
Reborn as a DRAGON [STUB]

Book 1 is now available for order! Volume 1: https://a.co/d/0ao1rdn0 The first volume has been taken down for the Amazon release. Published by Riverfolk Publishing. *********************************** My name is Tim or was that is until I died, there was no light at the end of the tunnel, no white room to choose any cheats from, nor was there any meeting with God. I didn’t die heroically saving someone, and I certainly didn’t get hit by a truck. My death was rather stupid and anticlimactic, I had apparently bumped my head while sleeping and passed away... That should have been the end of the road for me but like many self-proclaimed main characters, I joined the army of multi-dimension travelers and was reincarnated. Being an avid light novel and manga reader, I would have been excited at the opportunity, if not for my new siblings who tried to kill me as soon as I was born, or my mother who seemed to have something with throwing me off cliffs, and let’s not forget my murderous father who forced me to flatten a small country as my Rite of passage. Oh did I mention I was reborn as a Dragon? PS: Earlier releases on patreon: www.patreon.com/Simobimo Cover art by Instagram: Simplegray_owo Link to the discord: https://discord.gg/vCHrZB5xmX Release schedule: 1 day yes, 1 day no. Advanced chapters on Patreon.

Immortal_Simo · Fantasy
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376 Chs

Chapter 301: Prevail

In the aftermath of our violent clash, a sense of grim satisfaction filled the watery depths. The Shade, once a source of terror and darkness, had finally met his end.

As I basked in the victory of our hard-fought battle, the ocean's depths reverberated with a newfound calmness. The water elements, having fulfilled their purpose, began to recede, their ethereal forms dissipating into the vast expanse from whence they came.

In the tranquil embrace of the ocean's depths, I beheld the scattered remains of the defeated bastard, the lingering traces of his malevolence dissipating into the surrounding waters. With a sense of satisfaction and triumph coursing through my body, I rose from the depths, my massive wings carrying me effortlessly above the waves.

As I soared through the cerulean sky, the remnants of battle drifting in the air, a wide grin spread across my draconic visage. The victory against the Shade had been hard-won. Yet, there was still one matter that required my attention—the humans who had valiantly stood their ground in my absence.

With purposeful strides, I journeyed back towards the battlefield, where the echoes of clashing steel and the resolute shouts of the soldiers still lingered. The humans, having weathered the storm of the Shade's assault, awaited my return, their expressions a mix of relief, awe, and gratitude.

As my massive form descended upon the battlefield, the once-scattered and disoriented humans quickly regained their composure, their faces alight with renewed hope. The remaining Shades, now leaderless and thrown into disarray, scattered like leaves in the wind, their feeble attempts at resistance quelled by the sheer presence of the cosmic dragon.

The resounding cheers of the humans echoed through the air, a symphony of triumph and determination. Their weapons gleamed in the sunlight, held high as a testament to their unwavering resolve. Inspired by their unwavering spirit, I joined in their celebration, my mighty roar shaking the very ground beneath our feet.

The battlefield trembled in response, a tangible display of the power coursing through my draconic form. The horde of shades, once an imposing force, now stumbled about in confusion, their cohesion shattered by the absence of their fallen leader. They were no match for our united front, their defeat inevitable.

With a voice that carried across the battlefield, I addressed the valiant warriors who had stood firm against the encroaching darkness. My words rang out with authority and conviction, fueling their determination to reclaim what was rightfully theirs. The air crackled with anticipation as I spoke, my voice a beacon of guidance amidst the chaos.

"Follow me!" I proclaimed, my voice resonating with the weight of wisdom and indomitable strength. "Together, we shall reclaim these lands. Let your hands wield the weapons of justice, let your hearts beat with the rhythm of defiance. This day marks the turning tide, the rebirth of your rightful dominion!"

The humans, emboldened by my words, responded with thunderous roars and shouts of agreement. Their eyes gleamed with newfound determination as they took up their weapons, ready to march alongside me. They understood that their fate was no longer solely dictated by the whims of fate but by the strength of their own hands and the unity of their spirits.

As I spread my wings wide, I led the charge, soaring ahead with purpose. The humans followed in my wake, their steps resolute, their resolve unyielding. With each step taken, the echoes of our combined determination reverberated through the land, heralding the dawn of a new era for this plane.

Together, we advanced with me leading the charge. The battlefield, once stained with despair and uncertainty after I left, transformed into a crucible of hope and resilience. The Shades, now reduced to mere remnants of a defeated force, scattered before us like shards of a shattered dream.

With every stride, every swing of their weapons, the humans reclaimed their lands, inch by hard-fought inch. The taste of victory lingered in the air, propelling them forward with an unwavering belief in our cause. The land itself seemed to respond, offering its support and blessing from the elements as we pressed onward, pushing back the darkness that had encroached for far too long.

And so, we marched on, the harmonious symphony of a single dragon and a large human army echoing across the land. Hope seemed to bloom anew, the mana and the world itself trembled in anticipation of the future.


As the radiant sun dipped below the majestic peaks of the mountains, casting an ethereal glow upon the battlefield, the last remnants of the once formidable Shades crumbled to the ground, their malevolent essence dissipating into a swirling wisp of dark smoke that danced across the twilight sky. A hushed silence descended upon the weary soldiers, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and awe. We had emerged victorious, triumphant in our struggle against the encroaching darkness.

A collective sigh of relief swept through the ranks, mingling with the pained cries of grief that echoed through the air. The price of victory was heavy, and the fallen were honored with solemn reverence. Battle-hardened warriors, their faces etched with exhaustion, sank to the ground, their bodies weary and hearts heavy with the weight of loss.

Amidst the aftermath, the surviving generals, their armor dented and stained with the remnants of battle, gathered before me. They approached with a mix of reverence and gratitude, their eyes reflecting the remnants of the fading twilight. I stood apart from them, my gaze fixed upon the northern horizon, where I could sense the presence of more Shades in the distance.

As the generals came closer to me, their gazes filled with awe and worship, awaiting my guidance. I could sense their anticipation, their reliance on my knowledge and innate connection to the forces that shaped this world, the elements. I turned from the north, meeting their eyes.

"Though this battle has been won, the echoes of darkness still linger in the distance," I spoke slowly. "The Shades may have been vanquished from these lands, but their presence remains elsewhere."

The generals nodded solemnly as I continued, "For now, we shall rest. You deserve it," Hearing that their eyes lit up in pride as they lowered their heads in respect.

And so, beneath the starlit canopy, we took a moment to breathe, the humans finding solace in the knowledge that they had survived, that they had prevailed. The winds whispered tales of our triumph, carrying our unwavering spirit across the land.