
Reborn as a Bolton

A deeply hedonistic, perverse, sadistic and selfish man loses his life. And because of all the evil he did, he is sentenced to decades of torture. After a time in his prison, he manages to escape, and for such a feat he is awarded to reincarnate with five special talents. For Magic, Sex, Poison, Archery and Alchemy. Reincarnated in the world of Game of Thrones, as the brother of Roose Bolton in seek of immortality, to dont go back to that place. * It is based on GOT, not ASOIAF, but there are many characters not typical of the series by the timeline in which the events happen. So it ends up looking more ASOIAF than GOT. But I think it is unnecessary to read the books to understand * *The chapters have 1,200 words except for the first. But this is measured in the language I wrote which is Spanish. So when translating them it is normal for the number to vary* *Harem tag is not a normal harem. He doesnt love the girls, they are just sex toys. The only one that is kinda serious for him is (SPOILER) Ashara Dayne (SPOILER), the rest are, as i said, sex toys, or they have a important position and MC uses sex or feelings to manipulate* *WARNING: There is rap*(The Mc is the rapist) and sex with minors. So wait a, before reincarnating an evil MC. And after reincarnating a selfish and totally cold MC.

The_Ozymandias · Libros y Literatura
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59 Chs

Chapter 29: Royal Wedding: Prelude

(1,200 words)

- Percival Bolton POV -

- Kingslanding - Crownlands - Westeros - 280 AD -

"From House Baratheon, came Robert Baratheon and Stannis Baratheon. His brother Renly stayed at Storms End" he told me, and I wasn't really surprised, Renly should be about four years old or younger, and those mentioned were his brothers, not parents. They can't be looking after him at all times.

"Go on," I said.

"From House Martell, Elia Martell is obviously present, then, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell along with his wife Mellaria of Norvos and their daughter Arianne Martell. There is also Lewyn Martell, the uncle of the three brothers. Prince Oberyn is rumored to have interacted with several girls of various guises who accompany him, rumored to be his bastard daughters."

"It's to be expected that there are so many, they are the bride's family after all" I said, and I was surprised by some of the names. The uncle is normal, the guy was dead by the time the serial was on, just like the girls, Oberyn fucked everything in sight, but, Arianne Martel? I don't remember her, so, either she's an original character from this world product of the butterfly effect, or she's just from the book and wasn't adapted.

"Next is House Tyrell, attended by Olenna Tyrell, her children Mina Tyrell, Mace Tyrell and Janna Tyrell. Although with Mina also comes her fiance, Lord Paxter Redwyne. Just as Mace comes with his wife, Alerie Hightower, now Tyrell, along with their children Willas Tyrell, and Garlan Tyrell" he told me, and once again I was surprised to see the same case as with Arianne. Or was it the butterfly effect, and characters that never made it to the screen.


"In the case of House Arryn, only Jon Arryn attends along with his nephew and current heir to The Vale, Elbert Arryn. That's because both of Jon Arryn's wives are dead."

"Poor guy..." I mutter, but my face showed no sadness of any kind.

"Of House Lannister, there is obviously Tywin Lannister as Hand of the King, along with his three children, Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion Lannister. There is also his brother, Kevan Lannister with his wife Dorna Swift, still childless. To then have the rest of Tywn's siblings. Genna Lannister and her husband Emmon Frey, Tygett Lannister and Gerion Lannister. Both unaccompanied."

"That's quite a few, more than I expected."

"That's right my lord. Next is House Greyjoy" I said, and my ears flicked open a little in attention. "Quellon Greyjoy was unable to attend, but most of his sons did" he said, and I had a bad feeling. "Balon Greyjoy came along with his wife Alannys Harlaw and their children Rodrki, Maron, Asha as well as a baby Theon Greyjoy. Victarion and Aeron Greyjoy also came, but both his brothers Urrigon and Euron did not attend and stayed with their father" I said to myself, and let out a tired sigh. It would have been a good opportunity to end an annoying threat.

"What about the Starks?"

"Of the Starks, the patriarch, Rickard Stark is coming along with his wife Lyarra Stark, and all their children are coming. Brandon, Eddard, Lyanna and Benjen. Although it is rumored that Brandon came with a girl named Barbrey Ryswell, from House Ryswell. House Ryswell in theory was not invited to the wedding, and neither is she paired or engaged to Brandon Stark, so she should not be able to participate in the ceremony. And besides the main houses, there will also be other important figures close to the Prince. Varys as Master of Whisperers, Gerold Hightower as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, as well as Jon Connington and Arthur Dayne as good friends of Prince Rhaegar" was the last thing Syrio said, and I gave him a nod.

"Good job, you can stand down and set up shifts at the inn. I don't want anyone in or out without my consent. Set up an arrangement with House Manderly's bodyguards" I said, and the man withdrew. After that I spent a pleasant evening, looking forward to two things, to see the events that would happen tomorrow as well as the opportunities. Y... To see Ashara Dayne again.

Now alone in my room, I was reflecting on what to do tomorrow... Making good relations with Lannister can be positive, but in the end Tywin is not someone who can be tricked or manipulated, so there is no point. I can try to get close to his daughter Cersei, but she's too unstable. A good fucking might put her on the right track, though. And with Tyrion, he could be easy to manipulate because of how everyone treats him.

With House Tyrell or House Dorne it didn't make sense, as they were the losers of the war, and it's not good to be on the losing side. So the only options were House Arryn, House Stark or House Baratheon. For the Greyjoys he did not even consider them as sentient and intelligent beings. They were piranhas. Piranhas are weak, but indomitable.

House Arryn I had ruled out, because, Jon, as the old man he was, could see my intentions, and with Ned Stark he would not be very useful either, being a Bolton. So the best option was House Baratheon, with Robert Baratheon at the helm. The next king of The Seven Kingdoms, if that suited me. It is difficult to crown someone, but to remove the crown is very easy. It takes nothing more than a drop of poison.

According to my calculations, the only regions with less men than me were Dorne, The Vale and Iron Islands. With Riverlands about equal. So there were houses to be more careful with.

- Cersei Lannister POV -

We were riding to Rhaegar Targaryen's wedding to Elia Martell. I knew I wouldn't marry the Prince a long time ago. At the end of the tournament for the birth of Viserys Targaryen. Everyone expected me to be sad, but the truth is I didn't care. Why? Because I already knew. One person had told me. His name was Percival, Percival Bolton, as I had found out his identity when he entered the archery tournament. I found it hard to believe that someone so cool and majestic could be a Northmen. But I guess not everyone born in The North is equally disgusting, as Percival clearly wasn't. He was cool...

I tried to ask about him, something that was noticed by my father. I didn't tell him what happened between us, that would have betrayed his trust for our timing. But I told him I was interested in him because of his archery. He didn't believe me but wouldn't press the issue. And what I could find out was that he was not in the Bolton lands, and there was no way to find him. The last I heard, he traveled to Essos. But I don't know where. I would like to see him again.

Before I thought I felt good with my brother Jaime. We were inseparable, but after seeing him.... I was fascinated by everything about his being, and no matter how much golden armor or bright smiles, nothing about my brother came close to Percival's intimidating and terrifying aura, as well as his majesty. It was almost like seeing the incarnation of the evil gods.... Of the long night... And it was beautiful.

Cersei Lannister fell in love with Rhaegar after seeing him at that tournament a while ago. She was a girl in love for no reason, just the guy enchanted her with his existence. Now I did the same thing only with Percival. Also, I think Cersei's character is more logical for her to be obsessed with Percival than with Rhaegar.

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