
Reborn as a hollow, I will become a Vasto Lorde (DROPPED)

Javier, he was a normal, but his past is irrelevant now, see where his empty journey takes, will he reach the pinnacle of hollow evolution? What comes next? Reborn 100 years before cannon he strives to be a vasto lorde with ups and downs, learning right from wrong.

DumbassPhoenix · Cómic
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51 Chs

Chapter 1: Rebirth (rewrite)

The hollow's eyes flickered open, their vision clouded by confusion. A disorienting wave washed over them as they struggled to make sense of their new existence. The memories of their past life slowly faded away, replaced by a deep awareness of their hollow form.

Their surroundings came into focus—a vast and desolate expanse of white, stretching as far as the eye could see. They stood upon the sands of Hueco Mundo, a world teeming with spiritual energy and the home of lost souls like themselves.

With each passing moment, an insatiable hunger gnawed at the hollow's core. It was an instinctual drive—a primal need to consume the souls of others. The echoes of hollow cries resonated through the empty air, drawing their attention.

Driven by an unyielding thirst for power, the hollow ventured forth, their spectral form glimmering with an ethereal aura. They encountered other hollows, beings twisted and tormented by their own desires. The hollow's eyes gleamed with predatory anticipation as they clashed with the lesser creatures, absorbing their essence and growing stronger with each victory.

In the savage dance of survival, the hollow began to comprehend the hierarchy that governed Hueco Mundo. They learned the stark reality of this world—the strong preyed upon the weak, and power dictated one's place in the pecking order.

But deep within the hollow's being, a flicker of individuality remained. A fragment of their former self lingered—a trace of their human memories, their hopes, and their dreams. It whispered to them, urging them to defy the hollow's nature, to rise above their basest instincts.

Amidst the chaos of their new existence, the hollow yearned for purpose. They hungered not only for sustenance but for meaning—for a higher form, a greater purpose that would elevate them beyond their current state.

Their path began to crystallize—the hollow aspired to become something more, to transcend the boundaries imposed upon them. They yearned to reach the pinnacle of hollow evolution—a Vasto Lorde.

With each passing day, the hollow's determination solidified. They trained relentlessly, honing their instincts and mastering the darkness within. They sought out benevolent and wise hollows, those who possessed the skills and guidance to pave the path towards greater strength and discipline.

Under the tutelage of his "mentor" now, the hollow, Javier, learned to harness his innate abilities. He meditated into the inner mind of his own self, unlocking dormant powers and refining control control over the reiatsu coursing through his astral form.

Yet, as Javier grew stronger, an internal conflict simmered within himself. The pull of his longing for humanity clashed with the ravenous hunger that defined his hollow-like existence. He faced moral dilemmas and moments of doubt, he questioned whether he would retain his individuality amidst the chaos of Hueco Mundo and his race.

But, the thirst for power burned brightly within the hollow's heart, or lack there of, propelling him forward. He understood that the path he had chosen was treacherous and filled with danger. Yet, He was completely determined to confront any challenge, surmount any obstacle, to reach the pinnacle of his individual potential and that of hollows.

And so, Javier embarked on his journey—a journey of self-discovery, of untapped potential, violence, cruelty, and of relentless pursuit. The path to becoming a Vasto Lorde beckoned, and they would leave an irreparable mark on the world of hollows and shinigami alike.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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