
Reborn as an American in the MCU

Nicole dies in a shocking way only to wake up as a baby in a universe that only existed in stories, The MCU. The only power she possesses is her knowledge of what will happen in this world. Cover by FireGirlSam Written by Avonturier Chimela This will be on Wattpad, RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Webnovel and Quotev.

Avonturier · Derivados de obras
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34 Chs

001 - A Heist Gone Wrong

(A/N: Hi, I have watched a marathon of some of my favorite fictional universes for this. MCU Including TV Series which was followed by Quantumania in cinemas. Then Carmen Sandiego (Best Series Ever After Avatar Fight Me. Which I am just going to write in for my own satisfaction), X-men, Big-Hero Six, Spider-man and Fantastic Four. Now this may have had some unknown side effects which I will not elaborate on now. But basically I went "What would I do if I found myself in a messed up timeline of events which Is the amalgamation of the above.

And after many headaches I bring to you this monstrosity of a fiction which will hopefully give you as much of a headache as it has given me.

Hope You Enjoy,


[Nicole Haas – 11:34PM Jun/4/2025 Vienna International Airport – Austria]

A young woman stepped out of the glass doors and into to the torrential downpour that was soaking the aged city. As the doors closed themselves behind her she unslung a backpack and rifled through the front pocket and pull out a mobile phone. After opening the device she continued across the street and got in the back of a blue Toyota Prius that was parked in a waiting bay as indicated on her phone. She then greeted the balding Austrian man with black glasses and a damp cream jacket in a tired voice.

Nicole: Hallo. (Hi.)

Driver: Wie war Ihr Flug? (How was your flight, miss?)

Nicole: Anstrengend. Den ganzen Flug lang hat ein Baby geweint. Wie war Ihr Tag? (There was a baby crying the whole way so tiring. How has your day been?)

The man let out a slight chuckle as the car began to accelerate. He began to avail to her of some of the anecdotes about all the tourists that he had to deal with recently. Then asking

Driver: (How long are you in Vienna for?)

Nicole: (Well, how do you know I do not live here?)

Driver: (You are using anglic sentence structure miss. And you only have a backpack with you.)

She then put a hand on her forehead as she then said.

Nicole: (Sorry, only tired and I have not spoken any German in a few months.)

Driver: (Trust me your German, is better than the average foreigner.)

They both let out a chuckle as she unlocks her phone and starts scrolling through her messages as the driver goes back to telling her about some Americans who he had taken to the outskirts of the city earlier that day.

Driver: (So, I get a request to take three people outside the city to a lodge straight from the airport and when they show up, they start speaking French and get angry when I try to explain to them that they are in Austria and we speak German hear not French. And here is the best part, they left a one star review.)

They both chuckled slightly. He continued to drive as he pointed to the stereo as she put her phone in her pocket. She noticed and replied with

Nicole: Sure, put on anything you want as long as it's not too loud thanks.

He nodded as he fiddled with the touch screen.

She then pulled her hands back through her long and tangled caramel colored hair while tilting her head back with her eyes closed. She reveled in the moment as her jet lagged and caffeine infused brain relaxed. The uncoordinated breathing of her and the driver, the buzzing drops of rain and the rhythmic pulse of the wipers all echoed in her head.

She snapped out of it as the radio switched to a local DAB channel.

{Sounds like Swimming - Boulevard Remix = Crystal, Jeffery}

She slumped back in her seat as she turned her head while she listened to the music. She began to watch the drops fall down the window and the blurred lights coming through zipped by. Before she realized it her brain had fallen asleep, and she was awoken by a voice.

Driver: (Miss, we are at your hotel.)

Her eyes shot open, and she thanked him before she left the car and walked towards the doors. She noticed it had stopped raining as she glanced to her side and saw the blue Prius pull away.

She looked up at the fancy hotel before her with her hand on the bar to open the door and then down to her appearance. Purple Nike trainers, a pair of black ripped jeans and a lime green shirt with the green lantern symbol on it. She then shrugged and walked into the hotel while thinking to herself about how the staff might assume she was lost or at the wrong hotel.

She froze once she was in the building, her wet Nike shoe screeching against the polished floors as she processes what is 10 feet in front of her. It was a man with a black balaclava, grey trench coat and a StG 77 Assault Rifle chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO rounds. Which of course in her head was just a machine gun. The rifle was pointed straight at her. They then shouted in broken German.

Thug 1: Sofort auf deine Knie, Miststück. (On your knees now, bitch.)

She complied as she got to her knees and as adrenaline began to course through her body, she noticed a bloodstain on the mirror behind the receptionist's desk. Another man with the same attire but this time carrying a brown sack over his left shoulder and on a sling hanging around his waist was a shotgun of some kind with a blue hue. (Remington 870 Police Magnum chambered in 12 gauge 3" Magnum.)

Thug 2: SHIT, ein anderer, mit dem man sich befassen muss. (SHIT, another to deal with.)

Thug 1: Ja. (Yes.)

The first thug then walked towards her once the man was 2 feet in front of her, he raised his rifle butt and as she began to tremble. She felt a blow to the front of her head as she collapsed onto the floor. She was in a dazed state as she was dragged by the arm towards the desk. There was blood flowing down her forehead as she was slipping in and out of consciousness. She saw a slumped figure covered in blood behind the marble topped desk. She saw a red hole in the side of there head. She was tossed beside them as her body began to go into shock.

Thug 1: Was machen wir mit ihr? (What do we do with her?)

Thug 2: Drei sind bereits tot. Wir können keine Zeugen hinterlassen. (Three are already dead. We cannot leave any witnesses.)

The first thug nodded as he dropped his rifle and reached down his trench coat and pulled out a silenced pistol. (PB-6P9 silenced pistol chambered in 9mm.)

{putt, putt.}

Two consecutive sounds rang out in the silent Vienna hotel as Nicole Haas faded from existence.

(A/N: I edited some of the german because a guy on scribblehub pointed out some grammatical errors. 11/03/23)