
Out Of The Blizzard?


"Are you serious?"

"Probably your fault."

"Right. Of course."

The two remained silent for a bit, until the Moonlit Feline got off Mark and stood on its four paws.

"Can't sleep either?" He asked as he lay a hand on Krista's head.

The Lioness yawned.

"Mmm... You're taking this Form more often than usual." Mark whispered.

"It's not surprising. After those Draugrs coming out of nowhere, and..." Elisa yawned. "And finding ourselves standing on a damn Olga."

His eyes turned towards her and narrowed.

"How come you didn't sense it?"

"I'm surprised too. That hole we found must have been its... Nose? Mmm... Its breathing should have been enough to let us know."

"Think it just... Didn't breathe for a while? The Hunter's Notes say that Olgas hibernate under the snow. Perhaps it slowed its breathing that much. Wouldn't want to be found sleeping after all."

"Maybe... So, did you...?"

"Kill it?"