishi Durvasa's gaze held a hint of amusement. "Ah, but it is my desire to grant you a boon, Princess Kunti. Press me not to leave empty-handed."

Kunti hesitated briefly, her thoughts swirling with possibilities. "If it is your wish to bestow a boon upon me, then I ask for a gift that will aid me in the future - a blessing that will guide and protect me through the challenges that lie ahead."

Rishi Durvasa closed his eyes, his mind reaching into the threads of time that wove through the fabric of destiny. As he opened his eyes, a knowing smile played on his lips. He granted Kunti a divine mantra, one that could invoke any deity she wished and bring forth a child blessed with the qualities of that deva.

"This mantra shall be your strength, Princess," Rishi Durvasa said, his voice carrying the weight of foresight. "With its power, you shall be able to summon a divine being and bear a child who embodies their essence."

Kunti's heart swelled with gratitude and wonder. She accepted the boon with reverence, realizing that this gift would be woven into the tapestry of her life in ways she could not yet fathom.

The encounter with Rishi Durvasa had forever altered her destiny, setting in motion a chain of events that would shape the course of her life and the lives of those around her.

In the heart of Kuntiboj, a sense of anticipation and curiosity lingered in the air. Princess Kunti, having received the divine boon from Rishi Durvasa, found herself both elated and intrigued by the possibilities it held. Her thoughts, like the delicate threads of a tapestry, were woven around the mantra bestowed upon her.

Kunti's mind was a canvas painted with thoughts of the mantra. She pondered whether the boon truly held the power to invoke any deity she wished. Yet, amidst her musings, Kunti held a distinct intention. Her curiosity wasn't driven by the desire for a child, but rather a yearning to ascertain if the mantra was indeed as potent as Rishi Durvasa claimed.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an amber glow across the land, Kunti's gaze turned outward. The fading light held a promise of a new dawn, a dawn where her curiosity would be put to rest. With a determined resolve, Kunti decided that the next morning she would invoke Suryadev himself.

2 years ago ...

Surya lok ( Reams of sun)

Devi Sangya Suryadev's first wife was sitting sadly in her room thinking - "All my children are adults now and they are busy with their duties. They are revered all over the world us powerful Dows but now I am feeling lonely I wish I have a son who will live in this Suryalok with me. I want to play with him, take care of him, teaching him. But alast Suryadev is too busy with his work and I don't know how to fulfill my wish to have another son."

Devi Chaya another wite of Suryades entered to the room " Sister Devi Sangya, why are you locking so sad?! "

"I am feeling so lonely Devi Chaya, all our kids live far away from Suryalok, I wish it have a son who will live with us here! "

Devi Chaya was quite happy with the idea. "That will be great Devi, both of us will have someone whom we can love and cherish but how will that possible?"

Devi Sangya "I was thinking about to Swami about and perform a Yagya to please Devi Parvan. She is the supreme mother goddess, if she blesses me than I can have a son. But first need my husband's permission on it first ." 

"Then I should do same"

That day when Suryadov returned home Devi Sangya and Chaya asked for his permission for another son. Suryadev was quite surprised after hearing both of their wish.

He thought-Why suddenly Sangya and Chaya wished for another son? In this universe, nothing happened without any reason. Sure, there must be some divine plan going on behind their yearning for another son. However, he gave permission to Devi Sangya to go for her conduct Yagnaa.

Meanwhile, he felt some restlessness, so he went to Vaikuntha .


Suryadev - "Pranaam prabhu Vishnu, Pranaam Mata Lakshmi!"

Lord Vishnu- "Lord Suryadev, welcome to Vaikunth. Please tell me what brings you here?"

Suryades-"Prabhu, I am facing restless about Devi Sangya's and Devi chaya's sudden wish for another son , I mean we have many children and some are powerful Gods, then why does do they yean for another son."

Lord Vishnu- "Lord Suryadev, in this universe nothing happens without any reason. Yes, Its true that you have many talented and powerful children but none of them have your radiance and none of them are capable of possessing your divine energy. Suryadev, you gave energy to the entire universe. You have the power to maintain the cycle of nine planets (Nagrahan). Without you, the position and power of Navgritas will be destroyed and there will be a huge catastrophy will befall in this entire universe. So, you need a son who shall possess that power. He will be the one who can help you in your duties. There will be a need for someone who will balance both your's along with Devi Sandhya light and Devi chaya's darkness. Now on earth Adharma is everywhere. People are fighting wars without following themes of Dharma People are using the teaching of dhama to do injustice. They forgot that humanity is the greatest Dharma of all your son will teach them the importance of Humanity and restore balance creating a example for revolution despite all hardship."

Suryadev emotionally said- "Lord I will be blessed to have such a great son."

Lord Narayan-"Not only you Suryadev, but the entire universe will also be blessed ." 

Suddenly a blue ray light from Narayan had left and touched Suryadev . Unnoticed by him a part of Vishnu 's essence linger up to him.

After Surydev left Vaikunth, Mata Laxmi saw that Narayan was a little tensed,

Mata Laxmi asked -"what happened?? Why are you teased?"

Lord Narayan-" Devi, there is one thing that I did not reveal to Suryades. His son will have a unique fate. He will face many obstacles in his path. His life will not easy like other."

Mata La "Why my lord?"

Lord Narayan-" Devi because he is destined to teach the world the true meaning of humanity and duty. On earth, people are so blinded by the rules that they forgot their duty towards mother earth. They are dividing humanity based on name, caste and work. He is going to change these. For that, he needs to face many obstacles! For some reasons even I couldn't predict his fate or future ."

Mata Laxmi- "But Lord becoming a Devputra, how will he go to earth? Will he take Avatar just like you?"

Lord Narayan-" May be my parial one like Nar ( Arjun). Just wait and watch Devi, the only thing I can say for now is that he will be the most eligible warrior who is going to help me in Dharmsthapana along side by side when I will take my 8th Avatar Krishna .

Unbeknownst to all, Mahadev had summoned Suryadev to his celestial abode on Kailash. The sun god arrived, his radiance illuminating the surroundings. Seeing Mahadev immersed in meditation, Suryadev hesitated to interrupt. Lost in thought, he wondered why he had been called by the great deity.

"Suryadev," Mahadev's eyes, deep pools of serene contemplation, open to meet the solar deity's gaze. "A task of divine nature awaits your luminous presence."

With a respectful bow, Suryadev inquires, "Mahadev, I stand ready to fulfill your command. Pray, tell me what you require of me."

Mahadev's voice, a cosmic resonance that reverberates through the realms, imparts his divine will.

"When the call of a maiden, driven by the power of the sacred mantra, reaches your ears, you shall bestow upon her a blessing---one that carries not only your radiance but also the essence of my being."

Suryadev was intrigued by the revelation, his curiosity evident in his bright eyes. He wanted to know why this cosmic event was happening.

Mahadev, understanding Suryadev's silent question, looked at him with eyes that held ancient wisdom. He explained that this special event wasn't random; it was like a beautiful symphony planned by the universe itself.

Mahadev went on to say that the child born from this event would be extraordinary, not just an ordinary person. This child would embody both Suryadev's brightness and his wife essence.

Suryadev seemed to understand this deeply, his own radiance shining brighter as he absorbed Mahadev's words.

Curious, Suryadev asked, "But why is this child so important and yearned by my wife's ? Narayan said of his actions but What's their purpose in the grand scheme of things?"

Mahadev's gaze held immense depth, going beyond even the heavens. He explained that the child would act as a bridge, connecting different worlds-the mortal and the divine. This child's existence would have a profound impact on many lives across time.

Feeling a mix of respect and sadness for both of his wifes , Suryadev asked, "And what part do I play in all of this?"

Mahadev's smile was like a treasure trove of universal secrets. He revealed that Suryadev's role was to safeguard this special child. Suryadev's bright light would guide the child's path on Earth, and his essence would serve as a guiding light. Together, they would ensure the child's existence stayed balanced and meaningful.

Suryadev, his curiosity sated, and his unwavering commitment to the cosmic order, bows once more. "As you command, Mahadev, so shall it be done."

Yet, Mahadev emphasized the need for secrecy, the child's dual essence remaining hidden from the world. Suryadev, a glint of understanding in his eyes, vowed to keep the secret.

As Suryadev departs, bound by his celestial duty, the wheels of destiny set into motion a course unseen.

With the sun's first rays, Kunti stood by the tranquil river bank. Her heart beat in rhythm with the universe, her faith unwavering. Folding her hands, she closed her eyes and began to chant the divine mantra. The words flowed from her lips, carrying the weight of her intentions and the echoes of a destiny yet to unfold.

In that sacred moment, as Kunti's voice merged with the cosmic winds, the threads of fate trembled. The decisions of gods and mortals converged, bound by devotion, curiosity, and the tapestry of existence. Kunti's invocation, empowered by the mantra, reached the ears of Suryadev, who stood ready to honor the cosmic design.

Little did they know, the vibrations of this chant would resonate through time, altering the course of not only Kunti's life but the lives of those entwined in her journey. The tale of a young warrior, Karna, was set into motion, his destiny forever linked to Kunti's curious invocation and the radiant essence of Suryadev and Narayan.

To be continued.....

(A/N: Hello guys I hope you liked the chapter, please comment and vote below)