
Reborn As An Extra In A Cultivation World

Reborn as an extra that didn't exist in the original story, Axel Lin starts his cultivation journey in a world of treachery, chivalry, demons and gods. With his first stop as the Clear Sky Institute, how far will he go in a world he doesn't know?

EnGarde · Oriental
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29 Chs

CH-3: Thundering Cataclysm

I began to make my way to the Thundering Cataclysm. It was originally a catasrophic event that had hit Lin Clan territories but thanks to the Birth Of Self Reverend ancestor, it was subdued and added to Clan's foundation. Rumours has it that the same ancestor is still cultivating at the center of the Cataclysm, hoping to achieve Divine Ascension.

Getting nearer to Cataclysm's outer peripheries, I noticed rich Lightning and Metal Qi around, perfect place to advance my body cultivation.

"Too bad I can't go deeper, my cultivation would have been faster." I talked to myself, but was not expecting an answer.

"You can go deeper if you want to cultivate Death Qi, little seventh."

"Oh big sis, you were here too?"

"Yes, I was going to go in seclusion to breakthrough but heard you will be building your body here so I stopped by to check."

"Oh is that so? Okay then, but you will have to turn around for a bit."

'Holy shit, when did she even heard that? It isn't a secret that I cultivate Golden Sparkle Body but still...'

After she turned back I changed into bathing garments, cast the array for attracting lightning and dipped. Chanting the verses, ready to cultivate.


When I turned back I saw little seventh had cast a lightning attracting array, surrounded by 4th rank Howling Mole blood.

'I was right to come here, he is doing something reckless again...'

'Normally, one would cast their body with few metal attributed spiritual plants, using them in a medicinal bath. Adding spirit cores from 1st rank metal attributed beast is a must. But this madman doing it in such an enviroment full of destructive Metal and Lightning Qi, and with the blood of a 4th rank beast! If he had even its core I would drag him to his room and ban him from cultivating, thankfully old man Lin has a good head on his shoulders.'


Ignoring my sister's worried gaze, I began to move the dense energies around my body.

Body Cultivation is a path either perverts or talentless with enough luck and resources tread. It shares the first realm of Body Building with Qi Cultivation, but next realms after that requires immense resources to complete. I didn't know if I would attend the Institute so I hadn't start yet, but plans have changed.

Body Building embodies five stages; Skin Tempering, Flesh Tempering, Bone Tempering, Marrow Tempering and Meridian Tempering. You destroy and rebuild your body in those places with attributed Qi, giving them properties of said element. In Qi Cultivation it is only for readying the body to Qi beforehand but in Body Cultivation, if you don't want to make a joke out of yourself, you have to do more than just that. It is also why I used such potent materials and my sister worries so much. Instead of attuning you have to go as far as incorparating them, which is not only more painful but also dangerous.

'Any slight mistake may cripple me right now, focus.'

I will add an auxiliary chapter including cultivation realms later, but how you achieve them or what they do is something you will read in the novel. Names will give hints tho.

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