
Epilouge-Declaration of War(Part-06)

"After this, I will summon my unit and Declare war against Chandra kingdom. I will be the only one who would appear in the video. You guys should stay in a bit distance." I said.

"Understood." They said in unison.

"Okay, let's start our operation. Let's build a happy place for everyone." I said.

"Yes." everyone said.

System, do you think we can summon them now?

[Yes, they are ready to summon.]

Okay, Summon all of them at once.

[Yes, owner.]

The moment she said, a lot of people suddenly appeared in front of us.

Among them 100 was skeleton with armor and sword, 50 of them was beautiful girls and 10 of them were koala with camera.

Everyone of them were bowing to me.

"You guys can raise your head." I ordered them.

Everyone raised there head.

"Okay, let's introduce each other. I am Serene. I will be your lord from now on." I told them.

"I am the leader of the Valkyrie unit. My name is Brynhild. Nice to meet you, my lord. We will follow you wherever you want." A beautiful blonde haired lady said.

She was wearing sky blue coloured dress. She had a beautiful shield and sword which is also sky blue coloured. How should I describe her beauty? She is stunning. She reminds me cool onee-san type of character.

She kinda looks like a serious type of person.

She was wearing a crown, which is really beautiful. Ah, now that I think about it, I need a crown too.

"I welcome you, Valkyrie unit. I hope we would fight alongside for quite a while." I said to them.

"As you wish, my lord." She replied.

"I am Boneneta. I am leader of this 100 men bone unit. We would offer ourselves for our master." He said.

"I am glad to hear that, Boneneta. I will be counting on you." I said.

"Yes, my lord." He replied.

Boneneta is just a bone man with armor and shield. I hope others don't gets scared of them.

Lastly, I looked at team koala.

[They can't speak. But they can perfectly understand one's order.]

I see.

"I will be counting on you guys too." I said to Koala unit.

They all saluted me.

They are cute.

After that, I explained everything to those three unit again.

"I will be with Valkyrie Unit. Bone unit will be with Tara. Do you guys understand?" I asked.

"Yes, my lord." The replied.

"Okay. Now let's prepare a stage. I will be sending massage all over the Chandra Kingdom through Koala Unit. Valkyrie unit will be behind me and you guys will have to just stand with dignified look." I said.

"Yes, my lord." They replied.

"Now, get in the formation everyone. Koala-01, I want you to take a video for me." I said to Koala and Valkyrie unit.

Well, one Koala is enough for me to spread my massage. I don't think we need others. But they will be helpful after the war. So, I should keep them up without worries. Beside, they are cute.

But how do I instruct them to play that video just within the country? To be honest, I don't want other nations to know about me right now. I don't want a third party to create problems in my war.

[They have a map skill themselves. So, just tell them about what you want. They will understand. Beside, they can do minor edits. Just told them to make the video more beautiful.]

I see. Thanks, I guess.

"Koala-01, I want you to record a video for me. You should edit it using your skill. So, make the video beautiful. Also, when I order you to release the video, you should play it in Chandra kingdom's sky. You should definitely play it in the five major cities. But don't accidentally play it in the sky outside the kingdom. Do you understand." I said to Koala-01.

"Kikiiii." He make a sound while giving me a salute.

"Okay, then let's prepare ourselves." Saying that, we started to make preparation.

Valkyrie unit stood in a formation. They really looked dignified. Tara applied some make up on me and before I knew it, I am ready to declare a war.

To be honest, appearance is important in such a case. I want people to think me as a ray of hope. I want them to think that they will finally be able to taste freedom. But they won't believe someone who looks bad you know. So, I should focus on my appearance.

"Ki.... Kiki.... Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii." Koala-01 get his position and said those noise.

Wait, what does that means? Ah, it must be lights, camera and action. He can't speak but he is trying to make some noise for me to understand.

After that, I started my speech. It wasn't a long speech. I don't know what did I said. Most of it was filled with words, I don't even know. But well, Koala gave me a sign which indicates that it was great. So, I will believe him.

After that, I told him to play it throughout the kingdom and he did.

When I finished my speech, I noticed that everyone was bowing. I don't know why, but I guess it's okay.


=========Third Person POV=========

That time she didn't knew that later it will be called as a "Speech of Liberty". Historian will mark this speech as a legendary speech in the history of Nexus World. It was a true start of a great era. But Serene's journey to make the peaceful was a dream. In reality, it would take countless lives and struggle to truly make a world peaceful.

A new era is just began.


AN: Thank you for reading. With this volume three just finished.

It was a very short volume. I know. To be honest, I wanted to add the war part within this volume, but finally I decided not to. It would be more interesting to have a volume where war and post war works will contain. It is my first time writing a war filled story, so please bear with it. From now on, story will more than likely focused on the Nexus World. I will occasionally write about the Octagon world too. But octagon world is more likely peaceful at this moment. Except for Justice king. He is up to something.

To be honest, I wanted to rush the story to the ending of the main story. But it's still really a long way before I can ever finish the story. Nexus world arc will take some time. Other demon kings are on their way to do something. All of this would take some times. Thank you for reading the novel this far. I could never imagine someone reading the novel up to this point.

[Please if possible, give your valuable review and vote with power stone as they motivates me to write. I really enjoy it when someone leave a comment. I want you to leave a comment if possible.]