
Reborn as a DRAGON [STUB]

Book 1 is now available for order! Volume 1: https://a.co/d/0ao1rdn0 The first volume has been taken down for the Amazon release. Published by Riverfolk Publishing. *********************************** My name is Tim or was that is until I died, there was no light at the end of the tunnel, no white room to choose any cheats from, nor was there any meeting with God. I didn’t die heroically saving someone, and I certainly didn’t get hit by a truck. My death was rather stupid and anticlimactic, I had apparently bumped my head while sleeping and passed away... That should have been the end of the road for me but like many self-proclaimed main characters, I joined the army of multi-dimension travelers and was reincarnated. Being an avid light novel and manga reader, I would have been excited at the opportunity, if not for my new siblings who tried to kill me as soon as I was born, or my mother who seemed to have something with throwing me off cliffs, and let’s not forget my murderous father who forced me to flatten a small country as my Rite of passage. Oh did I mention I was reborn as a Dragon? PS: Earlier releases on patreon: www.patreon.com/Simobimo Cover art by Instagram: Simplegray_owo Link to the discord: https://discord.gg/vCHrZB5xmX Release schedule: 1 day yes, 1 day no. Advanced chapters on Patreon.

Immortal_Simo · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
376 Chs

Chapter 303: Final Battle I

The cacophony of clashing weapons and desperate cries reverberated through the air, a symphony of chaos that accompanied the relentless battle unfolding below. In the midst of this turmoil, my keen eyes tracked the aerial duel above, where Sidus valiantly faced the swarm of Shades hurtling toward him. Their dark forms cut through the sky, their malicious intent palpable even from a distance.

The human army, engaged in their own grueling combat on the ground, could spare little attention for the battle unfolding overhead. Their swords clashed against the razor-sharp claws of the Shades, their shields held steadfast against the onslaught. Each soldier fought with unwavering determination, their loyalty to their cause eclipsing any fear that threatened to take root.

However, amidst the chaos, my focus was drawn to the western side of the battlefield. There, Breta's majestic figure radiated with a radiant light, a beacon of hope that pierced through the gloom. Her formidable aura enveloped the weary soldiers, imbuing them with newfound strength and courage. I watched as their weariness seemed to fade, replaced by a renewed resolve to face the encroaching Shades.

Breta's presence illuminated the sky, her movements swift and deliberate as she engaged in a relentless dance with the larger Shades. Two large ethereal wings appeared behind her back, beating with resolute power, and propelling her closer to Sidus, their shared objective bringing them ever closer to regrouping. Each clash with the enemy sent bursts of brilliant energy cascading through the air, testament to the strength and determination that coursed through her being.

As the battle raged on, I continued to observe. In the midst of the turmoil, the threads of destiny wove a tapestry of determination and sacrifice. The symphony of clashes and shouts intertwined with the pulsating energy of magic and the rhythmic beating of wings, creating a tableau of defiance against the encroaching darkness brought by the Shades.

The combined human army, bolstered by our reunion, encircled the ancient city, its towering walls casting a foreboding shadow over the battlefield. The air itself seemed heavy with malevolence, as if the ancient capital exuded an aura of darkness that seeped into the souls of all who dared approach.

With Sidus and Breta leading the charges, I took to the skies, soaring above the chaos that unfolded below. It was there that my aerial prowess would prove most effective against the looming threats. As I ascended, two colossal Shades caught my attention, their formidable presence demanding my immediate attention.

The first Shade, possessing a twisted semblance of a humanoid form, appeared grotesque and distorted. Its face, void of any discernible features, was replaced by an eerie tangle of dark, writhing tentacles protruding from empty eye sockets. Its very existence defied all notions of normalcy, leaving an unsettling impression upon all who gazed upon it.

The second Shade was an amorphous mass of swirling darkness, devoid of stable form. Its shifting and undulating nature made it an unpredictable adversary, constantly eluding any attempts to comprehend its true essence. It seemed to mock the boundaries of reality, defying logic and reason with each ephemeral transformation.

Without hesitation, I met the oncoming Shades head-on. With a burst of speed, I dove towards the humanoid-shaped abomination, my claws poised to strike. The clash of power and primal fury echoed through the skies as I engaged in a fierce aerial duel. I deflected its attempts to ensnare me with its tentacles, maneuvering with agility and precision.

Meanwhile, the amorphous Shade proved to be a formidable adversary in its own right. Its shifting form and evasive maneuvers made it a challenging target to grasp. However, my draconic instincts honed over countless battles guided my every move.

As the battle raged on, the clash of elements and the titanic struggle between dragons and Shades painted a vivid tapestry in the sky. The roars of defiance and the explosive bursts of magic reverberated through the air.

Amidst the swirling chaos, my focus remained unwavering, my eyes fixed upon the two audacious adversaries that dared challenge my reign. A surge of determination coursed through my veins as I beckoned forth the elemental forces under my command. The water, ever obedient, heeded my call without hesitation.

In an instant, a swirling sphere of water materialized around the amorphous Shade, ensnaring it within its aqueous grasp. Though its captivity would be brief, it served as a temporary respite, buying me precious moments to redirect my attention towards the humanoid abomination.

With a swift motion, I tapped into the depths of my cosmic mana, drawing upon its boundless power. Like a celestial thread descending from the heavens, the ethereal strands of mana cascaded through the fabric of reality and converged upon the humanoid Shade. Caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, the abomination had no opportunity to evade its impending fate.

In a blinding flash, the Shade's form disintegrated, consumed by the cosmic energies that surrounded it. It vanished into the abyss, leaving nothing but a lingering echo of its existence.

In that pivotal moment, the tenacious Shade defied the confines of the aqueous shackles that had restrained it. Its form quivered with a palpable sense of trepidation, an acknowledgement of the fate that befell its companion. A wicked smile adorned my draconic visage as I relished in its evident fear. The realization that even these formidable creatures could experience dread sent a surge of satisfaction coursing through my being.

"Well, well," I taunted, my voice laced with amusement. "It appears you are not impervious to fear after all!"

The Shade hesitated, its gaze darting nervously between me and where its fallen comrade had just disappeared. A momentary pause hung in the air, as if it contemplated its next move. The balance of power had shifted, and I could sense its wavering resolve. The advantage was undeniably mine, and I reveled in the intimidation I exuded.

A surge of surprise coursed through me as the fabric of space behind the Shade distorted, giving birth to a lethal spear wrought from the depths of darkness mana. With a swift and unerring precision, the obsidian weapon impaled the hapless creature, its form convulsing in a futile attempt to break free. Yet, the malevolent spear drained its very essence, causing the Shade's once formidable frame to wither and wilt, succumbing to the consuming darkness that enveloped it.

My attention shifted to Sidus, who was engaged in his own arduous battle against two additional Shades. Despite the pressing danger, he managed to spare a moment to lock eyes with me, a triumphant smirk gracing his features. His prowess in manipulating the forces of darkness was impressive, and his satisfaction at witnessing my display was evident.