
Chapter 639: Rectifying the Investment Environment_1

Nie Zhenbang could not help but feel uneasy. Wanghai City was his cat's-paw, and so he was paying it the utmost attention.

On the one hand, Wanghai City needed to increase its efforts in attracting investment, a point that didn't need to be said. The establishment of servers and the recent trip to America were all part of the effort to increase investment attraction and improve the construction of the investment infrastructure.

However, the current situation made Nie Zhenbang look rather sombre. A dam thousands of miles long could be destroyed by a tiny ant nest. At first glance, this might not seem like a big deal. After all, treating someone to a meal will only cost several thousand dollars at most. It was something the Wal-Mart Group or any boss who came to invest in Wanghai City could easily afford. A drop in the ocean, really.