I was killed and reborn as a Saiyan in marvel? what? Follow the story of William Khorn Parker as he navigates an altered marvel timeline why was he reincarnated? why is he a Saiyan? and who the hell flicked my forehead?
William activated the ticket for random item, it shone golden before burning and from the smoke a vial appears floating before disappearing into his system space where he read the info..
"System ai: item - Super soldier serum (Saiyan Genome) The serum enhances physical capabilities, such as strength, endurance and muscle density as well as mental faculties such as memory retention, mental processing and enhanced decision making (Saiyan Will age at a slower rate)
"System ai: item - elite great ape mental training book"
(Read to learn how to use great ape in base form!)
William couldn't believe his eyes with the first one but the second one absolutely confused him to no end.
William popped open the cork of the serum and winced.., it was nasty with a hint of terrible!
William sighed, covered his nose and drank..
The second the liquid touched his lips it seemed to turn into pure energy which his body absorbed greedily, soon William began to grunt in pain as his body reconstructed itself from bow to stern!
His nails were the first to be affected they turned blue and then black before falling off only to be regrown his skin practically exploded into dust only to be regrown finer and extra smooth.
His hair started to fall out and regrew to twice the length (spiky slicked back past the neck)
And his teeth clattered on the floor only to be replaced by new ones and his muscles wriggled beneath his skin as the muscles died and reformed several times in order to strengthen itself!
"William - AHHHH it fucking hurts!"
He roared in despair, he had no idea that his mental anguish was felt by two people within the mansion.
"Xavier - is he okay?"
He looked worried
"Jean - The hell is going on, it feels so primal!"
She stood up and paced back and forth thinking about what to do next
"Jean - I'm sure the professor would contact me if it was a threat!"
William was laying on a pool of sweat and discarded flesh and hair, he felt like he could take on the world but he also felt like he was put through a blender, it was a weird combination to feel at the same time.
He squeezed his fist and felt the power coursing through his limbs.
He notices a flashing notification on the corner of his vision.
"William - I should check my status."
William opens his status panel and checks his stats
"System ai - new passive gained: Enhanced Saiyan potential - all stat increases are increased by an extra 10%
"System ai - all stats (besides luck) are increased to ten forcibly due to Super soldier serum
"System ai - due to passive all stats gain +1"
"System ai - users stats are now
William looked with amazement, almost all his stats were in the double digits now
He got up uneasily and went to go shower to remove the filth
He noticed his hair was longer and more wild looking but he didn't mind "his mom however" soon he left the shower and got dressed, he wanted to go see the professor before he forgot.
He opened the door and stepped into the nearly empty halls, his footsteps echoed lowdly and he noticed each footsteps was causing mild damage to the floor.
"William - I'll need to train a bit, I wonder if the danger room can increase gravity to higher degrees? it would be absolutely amazing for my training!"
William let's kitty know he is here to talk to the professor and winks at her as he passes and she turns red!
"William - professor you wanted to see me?"
The professor is going over some paperwork when he sees me walk in.
"Professor Xavier - William it's good to see you, did you grow..? Nevermind I was wanting to ask if you would join us for a few training exercises, we would like to see how you do as part of a team!"
William nodded and pretended to think hard.
"William - Yeah I'd love to join your team also ive wanted to ask you if the danger room can increase gravity?"
Xavier thought hard, he wasn't as technical minded as beast so he only said what he knew
"Xavier - I know it can be increased slightly but we don't have many people who can use any potential higher settings, would you like to test it?"
William nodded
After leaving the office William headed towards the Danger Room with a look of absolute excitement, he wanted to see how strong he could become!
A blue haired man was working the machinery inside the control room
"Beast - hello young man my name is Henry McCoy, professor Xavier tasked me with making necessary alterations to the danger room as per your request, within reason of course!"
William shook beasts hand, for some reason he felt a kindred spirit within the man.
"William - is it possible for you to increase the gravity? It's necessary for my abilities!"
Beast thought for a moment going over the possibilities...
"Beast - it should be possible to increase it by at least 5x it can be increased later potentially!"
Will thought he should start small at a 1.5x increase!
As he stepped into the room he was immediately brought to his knees as he wasn't entirely prepared for the sudden change.
Suddenly the background changes as Beast sets it up to look like a small rocky planet with a barely breathable atmosphere and a giant spaceship appeared overhead, the hatches on the side of the spaceship opened and hundreds of kree soldiers dropped onto the planet in soldier precision!
They all assumed a formation and pointed their weapons!
William gets into his own fighting position and charges wanting to test out his body before anything.
He leaps in the air and crash lands into the middle of the army sending kree flying every direction!
"William - Let's FUCKING GOOOO!!"
The kree dash toward him with spears pointed while another line behind them fires at my escape routes
"William's thoughts - why are they so slow though? Must be a perception thing, let's speed things up then!"
He puts ki into his leg muscles which seems to collapse the ground under him and launches to the side so fast his afterimage remains for a few seconds!
By the time the kree turn their heads William is already charging ki blasts in both hands!
"William - TAKE THIS!!!"
He launches both balls of energy at the edges of either side causing an explosion that forced them closer to the center, will sent out flag final blast to the center destroying them finally.
William thinks it's over but soon a giant green man tears from the spaceship and drops before me in a rage!
William looks excitedly.
The hulk has finally appeared!
He roared and sent a swift kick to my abdomen.
William didn't want to take a hulk punch just yet so he dodged backwards and sent a ki blast to hulk who grabbed the blast out of the air...
"Hulk - hulk smash pretty man and light"
Hulk gathers power and slapping his hands together sent a shockwave towards William with fury!
"William - I know it's just a hologram but damn.. hulk is scary!"
William is hit by the shockwave as there was nowhere to hide and was sent flying into several feet of dirt and rock!