
Chapter 3

Liam was standing watch outside the car. Everyone was asleep. It was very dark out. No lights were on, no candles were lit. Leo knocked on the car door from the inside.

"Move old man. Your in my way."

Liam moved away from the car and let Leo put. The dog ran ahead of him.

"You don't need to watch. Your a child after all."

"Who said anything about me watching with you? I'm just letting the dog do it's business."

The dog did his business and stretched.

"Have you ever considered naming it yet?"

"It's not an it, it's a him and no I haven't."

"Why don't you name him then. He's yours after all."

"....Mutton then."

"Your naming it after meat?"

"How about Noodle?"

"Why is food the only thing you can think of?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

'This kid.'

"How about Cotton? I used to have a dog named Cotton."

"What are you, a five year old?"

After a while Leo went to go play with Cotton. He kept calling him different names.

"Come here Glaicer."


"Go fetch Snowball."

"Leo please."

"Up you go Mr. Mcfloofer the Third."

"At this point your just messing with me. Please just choose a name!"

And poor Cotton still doesn't know what name to respond to.😅


When everyone woke up, we started driving again. After about an two hours, we came across an abandoned city.

"There should be materials that we can use for the travel to Toxuru." Liam said.

Paige shivered.

"You mean go out there? What if there are zombies out there?"

"There called UnAlive, and if there are we head straight back to the car. But you are going to stay back and watch the kids."

"I can take care of myself. I'm going with you."

Leo got out of the car and stretched. Cotton hopped out of the car with a rope, acting as leash, tied around his body.

"Leo, I don't think you should come. It's dangerous."

Don't tell me what to old geezer."

'What did I do to deserve this?'

"Fine but stay close."


"Everyone but the kids, Paige and Amelia are coming with me to gather supplies and food."

The family got out of the car except for the kids, Paige and Amelia.

"Papa, I wanna come too."

"Isaac it's to dangerous for you to go."

"Then why is he going?"

"Leo is a different story. He's...more mature for his age. Your still young."

"He's only twelve. I don't see a difference."

"Isaac, your 10 years old. That's a two year difference. Stop complaining amd well be back in a flash. I promise no one gets hurt."

"Promise you won't get hurt?"


'I don't think I can keep that promise though.'

"Let's go."

"In that case, let me go with you Master. My duty is to protect you."

"No Cherry. I want you to stay here."

"Please, I insist."

"Oh alright."

The boys headed off in search for supplies and food. While looking for stores, they bumped into another group. There many survivers.

'How many people do they have in this group? I can count at least fifteen. How'd they feed them?'

"I told you there were gonna be another group of suvivers! But no one listens to me except for Wyn and Emily."

A girl pushed through the crowd. She was wearing all black and wore her hood up. She put her hands in her pockets.

"I'm Neon. Nice to meet you or whatever."

"You were right again Neon. Another group. Not to big though."

"How did you know we were another group of survivers?" Liam asked.

"Clairvoyance. I can tell the future."


"Hey isn't that the famous Liam Parker! The guy whos famous for medical materials!"

One of the group members yelled.

"Wyn shut up."

"Sorry Neon."

"Excuse me how old are you miss...Neon? Was it?" Liam asked.

"I'm twelve why?"

"Why is a twelve year old ordering adults around?"

"Because they rely on me. Duh. I can tell the future. I literally just said that."

"Liam, leave her alone. She's just another surviver." Leo interrupted.

"Oh alright. But I do want to know who these people are."

This is Wynter. We call him Wyn for short. And there's just a bunch of people we ran into."

"Oh get on with it. Where can we find supplies in this city?" Leo asked.

"Funny. We're looking for supplies as well. I think we should help eachother."

"What makes you think we would let you tag along with us?" Liam asked.

"Because you'll need me idiot."

"Heh. I like her. Well bring her along Liam."

"Leo, please just let me decide these things."

'I remember seeing her somewhere. Before we thought Leo died, he came back to us with a girl named Neon. She looked just like this girl.'

"She'll be useful. We'll bring her group as well." Leo insisted.

"That's a lot of people to take care of."

"We have a place here that we use as protection. You can stay there with us too."

"That'll certainly make things easier for our group. Fine. Well come with you AFTER we get our supplies."

"Alright then."

"Are you finally done asshole?" Oliver called.

"Yes. We're done Oliver. And this group will help us."

"Seriously! We have absolutely no room!"

"We're staying with them dumbass."

"Tch. Whatever."

"We'll show you to the mall."

Neon led the groups to the mall. Once they entered, Neon warned them about th UnAlive.

"The food is on the top level. So on the way, we'll get some clothes and weapons."

"Why is the food in the top level?" Liam asked.

"It was recently added."

"Ah, Ok."

Cherry found a blue button up shirt and a light gray jacket.

"This would look good on Master Liam."

Oliver walked by with a sexy red dress.

"And this would look quite good on you. Why don't you put this on."

"I wouldn't like to if you don't mind."

"Ugh. I don't like your tone of voice. Your just a maid, a servant that Liam keeps around!"

"You may think that but you do not get to order me around. I will only listen to master Liam."

Liam remembered the the time when Cherry had kill the UnAlive.

"Tch! Whatever."

Cherry brought the clothing over Liam.

"Master Liam. I think this would decent on you."

"Thank you Cherry. Is Oliver giving you trouble?"

"Oh no. I just scared him off."

"Ah well hopefully you put him in his place."

"Are you done looking for clothes?" Neon Asked.

"Yes we're done Neon. Let go to the food."

Neoned us up some stairs. After ten minutes of climbing, we heard a noise.


"The UnAlive are heading up these stairs! Move it!" Neon yelled.

Ten people were eaten on the way. Oliver tripped on one of the steps. Leo was right infront of him. He grabbed onto his shirt to keep him up and pulled Leo down into the death pit of UnAlive. Liam called out to his sin. He remembered in the last timeline. Oliver had pulled down Yuki, his own daughter, into the pit.
