
Days of Leisure... Part-3.

(World Lore)

During the 'Thousand Year War', to make trade easy among all of the members of the alliance, King Allen brought forward the concept of a unified currency that would be recognized by all of the members of the world.

The full name of the currency of this world is, 'World Recognized Alliance's Unified Currency' in short they call it 'Alliance Coin' or simply 'Coin.'

In today's world, they don't use 'Physical objects' as money, all transactions happen via the Internet and there are no physical transactions involved.

This has improved the transaction efficiency by a lot and over the past millennia this technology has spread all over the world extremely fast.

Today, all races recognize this method of transaction and everyone can trade using the same currency, thus there's no need to worry about currency exchange.

You can go to any other nation and use the same money to buy the things you need.