
Rebirth: The Saint And The Dragon Lord

Weasley Grant was a young man with big dreams but a weak body. Dying an early death ,he awakens as a baby in an unfamiliar world. he sets out to fulfil his dreams with his new body and strength, rising above demons, gods and monsters to engrave his name in history.

RumiusDaylight · Fantasía
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20 Chs

The youngest mage

Sylvia hummed to herself as she reached out for another slice of freshly baked bread. She couldn't get enough of this stuff but suddenly froze in place.

Her face scrunched up in a look of indecision as her gaze flitted between her waistline and the fresh loaf of bread that seemed oh so inviting.

Sylvia was just about to tell herself that this would just be the last time, just like she had so many other times before when a loud crack almost forcefully pulled her attention to the hall entrance.

Weasley hopped into the dining hall on one leg and immediately noticed his mother at the dining table.

" Good morning mother!" Weasley said with a wry smile while trying to sound as cheery as he could.

Sylvia shot to her feet like a worried mother hen, almost knocking over the heavy oak chair behind her in the process.

' What was her darling doing up?'

' He was supposed to be resting!'

' What in the infernal blazes do you think you are doing young man???' She wanted to scream.

Henner's legs moved like the wind as she rushed to her son's side to inspect him from head to toe.

She had been informed that Weasley's injuries weren't simple, not that it had been surprising since her son had been attacked by a Black Fenrir that has on the cusp of attaining the stage of Greed.

She even considered herself lucky to still have a son at all.

Apparently, Weasley wasn't very fond of Sylvia's henpecking so he swatted her hands away like as if swatting an annoying fly.

" Like I said, I'm fine mother! Stop your fussing!"

" Oh no no no. It's my responsibility as my mother to look out for your well being. Come on, be a good boy and take off the shirt!"

" You sound like a creep!"

" Wha- "

The two continued their exchange for several more moments but Weasley had been fighting a losing battle all along.

Weasley was eventually stripped down to his undergarments as Sylvia took her own sweet time inspect her son's wounds and ensuring that they were sufficiently well treated.

Nodding her head in satisfaction at the mansion's doctor's handicraft, Sylvia finally allowed a abashed Weasley to redress himself.

Afterwards, the two sat down at the dining table again. Sylvia had informed the maids that for Weasley's sake, she wanted to extend the time for breakfast this morning so that Weasley would have all the time in the world eat. There were certain things that Sylvia wanted to discuss with her son as well.

Sipping tea and waiting patiently for her son to finish his meal, Sylvia took a moment to look at her son's face properly.

Weasley's face which had been riddled with small cuts from his encounter in the forest 2 days before had almost completely healed by now, along with the grazes on his arms and shin that Sylvia had found him with.

After Sylvia had saved Weasley from certain death, she had immediately flown with him back to the mansion after he had fainted while in her arms. Henner who had been with them, had casted several low level healing spells to keep Weasley from losing any more blood than he had already but the infection on the wounds couldn't be removed without actual medical help.

In this world, Healing magic was something that most Water Affinity mages could use. However, such spells only covered healing the physical damage of a wound. It could seal cuts and make bruises vanish and such.

However, it couldn't address the problem of bacteria entering the wound and the potentially life threatening infections that followed. That required the presence of True Healing Magic, something that was much rarer.

Luckily for Weasley, there had just been one such True Healing Magic user in the city down below the Ashborne residence and Weasley had been rushed there right away.

It would take at least a week for Weasley to resume his normal activities but at least the wound was no longer life threatening.

Just thinking about it made Sylvia heave a deep sigh of relief as she eyed the silver haired young boy that sat across her. He hadn't gotten a haircut since he had arrived in this world so the hair that had almost grown to shoulder length was starting to look a little unkempt.

Sylvia chuckled go herself as she eyed her son subtly.

' Well at least he hasn't lost his appetite.'

Eventually, Weasley finished his meal and the two made small talk before Sylvia got down to business.

" Darling, as I've told you, you wouldn't be able to resume your normal routine until next week yes?"

Weasley nodded. Weasley wasn't pleased about not being able to do anything but there was nothing he could do about it. If only he could command his leg to "heal up or else!".

Some thoughts passed through Weasley's head as he contemplated what to do with the large amount of free time that he was about to get. Maybe he could ask Madel or one of the butlers or maids to bring him some books from the library? What do kids in this world even do for entertainment anyway?

' It's at times like this that I miss modern society…' Weasley thought dejectedly as his mind flashed back to the smartphone he used to have on earth.

" ….in any case, you will be a bit more busy from next week onwards." Sylvia's voice sounded with finality.

Weasley's head jerked up slightly.

' Shit! I wasn't listening at all!'

Fumbling for an excuse, Weasley opened his mouth uncertainly and closed it and opened it again like a gaping fish for air. His darting eyes basically told Sylvia all she needed to know.

She could read her son like a book.

Sylvia paused for a bit before her mouth stretched curled up slightly in a knowing smile.

" As I was SAYING.." Sylvia stressed while raising an eyebrow. " From next week onwards, you will split your magic training into 2 sessions. You will have lessons with Mrs Henner as usual in the mornings but you will now spend your afternoons with me!"

Weasley was confused.

" Why?"

" Why I wonder? Have a guess!" Sylvia poked fun at her son. Seemed that in addition to being a glutton, a genius and a crazy kid, he had the memory span of a goldfish as well.

Weasley's eyebrows knitted together as he sat deep in thought and did so for a long while until Henner decided to give him a hint.

" This is rather belated but.."

"..congratulations for breaking through!!"

"My baby is now the world's youngest mage!"

Sylvia's voice was playful and joking but filled with genuine pride.

The realisation then occurred Weasley and it made his heart palpitate with excitement.

" Finally! He was going to learn magic!"