
Chapter 62 Search Again

Lin Qiu pursed her lips, "Auntie Xu didn't say much, it's just that Xu Haihua, this morning when she found out you didn't come home last night either, afterwards I heard her muttering to Auntie Xu back in the room...

She said when our lease is up, she definitely can't rent to us anymore, not knowing what kind of people we are, feeling insecure and all...

Then I heard Auntie Xu say, she knows what to do, and she'll let us know when our lease is almost up..."

Lin Qiu felt extremely unsettled; after moving here with her elder sister and younger brother, she had come to regard this place as home.

Finding a house was such a hassle, and she had been there through it all; she had seen the struggle firsthand;

So the thought that the landlord might suddenly refuse to rent to them after a month sent waves of panic through her, leaving her utterly distressed.