I was killed and reborn as a Saiyan in marvel? what? Follow the story of William Khorn Parker as he navigates an altered marvel timeline why was he reincarnated? why is he a Saiyan? and who the hell flicked my forehead?
William stands there gobsmacked, he was always a fan of Wolverine in his old world.
William wants to say something but before he can get a word out suddenly wolverine charges with his claws pointed right at Williams chest!
William dodges by way of power pole barely missing the deadly claws.
Wolverine crashes into the wall behind me but with the distinct sound of "Shink" "Shink" "Shink" William sees wolverine climbing the wall with his claws before leaping at him in the air!
"Wolverine - Raaahhhgggg!!!" He flies toward William with claws fully extended.
Time slows for William, he needs to think fast!
William smirks..
Suddenly before the claws could reach William the staff lowers him to the ground suddenly...
The staff extended and struck wolverine in the jaw causing him to backflip before crashing into a nearby car..
William sighed.. that was a close call and he wasn't sure that his armor could stop adamantium claws.
Wolverine doesn't stay down for long.. soon he is leaping at William but this time he throws a piece of debris to distract him!
"Wolverine - let's see you dodge this time bub!"
William ducks out of the way but soon he is grabbed by wolverine who puts him in a choke hold and says I'm not sure what you are but Charles can figure it out for me!
William soon passes out from the lack of oxygen and he goes limp.
Wolverine takes the boy and sits him in the back seat of the Drunkards car before promptly driving off...
Peter is currently worried, his brother hasnt been home in several hours and it was already night.
He dons his makeshift Spider-Man suit and heads out into the night, soon after checking on Williams usual spots he is swinging near a few local bars when he sees a gruff figure carrying a familiar figure in weird armor who is about to drive off.
Spider-Man webs the trunk of the car and forms a parachute with the other hand so he can follow
-30 minutes pass-
Soon wolverine arrives at a mansion as he pulls up he notices a man in Ruby sunglasses
"Wolverine - shit.."
He parks the car and grabs the still unconscious young man from the back seat which causes the man in glasses to flinch and approach wolverine!
"Wolverine - not now Scott, I've got someone interesting for the professor!"
Scott looks at the face of the young man and asks
"Scott - Who is he, is he a mutant?"
His brows crease "Scott - you didn't just grab this kid off the streets did you?"
Wolverine grins.
"Wolverine - well yeah.. but also no."
The two walk through the mansion together and take the boy to the infirmary.
As they enter a young lady is currently going over some paperwork when she notices them enter
"Wolverine - hey Cecelia got a fresh one for ya, he even squirms!" The boy is beginning to wake up!
He lays the boy down on the bed and backs away.
"Cecilia - Is he a mutant, Is he dangerous?"
She begins to activate her powers forming a shield around the waking boy!
"Wolverine - he can scrap but nothing crazy!"
The boy opens his eyes and gets up too fast slamming headfirst into the force field.
"William - ow ow ow my head.. what the hell, where am I?"
He asks mild panic in his eyes
"Cecelia - you are currently in the Xavier Manor as a guest, our friend here brought you here unconsciously!" She gestures towards wolverine.
William's eyes narrow at wolverine for a second before he asks
"William - what's going on?"
He begins to panic as the potential danger sets in.
"in Williams mind - Calm down child you are under no threat here, my name is Charles Xavier and I run this school for gifted youths!"
A bald man in an electric wheelchair of unique design entered followed by a stunning redhead.
"Professor Xavier - Logan has already told me what happened although I'm sure he neglected some details, would you mind if I and Cecilia run a few tests?"
William pauses, he can't help but be reluctant however he also doesn't want to get on the accidentally become a vegetable by upsetting the old man!
"Charles Xavier - you have nothing to fear young man I would never do something to a guest!"
William freezes for a moment before he pauses.
Cecilia takes a few blood samples while Xavier ran some brain scans, Wolverine left to go get some beer and Scott is currently flirting shamelessly with Jean!
After a few minutes of taking the tests the a few of the machines started beeping
"Cecilia - the blood is strange, it seems to me he is either a mutant among mutants or an alien!"
Charles is almost done searching William's mind when he hits an impassable wall, it seems some information is protected but by what Charles had no idea what it could be.
Charles strains and attempts to prove further but is rebuffed causing his nose to start bleeding!
"Cecilia - professor? She rushes to the man who is groggily coming to!"
Xavier opens his eyes and waves at the girl to tell her it's alright!
"Xavier - I can't seem to see past a certain point, felt like I was headbutting the world's most powerful metaphysical brick wall!
He pauses and looks back at Cecilia
"Xavier - the blood? You said it was potenally mutant or alien correct?"
Cecilia nods before correcting
"Cecilia - yes but I'm not exactly sure what kind of mutant he is if at all!"
Xavier mentally connected to wolverine
"Xavier - you said you fought the boy, What exactly did he do?"
Wolverine scratches his head remembering the massive headache
"Wolverine - I'm not sure but that staff hurt like something fierce!"
Xavier notices the staff among the boys things
He begins to think of the potential pros and cons before coming to a conclusion
"Xavier - id like to extend an invitation to you if you'd like to attend my school for gifted youngsters!"
William's eyes beam, he can't believe his luck!
"William - I'd love to but I'd need to talk with my parents first!"
Xavier nods.
"Cecilia - also I'd like to run some more tests when you are available your blood really is something else!"
William's face pales but he nods to end the conversation
"Xavier - I'll have one of the students give you the tour of the school."
Xavier turns to leave gesturing for William to follow, as they move through the halls many students pass them in a hurry!
As they near Xavier's office a young lady about my age was waiting eagerly.
"Xavier - Miss Pryde, would you please give this young man the tour of the school I've got some calls to make!"
The young girl nods with a bell like giggle
"Kitty Pryde - Hi I'm Kitty nice to meet you!"
She smiles and offers a hand for greeting.
William takes her hand..
"Williams thoughts - So soft!"
The two exchange a shake but neither notice a spark in the atmosphere
Lightning cracked
"Storm - keep it in your pants young man!"
Both the teens faces pale
"Kitty - we just met it's nothing like that!"
She grabs Williams hand and takes off down the hallway.
Storm chuckles and returns to her class.
[1 hour passes]
"Kitty - down here is where we train for different situation s, we call it the danger room!"
Wills eyes beam in excitement
"William's thoughts - any situation?"
Kitty notices William mesmerized by the danger room.
"Kitty - would you like to try it?"