
The boss of the second floor (3)

Esdras could only moved his eyes around uselessly, he lost all other feeling of his body… or not, apparently he could still hear.

Unfortunately the sound that registered in his mind was of his incoming doom.

The Scavenger was an untiring machine with a singular goal, that being his elimination. It gave no heed to it's missing leg and crawled over to his slumped body.

There was no doubt he would be crushed to death or be added to one of the spikes on it's armored body. And yet even knowing this his body didn't respond.

Esdras was powerless to do anything to stop or move in any way, he counted in his mind and realized that the monster had not come for him even in two minutes.

Another excruciating minutes passed and Esdras began to feel feeling in his body. Once again, it was like sitting on a dead knee only his entire body was dead.