
It's Always About...

"You sure you don't need to sleep?"

"I said I'm fine." Elisa answered for the third time.

"Why aren't you standing up then?"

"Ah." The Princess rose to her feet, despite the stumbling and general lack of balance.

"We can wait for you."

"Shut up." Elisa said as she started walking. "I'm too hungry to sleep."

"Since when did the Princess develop an appetite?"

"SiNcE WhEn..." Elisa mocked.

"Let's get going then." Mark said after chuckling.

With the Moonlit Feline seated on his shoulder, the three started moving again.

Mark called out his map and stared at it for a bit.

"We're north of the Forest. That's good. Gotta keep going northeast... It is a long way though. We'll have to cross into Lust then go to... Oh. Is there anything special between the different regions?"


"What do you mean?" Elisa muttered as she rubbed her tired eyes.