
Rebirth to love you again

Since we were never mean to meet from the start... let's end this ill fate relationship here. "Long Xin Yan... Be it in this life or in the next life, I vom to never meet you again... to never fall in love with you and be hurt by you" He is The Emperor, In the entire Four Empire everyone fear and respect him but he only dare to look at the woman he love while she's asleep. Yue Yan Xin... To be able to see you and be in the same place as you, I'm willing to bear your hate and people ridiculous but it's impossible for me to let you go!!! "using The Four Empire and my blood as a sacrifices, I vom to meet you again... To love you and make you mine!" Be it in this life or in the next life, let's us never ever be apart.

Pinky_Poppy · Historia
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5 Chs

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Hello~😊 I'm Little Star and this is my story💓

Well, you see I read too many novel and then my head started thinking and imagine things so here am i, writing this novel and talking with you😝😉😊

I'm just starting and before I continue I want to know if anyone want to read it or are interested in my novel as I don't want to upload a story that no one wants to read or are interested in so please let's me hear your opinion😁😊😍

Lastly, I'll accept good comment that help straighten my story further but I don't accept comment that discriminate my story so please don't leave such comment here😘😊

I'm waiting for your opinion💕💕