
Reborn as a Fallen in DXD

This is a story a young man in his 20's, who died because of GOD mistake. But for his surprise GOD gave him a second chance to be reborn again in his most favourite anime High School DXD with 4 wishes. This is my first fan-friction novel please enjoy. ----- NOTE : This novel is purely based on imagination and i do not own any characters or the main story of HIGH SCHOOL DXD. And i don't own the cover as well I just got it from Google, if you don't want that then just tell i will remove it ok. Please don't sue me i beg you. Thanks and, ENJOY. Please support: https://discord.gg/k5rAzk6xdP

Vladimir_Alexander · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 8 Shuri Himejima


Somewhere in Japan, A boy about 16 years old was walking on the street he had golden hair and clear blue eyes, All the girls who saw him were blushing and tried to talk to him but all where scared away by the girl who was hugging his hand like a angry kitten. She had long black hair, golden eyes and a beautiful face, her body was perfect and sexy which could make any man go crazy but at this time she was glaring at all the girls who wanted to talk with him 'Back off he's mine, nye'.

They were Asahi and Kuroka.

It has been 3 years after Vali's arrival and his talk with Albion, After few months Vali left saying he will train and i didn't care has he was a battle maniac in the original plot. He had always asked to duel with me but it was no fun has my power was getting stronger and stronger that i to had some difficulties controlling it 'Now i know why "Wang ling" never showed any expression', Damn to much power. But i still had to duel with him.

When ever I dueled i used like 1% power to fight, It was not a fight to say it was more like a beating. Even with my 1% power i could crush him but i held back.

All the him he lost, He would say this to me "I will defeat you some day"

I just nodded my head at him, but in mind 'Goodluck with that kiddo'

After he left I would see him rarely or not at all for some time, he even master his sacred gear divine dividing but when even Vali came to see me Albion would also greet me "Hello Asahi-sama".

Now i was 16 years old, Really it took 3 years to master and create all the magic or powers i wanted. Now i came to Japan to get a small gift or prepare a small present when i took Akeno on her first date, Kuroka was very mad about them not going on a date and kept on saying she wanted one too.

So here I am taking Kuroka on her date while going there. After finishing and spoiling her with many gifts and snaks we came near a house.

Yes this house is where Akeno's mother 'Shuri Himejima' was killed by her clan.

i walked in with kuroka who had cute smile while eating cotton candy. When we got inside the house no one was there so i released a barrier to hide our presence from others.

Kuroka was very surprised to see a empty house as she remembered me saying 'we will be meeting someone'.

"So, who are we going to meet nya" she asked me with a curious face, for some reason she had started an habit of ending all the frace she finishes with 'nya' like a cat but i really liked it.

"Well, let's see" I said as i walked to the kitchen with her.

When i reached kitchen i stud in front of the door and clicked my fingers, Leaving me and Kuroka everything in the kitchen started to move like they had a mind of his own and people would walk backwards. Yes this is one of the magic i created with my power


After some time all the things changed like it was not the same house at all. Slowly a beautiful woman with long black hair appeared with her back as she was cooking.

She suddenly noticed some one was watching and turn back to see me and Kuroka. I was smiling and Kuroka had stars in her eyes after explaining her in a low voice she just smiled and went on a sit.

I saw Shuri staring at me with fear in her eye,

"Who are you? How did you get in hear?" she asked as she held a knife in her hand.

I just smiled and said "Well you must be Shuri Himejima, you look more beautiful then your daughter"

Shuri widened her eye "What did you do to my daughter? Please don't hurt her", she droped the knife and started to cry.

I went closer and wiped her tears and said "She is fine" after Shuri calmed down, i continued

"She is 16 years now and studing in high school"

Shuri saw me with a confused look and asked "What are you saying, she is just 10 year's old she went to play in the park a few moments ago".

"Well, Yes she was 10 when your can members came to your house and killed you" Then i started to tell everything about the past years and how akeno was kicked out from relatives house for fallen blood, how she used shuri's teachings to survive later taken by rias and became her queen and studing in high school.

After hearing everything Shuri was on her knees and crying.

Some time later Shuri calmed down and wipe her tears after knowing her daughter was fine. She raised head to see me and asked "Why did you save me now"

I smiled at her and offered my hand to lift her up from the floor, After she sat on the chair i said to her "I want to gift you to her on our first date but not now, all in due time".

Shuri was surprised to know that he brought her back from the dead for her daughter's happiness and felt happy for her.

After making things normal and taking Shuri to big house he had brought for her and appointing a maid for her help and safety.

"Take this card it as money for use, if you want more contact this number they will add more. When the time comes i will bring to meet you"

She nodded her head as she was happy to meet her daughter who had all grown up.

I took Kuroka and come outside the house. I clicked my fingers and a barrier was formed around the house to protect her.

After I finished everything i smiled at Kuroka and pinched her nose "Shall we go home my dear"

She gave a pout but still smiled in cutie way and nodded head as we disappeared.
