
Reactions of the World: High Elves, Dark Elves, & Wood Elves

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer Old World-The Isle of the High Elves, Ulthuan-the Kingdom of Eataine, the Palace of the Phoenix King

Ulthuan, also known as the "Ten Kingdoms," is the island-continent of the Known World that serves as the ancestral home of the Elven race, and is currently inhabited by the High Elves.

Ulthuan is located off the eastern coast of the New World, near the isthmus linking the continent of Lustria to the northern lands of Naggaroth, the island currently lies approximately 300 miles from the New World at its nearest point, though this distance was less in the time before the Sundering and the geographical changes that great conflict wrought.

Ulthuan forms a hollow ring of land floating in the sea, surrounding what is known as the Inner Sea, this inner sea is only accessible at the Straits of Lothern, in the south of the island-continent, but the location of the magical vortex that siffen the wind of magic, making it impossible for another daemonic enscougance as the Great Chaos Wars long ago.

Ulthuan is split up into ten High Elven kingdoms, which are Eataine which is the home of the current Phoenix King, Finubar and site of the Phoenix Court, Caledor, Ellyrion, Avelorn, Saphery, which make the Inner Kingdoms, while the other remaining kingdoms are Yvresse, Cothique, Chrace, Nagarythe, also known as the Shadowlands, and Tiranoc making the Outer Kingdoms.

Each with its own cultural character and ways of waging war and ruled by a High Elf prince or princess, Ulthuan was shattered in the distant past, during the Sundering with the Dark Elves, and much of its northern regions and western coasts now lie underwater, the eastern approaches are protected by the Shifting Isles, a treacherous maze of magical mists and moving sandbanks.

Ulthuan is also home to the majority of the world's remaining Dragons, who slumber under the volcanic mountain ranges of the Dragon Spine Mountains in Caledor.

At this moment in the largest city in Ulthuan the city of Eataine, home of the current Phoenix King, Eataine normally considered a paradise within the isle of the High Elves for it vast vineyards, villas and summer estates to which the noble families of the city retire, this city is one of the wonders of the known world and the source of Eataine's prosperity.

Normally peaceful and safe from the Phoenix King's and forces presence but a great worry as the Phoenix King, Finubar has called for all the defenders and greatest warriors of Ulthuan into his Palace.

Sitting on the throne was Bel-Hathor's successor, Finubar the Seafarer, is the current Phoenix King, under his rule, trade has flourished, and Ulthuan survived the last Great War against Chaos, with help from the twins Tyrion and Teclis, in a palace of gold and marble many known high elven names have come.

Among the first to come were the famed twins Teclis and his brother Tyrion.

Teclis being the High Loremaster of the Tower of Hoeth, and the greatest living mage amongst the High Elves in the World, a renowned hero outside of Ulthuan as well fighting alongside several human and even dwarves, he is armed with War Crown of Saphery, which was created to aid against the daemons in the first great invasion, it grants the wearer access to thousands of years of magical knowledge, in his right hand is the Moonstaff of Lileath, which hold the power of the goddess flows through to strengthen Teclic along with his staff he also wields his famed sword called the "Sword of Teclis" the blade is surrounded by energy which he can unleashed upon his enemies.

Beside him in crimson armor with his arms crossed over his chest was his dear twin brother, Prince Tyrion who is strong, tall, brave and handsome, and the greatest living warrior and general in Ulthuan, and possibly even the world.

The wielder of the Sunfang is a famed magical sword once weilded by Aenarion himself, when he created the sword, Caledor bound a Fire Elemental to it to power the blade, now it is Tyrion's.

One of those obviously present and possibly the first to come was Alarielle the Everqueen also know as the Radiant, she was beautiful often called the most beautiful woman in the world with long yellow hair tied in a ponytail, beloved by all her subjects, and wearing the Star of Avelorn, a gem set in a light Ithilmar diadem orginally given by Aenarion to the first Everqueen Astarielle, it has powerful healing powers now resting on her head and wielding her staff called Stave of Avelorn, which serves as her symbol of rulership, its power is much reduced from ancient days but can still bolster the Everqueens own already formidable magical energies.

There to was hooded high elf, Alith Anar the Shadow King is the infamous leader of the Shadow Warriors, with his rangers all standing beside him, since the Sundering he has fought and defeated countless Druchii and even face a couple time with the Witch King, Malekith and survived a true hero that has defended Nagarythe from druchii coming through those shadowlands and invade their home.

Eltharion the Grim the blue and white armored high elf next to a pillar and archway window standing beside his faithful griffon name, Stormwing who was rubbing his beak next to his master, that petted him, he is a mighty High Elf Prince, and among the greatest of his kind, it was him, Eltharion, who was the first of Ulthuan's generals to dare an assault on Naggarond itself and live to speak of it, and he who finally brought about the defeat of Waaagh! Grom, ever vigilant of the possible return of the Paunch.

For his valour in that battle, Eltharion was elected Warden of Tor Yvresse and, though he is a dour ruler, the people of that fair city love him dearly.

Eltharion, owns several relics that have made him a legend and hero amongst his people such as the Helm of Yvresse which is the ceremonial crown of the Warden of that proud city, inspiring all that bare witness to it, the Fangsword of Eltharion, that is a rune-encrusted longsword has been passed down through Eltharion's family for generations, and finallt the Talisman of Hoeth a finely wrought medallion allows its wearers a measure of the original Warden's magical knowledge, making a general at the same level and caliber as Prince Tyrion.

Imrik is a mighty Dragon Prince, known as the Lord of Dragons, and one of the High Elves greatest warriors, and beside him was Alastar the White Lion Lord, for he is captain of the White Lions have served as the personal guard of the Phoenix King since the time of Caledor the First. (His a Make-a-Wish Character but with a great backstory hence I put him in.)

Amongst the soldiers was Cavill a renowned Loremasters of Hoeth, that has proven his metal and skill in several battles fighting alongside the Everqueen, Alarielle and many other heroes of Ulthuan.

The Phoenix King, Finubar, told them of very grim tidings happening in the outside world from Ulthuan, from the Dragons of Caledor reawakening and acting frightened, as they were intimidated by something, their archmages reporting a new surge of chaotic magic that nearly overwhelmed and distablelized the Great Vortex, those latest words shocked everyone gathered, especially Teclis who can pale to imagine what could be possible to cause that.

Even when the Kislev Bear God, roared it didn't cause as much of a disturbance than this, true the number of daemonic enscougances have increased because of it, but not enough to cause this level of panic and concern to the High Elves.

But when their Phoenix King, mentioned that the source of this chaotic power came from the frozen north of Norsca, this concerned them even more, he confirmed it wasn't from the four ruinous powers but something completely new, which such a threat and soo close to Naggaroth, this will steer their ancient enemy and traitorous kin of Dark Elves, will be riled up and start to move to claim this vile power against them, so they must respond first, prepare a war campaign against this new evil of Chaos, and ready for a most likely war against the Druchii.

Finubar agreed with his advisors and warriors, so the High Elves are marching united to the North, directly to the gates of Hell, and destroy this evil before it can spread further!!

Location Naggaroth the Land of Chill-Naggarond, the Witch King Throne Chamber Halls

Naggaroth, also known as the "Land of Chill," is the bleak and forbidding northern continent of the New World.

It is the land of the Dark Elves, and as unforgiving as the people who have claimed it as their home, it is a land of rocky mountains, dark woods and fast-flowing, icy rivers amidst which the black towers of the Dark Elf city-states stand defiant.

Naggaroth is a cursed land affected by ancient magic, a presence of terrible power can hang on the air, casting a pall of fear across the land and sapping would-be-combatants of their will to fight, even those normally unphased by fear are not immune to the terror that Naggaroth sometimes invokes.

Naggarond, the Tower of Cold or the City of Cold, is the oldest and largest of the Dark Elves' cities, and quite likely the most malevolent place in the world. Its outer walls form an imposing circlet of black stone, in no place less than a hundred feet tall. About the ramparts are set a hundred towers, each rising as high above the battlements as the walls rise above the bare rock.

Malekith the Witch King, the undisputed lord of all Druchii, and one of the most feared beings in the world.

Malekith was responsible for the death of the second Phoenix King in Bel Shanaar through poison in secret, claimed the Phoenix King had been part of the Cult of Pleasure and had committed suicide in shame, Malekith, he called the ruling Princes to the Shrine of Asuryan and demanded the crown pass to him, but they were skeptical.

Realising they would not give it willingly, Malekith tried to take the crown by force, in Massacre at the Shrine of Asuryan he and his followers slaughtered most of the princes in the temple.

However, as he tried to walk through the Eternal Flame as his father had done, believing himself as the only one worthy of rule, and the power of Asuryan but it began to consume him and he was terribly burned, his followers fled back to Anlec with their master's body, where Morathi nursed him back to health and with it the great civil war the Sundering began, and Malekith was forever scarred Armor of Midnight with the Circlet of Iron was an ancient artifact claimed by Prince Malekith of Nagarythe from the ruins of Vorshgar in the northern Chaos Wastes, a place that predated the coming of the Old Ones, the Circlet had been a crown forged of an unknown silver-grey metal, with curling horn-like protrusions that jutted at strange angles like the design of a madman.

The Circlet of Iron, could perceive the Winds of Magic with even more clarity than usual for an elf, expanding his magical powers five-fold.

Malekith was sitting on his dark throne, covered by shadows and gloom, watching over his subordinates and most deadliest warriors and commanders, including Kouran Darkhand is the Captain of the Black Guard of Naggaroth, known as a efficient and ruthless leader who once sacrificed half of his army to draw the enemy into a trap achieving a great victory.

Consequently he is both respected and feared by those under his command, he has defeated every enemy army he has faced, Kouran is a member of the Black Council.

He is totally loyal to the Witch King, an extremely rare trait in a Dark Elf, doning the Armor of Meteroic Iron, lightweight and enhanced by magical runes, and Crimson Death, a halberd carried by the first captain of the Black Guard, Khalak of Ghrond now it is in his hands.

Shadowblade, Master of Assassins was off to the side quiet, awaiting his order a young druchii gifted in the art of assassination, while few that were gather detected his presence he knew that Malekith sensed and is watching him.

Morathi the Mother of Malekith, and leader of the Cult of Pleasure, the ruler of Ghrond.

Both beautiful and wicket, has made many deals with the Chaos Goddess Slaanesh to enhance her own prodigious magical talents even performing what many call the "Thousand and One Blessings" these pacts with a variety of spirits and daemons that protect her.

In return, she has used her influence to protect the Slaaneshi Cult of Pleasure from being wiped out among the Dark Elves despite it being officially forbidden by order of the Witch King, always scheming for power or sastifying her endless lust.

Barer of the Amber Amulet, this grants her regenerates slowly as long as she's alive, armed with her Dark Sword, enchanted with spells of enfeeblement and blinding, foes struck by this blade are weakened, and Heartrender, a many bladed lance with which she is known to use pluck out the hearts of enemies and victims.

Malus Darkblade the Tyrant of Hag Graef, was always ambitious, even by the lofty standards of Hag Graef's warring families.

For long years, he played the deadly game of politics and assassination and played it well, but finally Malus' thirst for power set him on a quest that led him deep into the Realm of Chaos, it is a testament to his determination that he not only survived his journey, but at last arrived at the temple of Kul Hadar, alas for Darkblade, the great power within the temple was something not easily bent to mortal will.

Centuries before, the Daemon Tz'arkan had been bound within Kul Hadar, and Darkblade now unwittingly allowed it to escape, blinded by avarice, Malus was possessed by the daemon, he had but one way of escaping his fate of being consumed by the daemon, and that was to find five artefacts of power that would fully free Tz'arkan from his ancient prison and thus see Darkblade's soul restored, he had only a year to succeed, or else remain in the Daemon's thrall for eternity.

Though the search took every waking hour of the allotted year, and even forced Darkblade to kill his own father to obtain one of the artefacts, Darkblade finally succeeded in his quest, upon the eve of his doom he returned to Kul Hadar with the artefacts, and performed the ritual that would set the Daemon free.

But Tz'arkan had tricked the Dark Elf upon escaping from Darkblade's body, the treacherous Daemon stole his black soul, from that moment on, the fates of Darkblade and Tz'arkan were forever intertwined.

Even the infamous Lokhir Fellheart the Krakenlord, was there he is a Dark Elf Corsair of noble birth from Karond Kar, he comes from a long line of raiders and naval generals wearing a kraken like mask, called "Helm of the Kraken", it a his golden helmet pre-dates the civilisation of the Elves, and was recovered by Lokhir Fellheart from the sunken ruins of Chupayotl off the southern coast of Lustria, it is fashioned in the likeness of a terrifying sea beast, and makes the bearer as resilient and dread-inspiring as its namesake.

On Lokhir's waist were the Red Blades strapped, when he sacked the Temple of Gilgadresh, he took a statue made from Indan bloodsteel, upon his return to Naggaroth, he had the metal forged into the deadliest pair of swords on the high seas.

Crone Hellebron the leader of the Brides of Khaine, of Har Ganeth using her potion to rejuvenate herself back to the pale youthful beauty with a large pinkish hair and wearing skimpy bikini armor that Brides of Khaine are known for.

Crone Hellebron is the most ancient of the Hag Queens and second only to Morathi in Khaine's sight, however, while the youth and beauty of Morathi never fades, Hellebron's is now almost expended, for the Hag Sorceress deliberately withheld from her the deepest secrets needed to use the Cauldrons of Blood.

Therefore, ever more sacrifices are needed to fill Hellebron's cauldron each year, and yet the rejuvenating effects last for a smaller length of time on each occasion.

Ugly and worn as she may be, Hellebron remains the greatest of the Brides of Khaine, it was Morathi offered her a potion and the recipe of that potion, that made her young, beautiful, and more vital but Mortahi didn't give her the full receipt of that potion, so she became dependent on them.

Hellebron and her mastery of the many ways of murder eclipses even that of Morathi who is often too distracted by her sorcerous pursuits and far outstrips the skills of the other Hag Queens, she'd lost her sister a long ago, which lead to her devotion to Khaine, it is she who leads the Lord of Murder's unholy rites and dictates the holy creed that all Witch Elves must follow.

She is so steeped in the ways of death that her merest touch can kill, and a single whispered word from her withered lips can open up old wounds to bloody life, wherever Hellebron treads, the gaze of Khaine follows, Morathi promised her the full recipe.

Rakarth the Beastmaster of Karond Kar, is the greatest of the Dark Elf Beastmasters.

He was badly scarred in the face by one of his beast that he was taming, Rakarth is the most accomplished Beastmaster in Naggaroth, even as a child Rakarth had an almost supernatural ability to subdue wild creatures, when Rakarth was only eight years old his father had been gifted with a particularly fine Dark Steed.

The beast was called Bracchus and was faster and stronger than any other in the Rakarth stables, that was not all he lead a large mass of Hydras against the High Elves, even tamed and rode to battle a Black Dragon he named Bracchus as well, he came with a large contingency of beastmaster ready to do as the Witch King commands.

Malekith, told them of his vision of unbelievable power and untold riches of magic and other mystical properties.

He told his subordinates that this surge of new magic and Chaos, was cause by new Chaos God that was actually able to create a full physical manifestation without destroying the world.

This news shocked at first but soon was replaced with the eyes of Greed and Lust on every last dark elf that was gathered in Malekith's hall, with that power not only can they harness this new power to get revenge on their weaker kin, the High Elves but retake their birthright as rulers of Ulthuan.

That's when Malekith corrected them, "No. Not just Ulthuan, the world will be mine. Once this power and that of Asuryan are mine to command." Morathi especially felt the same thing as her son with that power she can ascend to a Goddess.

Despite Malekith's daemon-like mask helm covering his burned face was a smirk, for it has been a long time since the druchii have marched out for war and conquest...now it is time for global domination.

So smashing his fist onto his arm rest, getting everyone's attention, and standing up he ordered the full might of Naggaroth to march and head east in search of this new Chaos God's power, and every bit of plunder and slaves that can fill the whole of Naggaroth.

Bowing and kneeling to him, as they've left to organize and march the army, for unknown amount of year the Dark Elves are united and are set of burning the world that was rightfully their alone.

Location the Worldroots of Ather Loren

Athel Loren, also known as the Everwood in the Empire, and the Whispering Wood or the Fey Forest among the Dwarfs, is a large forest between the Empire and Bretonnia, on the western slopes of the Grey Mountains it is here that the Wood Elves established their home millennia ago when the majority of the Elves in the Old World returned to Ulthuan, following the Sundering and the War of the Ancients, Athel Loren is ruled by two powerful Elves called Ariel and Orion who are possessed by deities representative of aspects of nature.

The forest is steeped in magic, and it is unlike any other forest in the world, it is said that time flows differently in the forest than elsewhere one could be in there for hours and come out and see only a few minutes have gone by, or you could be in there for several minutes and come out and see a century has gone by.

The forest spirits such as Treemen, Dryads, and so on are common in Athel Loren, and when the Wood Elves go to war to defend the borders of their woodland realm, the living trees of the forest fight alongside them.

Strangers who venture into Athel Loren are rarely seen again, and the local Bretonnian peasants who live in the vicinity of the forest border know to keep well clear of the trees.

Ariel is the mage queen of Athel Loren and an avatar of the Elven goddess Isha, resembling a dark neon colored faye, with huge butterfly wings, while beside her fellow ruler of Athel Loren, Orion the consort-king of Athel Loren and the living avatar of Kurnous, resembling a cross between a satyr and elf reaching over 10' tall.

They are said to be the aethyric conscience of the forest itself, Ariel being the peaceful regenerative representation of nature, and Orion is the warlike unpredictable side.

They felt a great disturbance in the worldroot, and in very soul of nature in the world, Ariel could sense the pain and fear from the very roots of the world, this worry and fear convince her to call upon the spirits, guardians, and warriors of Athel Loren.

Orion sounded the horn, a special horn not of the hunt but of aid, this will bring fort all the wood elves of Athel Loren to their location.

In a few moments armies of Wood Elves, Beast of the Forests, and Forest Spirits came answering Orion's call, among the first to arrive was one of the bravest warriors of their people, Araloth.

Araloth the Bold, sometimes called Araloth of the Hooked Blade was the lord of Talsyn and the royal champion of Ariel, Araloth was known for being particularly brave.

However, this was not always so, in the beginning he was once a cowardly noble who shrunk from battle and only enjoyed hunting, one night while he was out, he found himself thrown off his horse and separated from his companions.

Hopelessly lost, he wandered for hours, when suddenly the moon had just risen, and he wandered into a clearing.

What he saw there was a four-armed daemon and the elf-maiden it was torturing, forgetting his fear, he charged into the glade with his hunting spear and slew the daemon.

After the daemon had been killed, the maiden revealed herself to be an unknown goddess, she bestowed three gifts on him, the first was he would be freed from his fear, second would be his first-born daughter to be a saviour in the greatest time of need, and lastly the third she did not tell him.

Araloth became a great hero to the elves and a mighty warrior, his hunting hawk, Skrayn became his most trusted companion over the years, and gained the title "Eye Thief."

Next came the sisters, Naestra & Arahan also known as the Sisters of Twilight, they came to Orion's call as a pair of beautiful elvish sisters one with black hair, the other white.

They are legendary heroes of Athel Loren, and much like Teclis and Tyrion of Ulthuan, are Elven twins of unusual circumstance, these twins are as different as night from day, not just in appearance, but in personality, Naestra's spirit is as pure as starlight, while Arahan's as wild as an unbridled flame.

While Naestra seeks battle only in pursuit of preventing greater harms, Arahan welcomes it with a wanton joy, if truth be told, Naestra always seems reproving of her sister's deeds, though this only ever increases Arahan's delight.

Despite their differences, the twins are inseparable never has one been sighted without the other in all the time they have dwelt in Athel Loren, mostly seen on either riding on a Gwindalor which a great bird of prey or wood-dragon name Ceithin-Har.

None save for the Mage Queen herself knows of the sisters' true origins, though there are many rumours that purport to fill this gulf, some say that they are the splintered halves of a young Elf-maid who became lost in the Wildwoods long ago, and was remade so that she might better serve the Weave.

Others recount that the twins are the darkest and lightest aspects of Ariel's spirit made manifest, her passion and mercy split apart from her soul so that they can no longer dominate her being as they have in the past.

A few stories even claim that the sisters are as divine as Ariel and Orion, but most commonplace by far are the songs and tales that claim the twins are simply Ariel's daughters, and thus princesses of Athel Loren by right of blood and lineage.

Unquestionably loyal to Ariel, so of course they come for

Durthu is the eldest Treeman Ancient of Athel Loren, was the last to come leading large army of treemen and more.

After the War of the Beard and Elves came to the magical forest and it was Durthu gave them sanctuary and they began to live in Athel Loren, a band of Dwarfs tried to explorers found their way to his glade, felling many trees and even taking the axe to him thinking he was nothing more than a especially large oak, Durthu still retains scars from that incident and it drove a burning hatred of any outsiders and forming a bond with the High turn Wood Elves.

Over the millennia he has fought to protect Athel Loren, wielding a massive sword of magical oak, capable of cutting through flesh and matching if not overpower the sharpest steel.

Drycha was the only one not in the gathering cause of madness and total disdain for the outsider now apart of "their" forest, the damned Wood Elves but some of her spirits spied on the meeting with Wood Elves and the remaining Treemen Ancients.

Drycha is an incredibly old Branchwraith Dryad, who is said to remember the time before the Wood Elves arrived in Athel Loren, many believe that she lost her mind when Cyanathair's foul blood was spilt on the ground of the Glade of Woe, the area of the forest to which she was bound, some also speculate that it is this madness that has caused her deep distrust and hatred of the Wood Elves.

She seldom speaks to others, but instead chants the names of those spirits wronged by the elves. It is a vast list, that grows longer every year as dryads and other spirits fall defending Athel Loren.

She wad surprise with the news of the grave danger approaching the worldroot, so she set out alone to deal with the danger coming to their lands.

Meanwhile with the rest of the Wood Elves, Ariel was telling them of a great peril rising in the world, its very presence was causing corruption to the worldroots that are fighting and crying for their aid.

This evil wasn't just harming the roots, but creating "void" in the world, despite being desolate and better off forgotten, the roots that were connected to the far North were cutoff from the rest of the worldroots, soon that will cause unmendable damage to not just the land but Athel Loren as a whole.

Not only that their mortal enemies, and "co-inhabitants" of their forest, the vile Beastmen were starting to act and become more hostile than before, that's including the retched Bloody-oaks Herd that has left the edge of Athel Loren, thus meaning it time for the "Childen of the Forest" to rise and fight for her, and snuff this evil completely off this world.

With that the isolationist of the Wood Elves, were also starting to move and respond to Laharl Valboga, descend onto the world, as nature itself fears the Chaos God of Darkness & Terror.

Ariel and Orion together lead the largest army of wood elves, further out the forest for the time for battle and action was now!!!