
A game I used to play (fixed)


While I walked by the lake I could see my reflection in the water. I noticed I didn't look anything like how I did in real life, it seems like I became the look of my Minecraft skin.

The skin is nothing too special, I just have half-green half-red hair, a dark blue hoodie, hazel eyes, and grey joggers, like I said pretty basic skin.

However, I noticed something about my Physique, I felt like I looked more, how do I put this... a lot more feminine? I think the jacket I have on really throws it off.

Come to think of it, I think the last time I changed my Minecraft skin, I accidentally set it to the Alex model, which is the same as the Steve model, except it had thinner arms.

A lot of the time people would use Alex's model for girl skins most of the time, but I guess I never really had the time to change mine back, and I really didn't care about going through all the trouble just to give my skin wider arms.

Though in this situation, I practically looked like a female here, wait!!! Don't tell me I was reborn as a....

In a scared reaction, I decided to check and.... ah phew!!! I was still a dude, I also noticed I had a pretty cut build too, but it was hard to tell because I was so thin, but thank goodness though, because that would've been strange for me not going lie (No offense of course, I would've made it work regardless)

My looks could really confuse other people I might meet in the future, I should really try to do something that improves my look, but at the same time, my looks aren't my dire concern right now, I needed to start getting prepared for my trip!

I had nothing on me, but I noticed I had a few things that were in my pockets from the other world, including my phone. (not sure that's going to help me here!)

My wallet (Another thing that'll be useless) My ???, and an emergency bag of medical pills I kept in my back pockets, at least that last one will be useful to me!

I still needed to start gathering resources if I wanted to survive here, I needed to be around other people because they know more about this world than I do, and it would increase my survival chances with others around!

I also have three goals in mind right now 1. Survive, 2. Find Stephen, and 3. Escape from this world. This all is pretty much easier said than done.

Honestly, I have no clue if there even IS a way out of this place, nor can I return home.

Sure I don't have THAT much going for me back home, but knowing how dangerous Minecraft can be in real life, I'm pretty sure I'd be a lot safer going back!

I proceeded to break the rest of the tree, created a crafting table (I'm not sure how exactly I did that), and made some of the basic tools. A wooden sword, axe, and pickaxe.

I collected the table and continued to explore, hoping I could run into a village. If all else fails I can always make a quick dirt hut or something.

I probably shouldn't go underground because I might suffocate or fall into a cave full of monsters, and I'm scared to learn what they looked like in this world...


The journey was a pain, but I collected some other materials along the way, I explored many simple biomes like dark oak, birch trees, and flower biomes. They looked even better here in person than they ever did In Minecraft!

I had a lovely time exploring and all, but I need to finish my hunt for a village because it's not going to be peaceful when the monsters come out at night!

I looked up at the sky, it started to turn orange, I knew the sun was setting and it would soon be nightfall. looks like I should just build a quick dirt hut and call it a night.

using whatever time I had left, I quickly constructed a box of dirt I collected around me. The dirt hut had around a 12 by 12 blocks perimeter and was 7 blocks tall, a bit big sure, but I wanna have some space even though this hut would be useless to me the next day.

As night fell I started to hear the unsettling sounds of the monsters lurking about, I couldn't really even get any sleep because of the creepy noises I heard around me.

I might as well check my crafting until I get more sleepy, I placed down my crafting table and laid out my inventory, it was just wood-related resources though...

"Hmm, I should probably craft something in case something bad happens."

I didn't add a door to my hut, but how about I think of an emergency escape plan in case the mobs somehow get inside my hut, better be safe than sorry.

I don't want to go underground for obvious reasons, but how about I go over my walls... yeah, that sounds like a better idea!

I only had the wood on me, so how about I craft some ladders?

I place my hands on the table with focus.

"Let's see... ummm, how do I make ladders again?" I said tapping my head.

Oh, don't look at me like that! It's been a while since I played MC, I'm a bit rusty.

'Jeez, I wish I had the internet so I can just look up the recipe', I thought as I held the wooden block in front of my face with frustration.

Then, all of a sudden, I felt a strange sensation in my eyes, my vision felt both bright and green, were my eyes glowing green!?!?! WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?!

Next, a big green book that was glowing appeared in front of my face, there was writing on it, and as I read it I was giving all the recipes I could craft with wood.

"Woah!" I remarked, I then touched and tried moving it to the right, but the book instantly vanished and I could see clearly what was in front of me.

So that's how I despawn it huh? What was that strange ability? Was it like a cheat skill?

I mean there IS a crafting encyclopedia that was in the Minecraft game that worked kinda like this, but the way THIS one worked is kinda different, more to the point ya know? More importantly, I must use these abilities of mine to survive!

I had another idea, I then took out a leftover stick in my inventory and used this Glowing eye power of mine, and the book appeared again.

I flipped through the pages since there were so many things you could craft with sticks.

Ah there we go, the ladder recipe! I placed the sticks exactly how they were supposed to on the crafting table and BOOM! I crafted some ladders and placed them on the wall.


I sat down on the corner of the hut's floor, despite the outside noises, I was honestly getting kinda sleepy, today was both physically and emotionally taxing.

Something did feel off though, are the outside noises getting... louder?

I heard loud banging on the dirt hut's walls followed by groans of what could be zombies, I bolt up in reaction, What's going on? I never added a door since I know the zombies can break them, but they never broke through dirt in the game!!!

The dirt walls didn't last long, with a loud crash! The wall to the north fell down, and the zombies didn't take long to notice my location.

The zombies in this world didn't look like the ones you'd normally see in Minecraft, they instead looked like the ones in horror films, they were terrifying!

How come they NOW are tryna break in? Did my powers give away my location or something? Now's not the time to ponder why this is happening, I need to escape!

I ran and scaled the ladders I placed and got to the roof of my hut, it felt like the whole place is coming down!!!

The last three walls of the hut were breaking down from the nearby zombies, some of them even piled on top of each other to get up to my location! (Creepy!)

I jumped off my roof and stomp landed on one of the zombie's heads, I got up and ran as fast as I could! I had no idea where I was going, but I know staying here isn't much better!

I ran for a great while, and then I came across a hill. It looked like I should make a place to hide out of this!

I grabbed my pickaxe and dug out a 4by4 area inside the hill, I then enclosed myself in with some dirt.

I felt a bit better, no way mobs can get in here!


Moments passed, I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't, it felt like I couldn't... breathe? I jolted up from realization!

Was I running out of oxygen in here!?!? I started to feel a little dizzy, I quickly broke a hole through the hill to where I could see the outside, that's a lot better!

I can breathe again! My throat felt parched, I could really use some water, but I don't want to risk being outside with the monsters!

I sat back down and started to feel a bit dejected, THIS SUCKS!!!! I bet I would've eventually suffocated in the dirt hut too if those monsters didn't run me out moments later.

It feels like every other thing I'm doing won't work because this world has the same level of physics in real life, I need to face the facts, if I want a safe place to sleep for the night, I need to find a village!

I will do whatever it takes tomorrow!
