Reborn as a kryptonian. Being born with absolute power comes at a price. Watch as verlin velrin tries to be a hero like Superman, but ultimately distances himself further and further away from humanity ........................................................................................ Update Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Picture is not mine. If the owner wants me to take it down. Let me know.
General Smith shook Verlin's hand and continued talking, " I heard you traveled a long and far distance to get here."
" I'm not sure how I got here, but it was probably quite a distance from here." Possibly a whole universe away.
" Well, that doesn't matter, we appreciate your cooperation with us during this time, even if some unsatisfactory things did occur."
Verlin smiled and replied, " It was nothing really. Lacking knowledge of the unknown tends to put people on edge. Plus, I wasn't hurt in the slightest."
General Smith didn't know if Verlin was trying to show their weapons couldn't hurt him or if he was just being very tolerant of their behavior, Maybe it was both. Smith said, "it's good to see you are as compassionate as I've heard. We already have a place for you to stay, Rachel will be staying with you. If you need anything you can ask her."
As they walked towards a car parking space. It seemed the army didn't want him entering their main facility because they walked around the base to make their way towards the parking lot. Verlin saw Rachel's car parked and saw Rachel walking towards the car as he was about to follow her in he was stopped by General Smith.
General Smith said, "Since you will be staying in the West Federation for a certain amount of time, we have made an identity for you." and then he handed Verlin a card. Verlin looked at the card and saw the name on it. He looked at General Smith and said with a slight frown, " Verlin Smith? Who's that?"
Before General Smith could reply, Rachel said,
" That would be you."
"I told you my name was Verlin Velrin."
"The West Federation takes their citizenship very seriously and all the names of our citizens have been recorded, If you were 6 years and younger, then maybe it would slide, but a 17 year old that doesn't have any sort of registration? That's not possible. So, giving you an identity as General Smith's illegitimate child can serve as some sort of alibi."
Verlin could still find problems with what she said, but if he was really honest, he didn't really care, so he said, " Whatever, let's just go."
He took one last look at General Smith and said, "Thanks for the Id."
He got in the car with Rachel, and they went towards the house he was going to stay. The house was about 20 km away from the base, so the ride would take 10 min at the speed they were going. Verlin turned his head towards Rachel and said, " So I'm guessing your name is Rachel Smith."
"Lucky guess."
"Your dad seems like a nice guy, very easy to talk to."
"You're overpraising him. You know, right now, he is thinking of ways to detain you and possibly kill you."
"I know, but should you be telling me this."
"Trust me, it won't take long for you to find out. It's not like he's hiding it."
Verlin looked up to the sky beyond the clouds ,into the atmosphere, and he saw the satellite following them. he silently said, " No kidding."
In less than 10 minutes, they arrived at the house, and Verlin couldn't help but be impressed at the size of the house. It was practically a mansion, and from what he could hear, the city was only a km or 2 from their location. Verlin got out of the car and walked towards the house. But Rachel stayed in the car. Verlin looked back and said, "Aren't you coming in?"
"I already live here. There's nothing to see."
" Can you at least show me around. I don't want to step into your private space by accident."
Rachel sighed and got out of the car and opened the door of the house, and Verlin floated and followed her in. The house tour was quick, mainly because the guide wasn't very enthusiastic. Afterward, Rachel went into the kitchen to get something to eat. Verlin sat on the couch in the living room and put the news on the TV.
The news was talking about the casualty reports from City C and how the army is in the perimeter of the earth bubble incident and more conspiracies of what really happened. After watching for a couple of minutes, Verlin went to the kitchen to see what Rachel was doing. Rachel had 4 sandwiches on the table ready to eat.
"You gonna eat all that by yourself? You must have skipped breakfast. "
" Indeed I am, you're talking like it's a lot of food. By the way, don't you need to eat, from what I can see you haven't eaten any food since you arrived."
Verlin took another side note. It seemed the new humans also needed more food to survive.
" Actually, I don't need to eat, so you don't have to worry about me starving to death."
"That's a cool ability, but how do you get energy?"
Verlin raised an eyebrow and said, "What do you mean?"
"You know, how do you get energy to survive, I mean, everything needs energy, right? So where do you get yours from?"
Verlin smiled and said," I can transform tiny molecule sized matter around me to energy." Obviously, this was a lie. He couldn't tell them his energy source, although he doubts they can stop him from getting the sun's radiation, but you can never be too careful.
Rachel looked suspicious but said, " Alright, at least the cost of feeding you can be scratched out. By the way, Im going to head to the city after I take a shower, wanna come along? "
Verlin nodded his head and said, " Sure, but what are you doing in the city?"
"Getting you some clothes and also to buy more groceries."
"Alright then, I been wanting to go to the city."
Although he won't be getting his clothes dirty because he is always surrounding himself with his telekinetic force to counter his weight, plus he doubts any form of exercise could get him to sweat. It's better to have a change of clothes every once in a while.
Rachel swifly devoured the sandwiches and went upstairs to take a shower. Verlin went to his room and was lying down on his bed, thinking of what he would do from now on. He could do a lot of things now, become a boxer, and become a god at pretty much any sport. But he feels that would be a waste of what he has right now. Verlin shook his head and started thinking of everything that had gone down since he arrived on this planet. Although it was only a short time with his improved brain, he could relive the memory like he was in the moment. He could remember every noise and every smell. And all the information he had obtained had stayed in his head. Thinking had never felt so smooth. If he could make a comparison, being humans was like trying to swim through mud, while now it's like rocket ship moving through space, all smooth like.
Soon afterward, Rachel finished her shower and was dressed. They both left the house and went towards the city. It was a short drive, and they got there in under a minute. This was the first time Verlin had seen a city on this planet without it being destroyed, and it looked exactly like other cities on old earth. the buildings looked like buildings, maybe made out of different material. They were a lot of people on the streets, and apart from being taller than the humans on old earth, there wasn't much difference.
After a couple more minutes of driving, they arrived at the grocery store. Before they got out of the car, Rachel turned towards Verlin and said, " Don't do anything out of the ordinary, no flying, no lifting heavy things, none of that."
"Relax, I won't do anything of that sort. I'll be extra careful."
As soon as Verlin said that he could hear someone shouting for help, but it was about 10km away, He looked in the direction of the shout and used his X ray vision to look through all the obstacles in the way and saw a woman surrounded by 3 dudes in some alleyway. He used his super speed to find a clothing store on the way to the alleyway and grabbed a mask, and soon after appeared in front of the 3 men and single woman.