
Reborn as Anko Mitarashi in MHA

A boy named ryan is reborn in the world of My hero academia in the body of Anko Mitarashi. I don't own My hero academia,Naruto or the book cover. Book cover by: Zxpfer on DeviantArt. (This fanfic may have spoilers.)

coolusername2007 · Cómic
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8 Chs

Vigilante Anko? No.


I decided to train for the UA entrance exam that would take place in a month, I really want to join UA to become a pro hero and maybe even become a teacher there, because God reincarnated me long before the series even started, my parents gave me a lot of support for the exam saying that everything would go well and that it was the beginning of my hero story.

"FIRE STYLE:DRAGON FLAME JUTSU!" i said as a large amount of fire came out of my mouth and hit a tree, burning it.

I started meditating a lot, around 10 to 20 minutes, with that my amount of chakra grew a lot, but I can only do fire jutsu, maybe God thought I would be very op in this world? The only way to know is to just ask him.

After doing the fire jutsu I decided to train the snake quirk by swigin from tree to tree just like Spider-Man because this will help me a lot if I need to get around the city more easily by jumping from building to building.

After training I decided to go home but when I got there my parents were sad so I decided to ask them what happened, they then told me that Nana Shimura had died trying to stop a villain, I already knew that this would happen but I was still sad because her death at the hands of all for one was quite sad in the anime, I decided to try to make my parents happy by saying that I would become a heroine to bring them pride, and they were quite happy.

then I went to my room to rest a little after training, when I got there I laid down on the bed and started looking at the city through the window, then I started to question if I should become a vigilante just for one night as a training for the UA entrance exam, but I should wear a mask if I actually go.

'Better not, I can't show my quirk in a public place where heroes can see me, not to mention that I'll run the risk of not being accepted into UA. So it's better not to risk it.' i thought.

Then I decided to sleep, and I didn't need to worry about school because it was the weekend.

-Next day-

the other day I decided to go for a walk in the city because there was nothing for me to do, so I asked my parents for permission and they let me, because I'm already 14 years old so they don't need to worry about me but they asked me not to take long, I said that I would be careful and then I leave my house.

Walking down the street I decided to stop at a food store, and yes I felt a great desire to eat from Anko, but of course I don't want to gain weight, right? because Anko was very beautiful in the classic series but then she became ugly in Boruto, after eating noodles I continued my journey on the street, I even saw a fight between a hero and a villain, the street was quite crowded with just people wanting to see the fight or just take photos, after the fight ended the villain was arrested and several people wanted to take a photo with the hero, but the villain was not happy.


'Apparently the stain ideology is here too.' i thought

Then I decided to go back home, the fight was really good to watch, the hero had a sand quirk that reminded me a lot of Gaara from Naruto and the villain just had a super strength quirk, while I was walking home I saw several advertisements from UA and there were several students who maybe never appeared in the anime because I'm at a point way before the series even started, then I started thinking about my name as a professional heroine, maybe snake woman? hands snakes? I better think of a better name because there's already uwabami here.

Arriving home I decided to watch the news so I sat on the couch and turned on the television, all the channels were talking about Nana Shimura's death. I also think that my classmates were very sad because they are her fans.

Then I turned off the television and went to my room to just sleep, maybe during the entrance exam I can meet someone important from the series, like Endeavor for example? or maybe All might? Will I be in the same classroom as them? I just have to wait and see.